Role Play : Forum : Mt.Olympus


12 Years Ago

Home to the gods and goddesses of acient greeceplease describe your god's/godesse's power,appearence,and peronality.your gods/godesses can be accurate or made may be mortal and/or demi-god,titan,anything really. Have Fun:)

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Godess name:Aphrodite Godess of:love Appearence(click on the word appearence for visual aid)long blonde hair,most beautiful face ever,light blue eyes,pale skin,and lovely figure Personality:flirty,girly-girlish,loveable

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Goddess: Athena (goddess Of the hunt)

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

God: Apollo, god of music, sun, archery, prophecy, healing, youth, and protector of flocks and herds (mostly cattle). Appearance: curly blonde hair, blue eyes, well built, pale skin----Goddess: Artemis, goddess of the hunt, moon, childbirth, wild animals, and protector of young children( with Apollo) Appearance: blonde hair, pale skin, fair, green eyes---Personality: the twins are both temperamental, yet also kind. Artemis is possessive sometimes and is the older twin. Apollo is cunning and is somewhat vain, knowing how talented and handsome he is.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

TO: Young Dreamer; I thought athena was the godess of wisdom.or did you just put your own spin on it?

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Demigod Name: Antheia (means flower in Greek) Bio: A demigod who is extremely quirky, has a dry sense of humor, isn't afraid to speak her mind, and kicks butt. (P.S. You're right, Meg, Athena is the goddess of wisdom. Artemis is the goddess of the hunt.) Looks: Long brown hair that looks copper in direct sunlight, grayish blue eyes, medium height, slightly tanned, and thin and lithe.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Knew it! :)

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

God: Hades god of death and riches. Tall, bare chested, baggy sweatpants. No facial hair and a neatly combed pony tail. well built and various tattoos surrounding a large Cerberus tattoo. Greek style helmet and very gentle yet unpredictable personalty

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Does everyone want to start now or wait a little longer?

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

CC: I'm good with starting now. If there are any who are against the decision to start, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Name: Searia (Demigod of Posideon) Looks: Sea blue eyes, Blonde hair waist length usually up in a ponytail and always in something light like a skirt or dress. Name: Demitraous (Demigod of Hades) Looks: short dirty blonde hair and bright orangish gold eyes. usually seen in black pants and a black cutoff jean vest with a red tie

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

AHO_O yes she is! (how embarrassing :P jk!) Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare(the glory of war), mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. (PS. Her roman name is Minerva so you can call her either one but I'd prefer Athena!)

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

ALSO: Looks- large gray eyes, long brown hair and ivory colored skin; this is her younger form, she looks like a child but she's still basically the same. (I know she sprung out of Zeus's head fully grown and in full armor but lets just say that she has a child form... and this is it:D)

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

CC: Yep! for anyone else who isn't sure, here's a quick rundown of the main greek gods/goddesses: Zeus-God of the sky and King of the gods/goddesses  Poseidon-God of the sea  Hades-God of the Underworld  Apollo-God of prophesy, healing, music, and the sun  Ares-God of war  Dionysus-God of wine (Or, as I like to call him, God of the drunks)  Hephaestus-God of blacksmiths  Hermes-Messenger of the gods  Aphrodite-Goddess of love  Artemis-Goddess of the hunt  Athena-Goddess of wisdom  Demeter-Goddess of grain (Fertility/growing stuff)  Hestia-Goddess of the hearth/home  These are just the generic ones, if you want info on some of the lesser-known ones like the muses, fates, a.k.a. the 'lesser gods/goddesses' just ask me, I love greek mythology! BTW, for you guys who didn't know, the greek gods could change their appearance and form, as well as that of others, to suit their purposes (Some of which were definately not moral)

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

ahah yeah:) So when we starting this thing?

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

CC: IDK. Hey, Meg, when we starting this thing? 'Cuz I'm ready when you are!

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

I love Greek mythology too it's one of my favorite things, it's something that I enjoy studying

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago


Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Aphrodite-Another day on Mt.Olympus i sigh,I Iook at the cloud filled landscape around me.Looks like a perfect day for a ride.I let out a loud high pitched whistle and smile as my element pegasus (a pegasus that changes into different elements,while still rideable and in pegasus form)Luna, comes out of the clouds in a lovely watery form.Lets go girl,i whisper to her as i mount her and begin to ride her at a gallop through the golden hallways."Watch-out!" i shout at bewildered gods as we race by.I smile as we gallop through the halls,my long blonde hair flowing behind me.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

I thought Artemis was the goddess of the hunt? Or is this the made-up gods and goddesses? Honestly, I don't know...

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