Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I giggle, "You certainly are something," I point out, "But I doubt that will work this time. I mean... he's converted back to his Pureblood state... I mean he's still kind and gentle and very very honest... to a fault... he's still a good person but he's the weight of all the purebloods on his shoulders now... he has to change his perspective on thing and has to handle things in very different ways."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI nod, trying to stop laughing. I get the giggling under control, but can't stop the hiccups. "I know, but I intend to visit and talk with him about it anyways." I tell her in between hiccups. "I'm going to talk to Luna first though, I'll only resort to punching if all else fails. But that doesn't mean I won't give her a good shake." I scowl as I hiccup again "Curse these hiccups! A body can't even carry on a-" I huff as I'm inturrupted by yet another hiccup "-proper conversation." I finish, then get an idea. I sit up, scoot around until I was faceing the opposite edge of the roof, move a little closer to the edge, then lean back until I was hanging upside down by my knees.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: "You know... I could help you with those if you'd like." I say, "And you don't have to hang upside down..."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoTrent: "Nice to see you again" I smiled from my tree as I waved at the girls on the roof "are we having a party here or what?" I ask jokingly "it would be a shame if you were to....fall" I smirk "might not want to stand so close to the edge my dear, who knows what could happen?" I wave "but I fear I must be off, I've got a lovely surprise in store an I wouldn't want to be late" I leap into the darkness and pull out my phone "you ready?" I grin
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI scowl at the guy "Go fall into a deep, dark, forgotton crevice! It's bad enough you had to hurt our friend, but now you're makeing us look at that ugly mug? Have you no mercy?" I call. Then look up at Ester "Nah, I heard hiccups could be cured if you hung upside down, it seems to be working. Besides, I think Mr. Nasty's face just scared them outta me."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I scowl in the direction he had disappeared and get to my feet. Then looking at Sarai, I nodded and stepped off the roof. It was a few seconds of free fall before I landed lightly on my feet and disappeared into the shadows to follow him. "You." I snapped catching up to him and grabbing his shoulder so that he spun, "I don't know what the hell your up to bud. But I'm tired of you games. If your going to be an enemy, then act like it and don't p***y-foot around."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoTrent: "honey the worst has yet to come" I hiss as I wink, my body starts to disintegrate and suddenly thousands of spiders erupt from where I just stood. "See you soon" I growl. It made me want to laugh they had no idea who they were messing with
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI get back up onto the roof and look after her. "Nice talk." I comment, then turn to the exit. I get back down to ground level and decide to go ahead and hunt down Luna. I walk through the halls until I find her. "Luna, we need to talk." I grab her wrist and pull her along after me twards an empty classroom. "Now."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: "Let Go!" I yank my arm from her grasp "You have no right to grab me like that" I hiss "If you want to talk say so Don't! grab me and drag me like im some lost little girl who needs help finding her mother" I growl my eyes narrow "Now leave me alone, or you'll regret getting in my way" I spin on my heels and storm away.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI run after her "This is exactly what we need to talk about! I'm already regretting it! I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong!" I tell her "You haven't spoken to me or so much as glanced at me in days. Either we're going to talk about it in private, or I'll say it right here, right now for the whole school to hear!" I plant myself in front of her "Your choice, Mrs.Popular!" I inwardly cringe as I call her what I had called all the other popular girls who picked on me and hurt me, but I keep my outward appearance one of steely anger and resolve.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I raise an eyebrow as I caught up to Sarai and Luna. Well she did have guts but I doubt Luna would respond well to that. Hanzi had written me a letter about Luna once, when she was still the emotionless creature she was turning back into. He really did admire her but to me the thing she did, the way she acted. It was quite frightening. If I had been another creature, Not a vampire that is, I'd have been very scared. But I was a vampire, not a very well known bloodline but a pureblood all the same
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: "talk all you want but to protect this i care about this is who I have to be" I shrug "by the way never threaten me again, or you'll regret it" I walk past her again "oh also" I call back as I turn smoothly to face her again "I'm not popular, the reason people move out of my way te reason they listen to every word I say isn't due to their infatuation with me, it's due to their fear and respect of me, so don't group me with those girls you used to know because that's just insulting" I sneer as I leave
