Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI look after Sara for a moment, then take off after her. I see something out of the corner of my eye and stop. a scent reaches me on a breath of wind *Blood, fresh blood.* I cover my nose *I hate that smell.* I look around, forcing myself to stay calm and not bolt *Where is it comeing from?* I wonder *More importantly, what is it comeing from?*
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoHanzi: "Where's Luna?" I ask them realizing that if something was wrong she would have been here. She was always involved in tasks at the school, James had always been very dependent on his daughter when it came to things like that. Which only meant. "JAMES! Where is she?" I snap then curse and fling myself from the room. "Luna!" I call as I near her room, "LUNA! Lu-..." my words cut off as I reach her room and I see the mess. I felt myself freeze and go limp as I dropped to my knees. -------- Esther: I had been following Hanzi all day but hadn't expected this. stand behind him in horror and slowly place my hand on his shoulder, "Hanzi..." I whisper but he flings my hand away. I couldn't get a good look at his face but it was clear as hell he was no longer the calm and composed vampire he had been since birth. He mutters something but I couldn't quite here him, "What?" I ask leaning in so that I could maybe hear better. "They. Will. Pay." I hear him say once more in a forced voice. My eyes widened, "Hanzi, You can't go after them. It's to dangerous and..." I stop myself before I say anything stupid. I watch as Hanzi gets to his feet and turns. His face was no longer full of rage or any emotion as a matter of fact, it was stone cold. more frightening then I had ever seen him. "Try and stop me," He says as he brushes past. "damn." I say as I look around once more then follow after him.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI shake off the fear rising in me and run to the school. I run into Hanzi and breath a sigh of relief "Hanzi," I gasp "thank goodness. I don't know what to do. I smelled blood in the forest, fresh, somethings wrong..." I stop as I notice the look on his face "Hanzi," I ask carefully "what's wrong?"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoHanzi: I was numb. I couldn't feel or hear anything. The only thing that passed through my head was the memories of the room that was tattered and covered in blood. I ram into something and look down absently but then simple brush past. Had they mentions something about the forest? I head in that direction.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I look around frantically, "Damn lost him," I say then spot a girl, "You, Sarai, right? Have you seen Hanzi? I lost him and he's not in a good state right now... it's not save for him to be alone. He might do something rash."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years Ago"I know where he's going." I tell her "Follow me." I set off at a run. I catch up with Hanzi and place myself in front of him. "Hanzi, stop." he ignores me. I plant my feet and push him back, trying to keep him from walking farther, but he was definatly stronger than me and just pushed me along ahead of him. I shake my head and stop pushing "Sorry, Hanzi." I tell him "But I don't know what else to do." I curl my hand into a fist and put all my strenth into an uppercut.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I was stunned, "I can't believe you just did that," I say as I feel my jaw drop a little, "Gotta say... that was a pretty good hit though. Very solid!" Hanzi: I come out of my daze as something hits me, blinked I look around, "Forest." I say rubbing my jaw, "Ouch..."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI pull my hand away stinging. "First off:" I begin calmly, then yelp "Ow!" I take a deep breath and find composure "Okay, now that I've gotton that out of my system." I look to Hanzi and cradle my hand "What in the world is up with you?" I demand "And I think I just broke my hand getting you out of that daze or whatever, so you had better give me a strait answer, or I just might break the other one as well to knock some sense into you."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoEsther: I see Hanzi's eyes cloud over a bit with sorrow, fear, and worry. Quickly I decide he should explain and jump in, "Luna's gone." I state seeing Hanzi flinch in the corner of my eyes, "Her room is just like the Winter Elf's, we don't have much hope."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoA cold knot settles in my stomach. I look to the girl, then to Hanzi, then back to the girl. "No." I breath "No." I look at Hanzi for a moment, then give him a hug "We're going to find her." I tell him "We're going to find her and Faen. And when we find who did it, you and I will take turns beating the crap outta them. We'll make them suffer for what they did. I promise."