Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoKay: I quickly spun around "Sarai!" I cry as I cradle her gently "lets get you to safety" a tear slides down my cheek "I'm so sorry" Sara: I smell Ellene coming before I see her
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEllene: I change back to my natural form and put on the clothes I had stashed in the woods. Usually I didn't worry about my clothes until I got to my quarters, but this school had rules against that. "Things were much simpler when we stayed away from everyone else." I murmur as I walk inside. I glare at Sara and brush past her "Stay out of my way." I say icily as I continue on to my rooms. I get inside and find my girls waiting "Anything interesting happen on your walk, Elle?" Bridget asks "Well," Alisia says dryly "considering the fact she has blood on her teeth and hands, I'm guessing so." she looks at me and smiles "It's scent is familiar" I look into one of the mirrors hanging on the wall and fix my sleek, black hair. "Everyone but Alisia, get out." I command, my amber eyes glinting as they catch the light, temporarily turning them a shade of red not unlike that of fresh blood. "Now." The girls exit within a few seconds, I had trained them well. "It smells as though you've had a run in with our favorite little witch." Alisia purrs as she drapes herself across the bed, looking at me upside down, her bright green eyes holding my gaze intently "Tell me all about it." I describe the fight and how it had ended "She has him at her mercy already." I hiss "She's got him believeing he's actually bonded with her!" Alisia looks up at the ceiling "Well, you know what you need to do now." she says cryptically "No, I don't." I counter irritably "What?" She rolls over and smiles, her fiery red hair framing her face "Why, we need to take her on an all-expense paid trip, of couse." she states "I suggest a nice, dark cave that I know about. It has a wonderful twisting labyrinth surrounding it, nearly impossible to escape without my help." I smile "Why, you mean the one that's so cold you could freeze to death after a week or two?" "Three, if you're unlucky, which we'll make sure she is." I look at her happily "It's times like this when I realize how wonderful you are."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoSara: "you'll never get away with it" I slam open the door "Kay will never allow anything to happen to her" I smile
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEllene: I raise an eyebrow at Alisia and turn to Sara "You actually thought that place existed?" I ask with a chuckle "Alisia! She thought we were serious!" we both burst into laughter "I can't believe you thout we were serious!" I tell her "We say stuff like that about everyone who ticks us off!" "Yeah!" Alisia gasps through her laughter "It's a little different every time. Remember that one where I said I knew where we could take that other girl to-" she collapses in a fit of giggles "to have her baked alive?" "Oh!" I exclaim "How about the one about how we'd abandon that guy in an air-tight cell and let him sufficate?" I sit in a chair, giggling "That one was pretty good!"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoSara: "it doesn't matter if you were serious or not I can smell Sarai's blood all over you and I know Kay won't let you get away with even laying a hair on her" I glare
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEllene: I get up and smile patronizingly at her "Sweetheart, it was all a big misunderstanding, Kay and I have talked, and we've set the record strait. I promise, I won't harm a single hair on her head." I put an arm around her shoulder and steer her twards the door. "Now, why don't you leave so that I can get all of this blood washed off?" I suggest "Besides, you might want to be out their waiting for your friend, our little spat wasn't exactly tame." I leave her standing outside the door "This was a nice chat, and I hate to cut it short, but I've things to do." I give her a little wave "Bye now." and shut the door.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoNew character: Ren she is a part of Kay's pack and despises Sarai just like Ellene and is somewhat of a close friend ... Ren: " I thought she would never leave" I smirk before turning back from the window "I hope all that stuff about it being a misunderstanding was all bull" I smile
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEllene: I turn to the girls and cross my arms "Of course it was." I tell her happily "Now, what do you think? Where should we take her for her little, ahm, vacation?" I ask
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoRen: "it'll have to be someplace Kay can't normally get into but someplace that won't mind if we drop off a uh minor package"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEllene: I watch as Alisia gets up and tosses her hair over her shoulder "Trust me." she laughs "Only I know where the place is, and I know how to send Kay off the trail." I smile and go over to the window as I hear something. "I hope our favorite little wrench likes getting wet." I laugh "It's about to start pouring out there!"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoRen: "hypothermia is good" I laugh "as long as Kay can't save her we are good"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEllene: I walk over to the coffee station I have on my bedside table and pour me half a mug, grab a spoon, then head back over to the window. "No." I tell them as I motion for one of them to get me a chair. "This little shower won't do that much." I sit and place the spoon in the mug. "Perhaps I ought to give it a little boost." I turn to them "Watch closely." I instruct, then turn back to the window, I begin to stir, slowly at first, then gradually get faster. As my speed increases, so does the fury of the storm outside. "Get me some ice, crushed!" I command, and in a moment, one of them drops a handful of crushed ice into the mug. "Revenge, ladies," I tell them with a smile "is a dish best served cold." I hear the first hailstone fall and laugh "I just love iced coffee, don't you?"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoKay: I looked around "this weather is going to kill us all if we don't hurry and get home" I say noting the drastic change
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoSarai: I wake up feeling cold and...wet? "What's going on?" I ask "And why am I soaked?" I look up as thunder sounds "Ignore that last question." I tell them, then look at Kay "You've been crying." I start to reach up, but stop as I remember my arm "Kay, we might have a slight issue." I tell him, then look down at my leg "It's storming, I have a broken arm, and I'm not sure if I can put weight on my leg." I give him and Esther a weak smile "Either of you happen to know where I can get a wheelchair or something?" I ask
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoKay: I quickly transform and curl up beside her transferring my heat to her whole snuggling up close to keep her warm. I whimpered slightly as I licked her cheek.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoSarai: I smile "You're lucky my dad isn't around anymore." I tell him with a laugh "If he was, you'd be dead right now." I look around and bite my lip as I see a hailstone "We need to get to shelter." Ellene: I stop stirring and sip at the coffee "Ah, nothing like a good storm. I've always enjoyed my little gift." I tell them with a self-satisfied smile. "Now, let's figure out how we're going to keep Kay and the little pup from finding us out."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I didn't like the sight of this storm, it came on to fast and was far to strong to be anything natural. I move to crouch next to Sarai and smile, "I think we need to move you," I say with a gentle smile, "I'm the fastest and probably the strongest," I look at Kay with a shrug, "vampire after all. But it might hurt a bit..."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoKay: "Just get her out of here!" I send Ren: I smile as I lean against the bed "she did need to just chill" I laugh
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I look at Kay and nod then slowly slide my hands underneath Sarai and lift her as gently as I can, "Kay, You follow behind alright?" I say then shoot off through the forest. I was easily the fastest of the Royal Guard but I had to slow so that I could move more smoothly, I knew Sarai was in a lot of pain so every time I jarred her it probably hurt even more.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoSarai: I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing, trying not to cry out. My leg hurt,sure, but it was my arm that really bothered me. *Don't scream. Don't scream. Don't scream.* I tell myself over and over. An idea forms, and I take a deep breath. *Here I go.* "Esther, I'm going to try something, if I do anything really weird or worrying, slap me or something." I tell her, then go inside myself. *Okay, let's see if I can figure this out* I conentrate on, not my conciousness, but my body. I feel my awareness spread to the physical aspects of me and a thread of excitement shoots through, my heart speeding up slightly. *No, stay calm.* I slow my heartbeat to a more relaxed rythm and begin to search for exactly where the break was in my arm *Found you.* I examine it and try to figure out the best way to do this. *Here goes noth'n.* I create a mental barrier around it, locking my whole arm in place. I withdraw and let out a pent-up breath. My arm still ached, but not unbearably so, and it didn't move around as much. "Well, that worked to a degree."