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI glare at her, forcing myself not to go after her. I simply send her a quiet message in her mind *Then stop acting like them.* With those words I send her images of all those girls, each with the look she had given me moments earlier. I storm off in the opposite direction and into the gym. I head over to one of the martial arts areas and get ready to fight. "A girl?" my opponent asks "You want me to fight a girl?" I smile sweetly at him "What? Are you scared or something?" I ask. "No, it's just that, well-" "Well nothing, just fight me already." The wistle sounds and I leap forward, quickly getting him down. "Next." I say simply.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoTrent: "Spectacular" I smirk picking my phone back up "proceed as planned, it's time to put our plans into action, and this surprise better be good" I warn hastily "I don't want any more shocks like last time" I roll my eyes "So don't fail me again Victoria" I click the phone shut and watch Luna collaps under one of the trees in the garden. Luna: I couldnt believe that I could actually walk away from her like that, just turn my back on her and leave her standing there. It hurt to see the look on her face it hurt even more to see all those images, to see how she viewed me through her eyes, but her trick was like mine, except mine makes peoples worst fears, worst nightmares come to reality, I get into their heads and make them feel so much pain that they wish they were dead, that was the gift I was blessed with, I could make people crumple in front of me in a matter of seconds without ever laying a single hair on them.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoVictoria: "Of course sir," I say but only receive the dead dial tone in return. He had hung up. I close my phone and sigh. "Who was that?" The familiar voice of Hanzi asked as he entered the room. I felt a blush reach my cheeks. He truly was turning back into a very, very handsome and proud Vampire. It made me seep with joy seeing him back to his old self. "Nothing, Darling." I say tossing my phone lightly onto the bed then join him at the door, "Shall we go to dinner? Everyone's going to be very surprised when they hear the big announcement." He give a small smile. Small, but there. That's right. I had the old Pureblood Hanzi back. One that wasn't riddled by That Girl's evil influences. It was like bliss, sweet powerful bliss.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoAfter beating a couple more kids I head to my dorm room. I sit at my desk, get out a clean sheet of paper, grab a pencil, and begin to write. I get about half-way through the letter when my pencil stops in it's motions and words stop flowing. I throw my pencil down and just sit there, looking at what I had written. "I'm loseing them." I say emotionlessly "My first real friends, and I'm loseing them." I feel tears threatening to spill over onto my cheeks. I move the paper carefully out of the way and put my head down on the desk "Get it together." I tell myself "Stop crying, it never got you anywhere before, it won't help you now." I reach out with my mind, trying to find something farmiliar, something dependable, something I could anchor myself to and trust to be there no matter what. *If something like that even exists.* I think miserably.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoTrent: "it's time" I grin as I stride up to Luna "you poor thing" I croon "your friends don't understand, your boyfriend turned his back on you face it you're completely and utterly alone baby doll" I smile resting my hand on her head as glares at me "I know the power that you have I've felt it, I know what you can do, why don't you show everyone else just how powerful you could be?" I smile Luna: "because I know who I am an I want to help others not hurt them" I snap
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoVictoria: It was an important dinner for Hanzi. He had finally taken full control, people were accepting him as the true leader and expected him to lead the Vampire nation into a prosperous age. I believed he could. Hanzi: "Yes, of course I've considered that possibility as well," I say answering one of the Noble's questions, "The relations with the underlings are getting better but it still needs a few little changes. With that of course, we'll have the upper hand and our power will grow. It's a perfect strategically, after all." The Noble nodded in approval and said something that I didn't catch because Victoria was next to me whispering in my ear, "It's time," She say with a playful smile, "They need to know about our engagement."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoMy head jerks up as I feel something: emotion. *Luna.* I identify the conciousness and brush against it *Something's up.* I stand, grab my bag, and throw open my door with a bang. I bolt outside, useing her conciousness as a light leading me to her. I stop abruptly a ways away as I see who she's talking to. *Yep, something is definately up.* I think, anger building up inside me. *Luna, do I need to come kick his sorry butt or do you want me to stay out of this?* I ask, not wanting to barge in on something if she didn't need or want me to. I didn't care about what she felt twards me or what she says to me, she's my friend and I'm going to be there for her, no matter how horrible she's acting.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoTrent: "it's you I feel sorry for" I shake my head "you'll spend your entire life here waiting for someone whose never going to come back" I hiss Luna: I look up at him "what do you mean? Hanzi won't leave me he loves me he will come back for me" I mutter but he just looks stunned "you don't know" he whispers "him and Victoria are engaged, they're telling the other purebloods tonight at their ball" he smirks "looks like he's forgotten about you after all" I stand quickly up and race over to James room "Sarai" I call "I'm sorry about how I've been acting thank you for never giving up on me" I smile as I open the door James: Luna runs in an tells me what's happening, quickly I fater Sarai Luna and the others "come Esther and I will be Luna's and Sarai's pureblood escorts so that we can get you in" I explain as we set off. We arrive at the entrance and are let in Luna: I act like I had the past couple days but secretly my mind is searching for Hanzi