Role Play : Forum : Moonlight Academy

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Kay: "Sara take him" I say as I race to Sarai "don't worry I've got you" I whisper as I pick her up " you were incredible" I smile "lets go home now" I say as me Hanzi and Sara take out people back to the school Trent: "the mind is a very fragile thing it's so flimsy that sometimes it'll just snap" I laugh

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: I shoot him a glare and fight back rage, "Shut you mouth, Halfling." I snap

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

I blink everything into focus "I didn't snap." I mumble "I'm just tired. Have him completely take over someone's mind and body and try not to black out. I've half a mind to snap him in half, but I think I'll just give him a good punch and let Hanzi do the snapping."

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Kay: "I wanna see what Luna does to him, after realizing that she was only facing one person instead of many, let me guess she fought back" I laugh web I saw his wounds "be glad that all she had was a piece of glass otherwise you'd be dead, then again she'll probably make you wish you were dead" Trent: "halfling" I mutter "I may be a halfling but I'm not as worthless at that stupid little girl" I growl "an immortal child turned vampire pathetic, the only vampires that deserve any respect are purebloods but apparently some don't even deserve that" I snarl

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

I hear his retort and decide to mess with him "Tell me, which "little girl" injures your pride the most?" I smile "The little girl who kicked your butt before you could touch her, the one who held you still, or the one who's escorting you so easily now? Personally, I can't really decide which would be the one that revoked your man card, if you ever had one, that is." 

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Trent: " I was never supposed to live" I laugh " I was supposed to get caught unfortunately though my plans didn't work SHE was supposed to DIE!" I hiss "if you don't kill me they will"

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

"Well," I say sweetly "looks like we'll just have to keep you safe, well, at least, from them. No promises when it comes to Hanzi. You really ticked him off, and that's an understatement. I'm not going to stand in the way of that." I look up at Kay "Will you put me down? I think I can walk now."

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanz: I was brooding. They knew it. I knew it. and we all knew it was only a matter of time before I snapped and quite frankly he was very lucky I was carrying Luna right now. I fought hard to keep my cool but this guy. He was clearly a thorn beneath my nail and I didn't like that much. "He's only sulking." I say to the others, "That's why he's so persistent and annoying. He's made that Luna didn't die and he knows I don't plan on letting him have another shot." I narrow my eyes, "Though if you were aiming for anyone I don't really understand, why Luna." I shake my head in slight confusion, "She is only a Halfling, after all, AND she's not friends with many powerful people. There's James and me but still, we've nothing much to do with the council anymore." I look over the other. I had no ideas as to why they would attack Luna. It was puzzling.

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Trent: "she may be a no good halfling but she's special, she's important to the prince and we death would ruin him, plus the head of our group can't stand her so really it's a win win if you know what I mean" I shrug

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: My eyebrow shot upward, "Luna knows a prince!?" I look at the others, "Do you guys know about this?" I look down at her curled up in my arms and frown. She would have told me if she knew a prince... I mean she didn't really keep anything from me. I furry my eyebrows and look away from Luna, "Leader. Who's your leader?" I question.

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Trent: "you don't know, they didn't tell you" I laugh "oh they have been keeping secrets from you" James: "shut it" I hiss I turned to Hanzi "Hanzi we we were going to tell you but the time wasn't right and then your mother died but you knew her as your aunt and we couldn't tell you then and everything just happened so fast" I tried to explain it all "Hanzi you are the Pureblood Prince of the Vampires" I say calmly "the throne is rightfully yours not Victorias, but it'll take a lot more than you to revoke her status" I sigh "and although she is currently te leader of the vampires she is not the leader of this rebellion, somebody else is pulling the strings"

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: My eyebrows shoot upward and I chuckle, "That's a good one." I say thinking it's a joke but only get a serious look from James and a smirk from the other b*****d, "Your just joking with me right?" I shake my head, "I mean... I can't be Prince. I would know! People would treat me differently and they would..." my words trail off as I realize people DID treat me differently. Everyone in the Council and Pureblood society regarded me very highly ever since I was very young... it hadn't made sense to me before but... I flop down in a chair. Stunned.

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Trent: I smirk "although why they want her versus you dead has got me stumped"

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: I glare at him. Standing from the chair I hand Luna (who I was still hold O.o) to James and make my way over to the guy. Grabbing the front of his shirt I slammed him hard against the bookshelf behind him and narrowed my eyes, "Don't f**k with me." I hiss through my teeth, "Who the hell do you work for?" I felt the room go cold around me and paused just slightly. It had been a long time since I had lost control last. The power of Purebloods was overwhelming when we showed emotion, that why we only did when we wanted to get our way. Otherwise we are emotionless. At this point in time it didn't matter if I let my full powers escalate through the room so that is frightened everybody. This b*****d would tell me what I wanted to know.

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

My eyes widen and I rush over to where Hanzi was "Stop." I tell him, pulling on his arm, trying to think of a way to stop him short of hurting him "Hanzi, you have to calm down." *If he gets out of control, he could do something he'll regret.* I think, remembering once when I had seen only a pureblood halfling lose it.

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: I tighten my grip on the guy trying to ignore Sarai. It didn't matter. Someone was targeting me through the people I loved. It didn't matter how I got the information. I was tired of this and if I was truly the rightful King of all Purebloods I should have the power to do this. However, if I did anything stupid. If I let my emotions take over. I sigh as I loosen my grip and let the guy sag again the half-ruined bookshelf. "Stay. Away. From. Them." I growl getting really close to his face, "Or you won't be as lucky." I spin and stalk to the opposite side of the room where I cross my arms and force my eyes closed. I needed to compose myself.

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Trent: I roll my eyes and pull out a small baton twisting it it extends to a full length staff, I hit the werewolves and the fairie or whatever she was and leapt through the window "well it's been nice meeting you" I salute as I jump down "I'm sure we will meet again" I call as I dissappear into the night. I could easily wipe them all out minus Hanzi and James of course, they were the only ones who would be a real challenge I pulle out my phone "hey Victoria" I smiled. I was at my hiding place where I usually stay "I have a task for you" I grin, pretending to be at the bottom of the food chain when really I was at the top was my greatest idea yet "two tasks actually one I need you to get me into that school as a student and second there should be a vile of blood on your bed, use it wisely" I snap my phone shut

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: I don't bother going after him. I would kill him on spot if I caught him, it was good that he left. I turn back to the others and watch as they slowly get to their feet. "I'll be gone for awhile." I state to them and look at James, "It seems like I have some business to take care of."

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

James: "Hanzi you can't go after the council or Victoria just yet, the best way to figure out what is happening is to pretend you don't know a thing, act like you don't believe us that you think that I am stupid and an idiot" I say "only then can you figure out what's happening"

Re: Moonlight Academy

11 Years Ago

Hanzi: I laugh and shake my head, "I don't intend to find anything out." I say pulling on a jacket as I head for the door, "But I can no longer allow my mother's Kingdom to be ruled by a woman such as that. I've work to do, it will take much work to full rule the world of Purebloods." I look back at the others, "Take care of her." I say brushing away some of Luna's hair, "I don't know how long it will be until I see her again, or any of you." I sigh and nod then head out the door.