Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoAfter a while I stand up and walk outside, hoping to find a place to sit and think. I'm looking down, not really paying attention to where I'm going, almost dazed *What's going on?* I wonder dejectedly.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: I spot Sarai "You!" I scream growing angry "how dare you!" I cry "why would you kill her! We trusted you Kay trusted you I trusted you and you let us all down and KILLED my sister"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI look up, startled "What? You to?" I feel tears threatening "First Kay, now you?" the tears spill over onto my cheeks "I didn't do anything!" I almost yell, then start running blindly, tears blurring my vision. "I didn't do anything." I wisper to myself.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoRen: "I know you didn't which makes everything so much sweeter" I giggle "poor little Sarai all alone, the only problem is that now Ellene is with Kay an not me!" I growl "but oh we'll as long as she is happy I guess" I shrug
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I didn't go to the service, no point because I didn't know the girl well. Still the crazy things that have happened in the academy made my head spin. Sarai, betraying us all? Killing Sara? Somehow It was hard to believe but I had seen the body being pulled from the caves myself. Horrible, bloody, heart breaking. --- Hanzi: I had finished my work early and decided that Luna needed my support. I wasn't exactly sure what was happening but it seemed pretty serious and Sara had been lost. I'd have to look around and see what was happening for myself. It was the Academy, I couldn't see it fall apart around me as if it was just from fragile thing. It meant to much to me, to Sara, to Luna, to the Headmaster, and Kay, and Sarai, and all of us.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI keep running and running, ignoring the hot tears trailing down my face. I trip over something and just lay where I had fallen, not even trying to get up. "I didn't do anything!" I wisper to myself "I didn't kill her!"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoRen: I went back to the accadmey and walked around te halls Luna: I broke down in the garden.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoAfter my tears are spent I get up and walk to the headmaster's office. Everyone I passed gave me a look of hatred, disgust, or fear. One even spat and called me a murderer. I hesitate outside his door, then knock, opening the door slightly "Can I come in?" I ask quietly "Or are you going to call me a murderer as well?"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoJames: "come in my dear" I smile "I know you didn't kill her, you aren't like that and eventually Luna will realize that she is just hurting right now" I explain "the loss of her sister was a great shock to her... Sara was her life, she gave everything up for that girl, she gave up her life as a normal immortal child so that her sister could live, she's protected her sister for so long and the one time she leaves her sister her sister gets murdered, it's a pretty devastating blow, she'll come around soon enough though"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI come in and quietly shut the door behind me. I sit in one of the chairs across from his desk and study my hands in my lap "It's not just Luna, sir, it's everyone." I look up at him "A girl I don't even know called me a murderer just outside your door."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoJames: "I know, Ellene has got the whole school against you" I spin around in my chair "I know you didn't kill Sara but Ellene has Kay thinking you did ad he is the real headmaster of this school" I explain "his pack is a major part of this school, one of the only real core groups so it's only natural that they run the social gossip media part." I shrug "so everyone in the school has already heard about how you took over Rens body and forced her to slaughter Sara, according to Ren the experience was extremely traumatic to her"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI put my head in my hands *Even Kay is against me.* I stand up "Thanks for the explanation, I guess I'll just hide out somewhere and hope Luna doesn't kill me." I walk out the door and head twards my room. My heart catches in my throat as I spot the place where Kay and I first met. All of a sudden, I can't breathe. *What's going on?* I try desperately to get some air into my lungs, but I just can't. I fall and just lay there, trying to breathe. A moment later I finally gasp and start to breathe again. I sit up and scoot over to a wall, using it as support until the room stops spinning.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoRen: I smirk as I walk past "don't you just hate that feeling of not being able to breathe?" I laugh as I stalk off "Sara had that same feeling" I glare "Stay away from Kay" I hiss "and if you lay a single hair on Ellenes head, I'll make sure you end up just like Sara" I snap whispering into her ear like the wind "be careful where you tread little fledgling"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI watch as she walks off, then get to my feet and make my way to my room. I get inside and close the door, relieved to shut out those accusations of murder. I look sadly at the sketch of Kay I have on my wall, then can't breathe again. About a minute after I tear my gaze away from his picture I begin to breathe in sharp, painful gasps. "What's going on?" I murmur "This isn't Ren, I know that much."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: I knock on Sarai's door "Sarai are you there?" I call
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI sit on the bed and face the window "Yeah." I call, trying to compose myself. "It's open."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: "I'm sorry" I apologize "I should have never treated you like you killed her, you wouldn't do something so horrible to us" I sigh "and I was completely out of line"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI look out the window "No, it's fine, everyone else believes it as well, you're not the only one. Even Kay thinks I killed her." I stand up and look her in the eye "Luna, I didn't kill her, but someone did, and I plan on setting that to rights. It's because of me that she died, so I'm going to get her back."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: "but she dead she she can't come back" I cry "I'll make whoever killed her pay for it though" I wipe the tears away
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI look down "I can bring her back, not for long, but long enough for her to tell who really killed her." I hold up a hand to stop her from asking "I'll show you, but only if Headmaster James and Kay agree to listen as well. Headmaster James I know I can count on," I look her in the eye "but I need you to convince Kay to listen as well, can you do that?"