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoHanzi: My eyes widen a little when she hugs me but it did make me feel better, "yeah," I say as I close my eyes, "I sure hope so."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: "Hanzi where are you" I cry as the pounding on the glass grows louder and harder as whoever is after me smashes into it, their initial attack had caught me off guard. They came out of nowhere and just sliced right into my abdomen, they flung me all around breaking mirrors and vases which just left even more wounds but luckily I was able to use my ability on them buying me enough time to flee. but not enough they soon caught up to me, they got in a couple more wounds before I managed to get to where I am now. I was able to lock them out but I don't know how long the glass can take this Sara: I shift and race after Hanzi, I find him with the others "Hanzi you should know it wasn't te same person as who toke Faen the room looked the same but it was different,it felt different with Faen they got it and did the job and got out but with Luna it's like whoever it was was toying with her, playing with their prey" I explained "we are looking for a male, someone who could overpower a vampire and who can wield certain weapons, good at stealth virtually unnoticeable in your everyday life"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoHanzi: my eyes narrowed slightly as determination sets in, "Start looking through records." I say, "Tell james we are looking for a Halfling, most likely became a Ranger after their stay here." I turn to the others. "Gather as many people as you can, and as you trust, then spread out." I say then smell the air, "The blood is fresh so she couldn't have gone to far." I then turn and start to track the blood trail. Esther: "Hanzi. where are you going!" I call as he heads deeper into the forest. "To find the girl I love." He states very bluntly making me blush even though he wasn't even talking about me. "When did Hanzi grow up so much?" I ask myself as I set out with the others.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI glower "I'll dig into every mind I encounter until I figure out who it is." I growl "After that, well, I wouldn't want to be that person." I narrow my eyes "Don't bother me for about fifteen minutes, I've an idea." I close my eyes completely and use the extra energy and drive from my anger to send a signal blasting violently in all directions. "Luna!" I scream in my mind repeatedly "Luna!"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoHanzi: I jump about three feet when she starts screaming in her head and turn back to raise an eyebrow at her, "ouch. that hurt more then the punch."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years Ago"I said don't bother me." I say quietly. I keep on screaming her name for about twenty minutes, then stop for a break. I wince as the headache sets in "Well, it's not as bad as I thought it'd be." I say as I rub my temples "I'll start up again in a bit." I tell them "I'm determined to keep this up until either Luna answers, or whoevers holding her gives themselves up to stop my screaming in their head."
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoLuna: everything begins to blur I swear I can hear my name being called but I can't be to sure, my head hurts and I start to feel dizzy and it gets harder to breath, I hear a crash and I realize that he must have found a way inside, I duck behind one of the wooden tables and grab a piece of glass at my feet and curl up into a small ball trying to avoid being seen a voice sounds throughout the building "I know you're in here, you can't hide from me forever little girl I will find you I will catch you and I will kill you" he laughs
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI was already angry, but now, I was frustrated as well *No answer.* "Hanzi, warning, I'm about to start up again." I mentally take a breath and scream "Luna!" as loud as I can, loud enough that even I start a bit. I keep up the scream, well, really, it was a shriek.
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoHanzi: I hear a very faint crash. very very faint but still it was there. I also catch the scent of fresh blood also very faint but still it was there. "Luna!" I call as I shoot off at full speed in the direction of the noise, "LUNA!"
Re: Moonlight Academy11 Years AgoI see the direction Hanzi runs off in and concentrate on anyone over in that area. I encounter a few conciousnesses, one of which had brick walls surrounding it. I grit my teeth and drill into it full force, after a minute I make a crack then tear it all down. I see the man's intent *Luna!* I snarl and screech into his mind, flashing an image of light behind his eyes, hopeing to blind and disorient him. "No one hurts my friends and gets away with it!" I scream at him. He starts to retaliate, but I batter him back, doing my best to buy Hanzi time.