Role Play : Forum : Moonlight Academy

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I growl "If Little Miss Princess Victoria did this...You guys better pray for her, and that I'll give her mercy, because I don't think even she would really deserve what I'd do to her."

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Hanzi: I sigh and rub my face as I leave the Council. All I had learned was that I'd have to go to my father if I wanted to find anything out. Sliding into the car I tell the driver to head back to the school

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: "good now stay away from me and my friends and I'll try to stay away from your.... Prince?" I question oddly

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I take a deep breath to calm down "Why do these things always happen? First a rebellion, now this?" I look to the others "Any other surprises I ought to know before I go insane from not knowing things?"

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Esther: "Even for a transformed you should know about the Vampire Royal Bloodline," I say sighing as I enter the room and smell blood at once, "You said she was taken? There's a lot of blood here." I look over my shoulder at her, "It doesn't look bright for her, even if she's a Winter Elf." Winter Elves could survive even better then those of us who haven't been close to death. Their body freezes itself until the heart beat is very slow. It then goes into a coma like state so that the body can heal itself. However, everything needs blood. Winter Elves don't need much but there was ALOT here. Hanzi: I spot everyone crowding around in the outskirts of the forest and head over, "What's everyone doing here?" I ask

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

"Trying to figure out how and why Faen's been taken." I tell him "As well as, on my part, trying to figure out which of our guests to interrogate after the big guy."

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Hanzi: "Faen? The elf I met the other day?" I say raising an eyebrow, "She was taken?"

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

"Yep, just when we thought it couldn't get worse, it does." I stretch a bit and wave to the others "I'm heading out to exersize, I'll be interrogateing people in about an hour, if anyone needs me."

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Hanzi: "Try not to strain yourself to much," I tease as I watch her go, "Might as well take a look at the crime scene right?" I wave to the others and head to Faen's room.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: "I know the bloodline" I growl "Faen is strong despite her shy outward appearance shell pull through if it does come to that" Sara: "oh and uh we have a new guest" I growl "some vampire was here wanting to tal privately with James, I can tell you what they talked about later, I don't think she realized how good a wolves sense of hearing is" I smirked

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Esther: "Yes, well your prince is here." I say, "And I've been ordered to protect him." I straighten when I catch a scent that's familiar. Frowning I look around and spot the drink on the table, "looks like your kidnapper was waiting for Faen when she got back." I point to the drink, "Most likely to be a mystic of some kind, thought probably not vampire." I turn to her, "Listen. You can be as cold to me as you like, I've been raised to protect the royal family since I was born five thousand years ago." I look her over, "All I ask is that you don't get in my way. Times are dangerous for one of Royal Blood, I don't want the Prince in any more danger then he's already in." Hanzi: I hear talking in Faen's room and pause outside the door. I was silent. I doubted the people inside knew I was there.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: "I wouldn't do anything to hurt your precious prince but only 2 people matter to me more than anybody else in this world, the first being my sister the second being Hanzi and if anybody tries to hurt them than they are going to wish they were never born, I'm sure your prince means just as much to you as they mean to me so I understand how you must feel" I admit "so lets both just do our best to protect those that we care about" I smile, I understood what she meant, as much as I didn't like her attitude I knew where the hostility was coming from

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I sink down into a chair and sigh, putting my head in my hands. I had been interrogateing the big guy for about two hours before he snapped. I'd had to torture him with light exposure and inhuman amounts of pain I created to wrack his body. I'd hated every moment of it and now had a headache for my horrorific efforts. Galen, one of the wolves in Kay's pack who had let me in after a bit of pleading on my part, comes over "You did alright, I thought you wouldn't be able to do it, but I was wrong." he admits grudgingly then c***s his head to the side "Hey, you okay? You don't look to good." I stand up "Yeah, I'm fine, just a headache." I head to the next room "Here I go again." I wisper as I straiten and enter *Two down, seven to go.*

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Esther: "Hanzi? What is he to you?" I turn to her with a serious face. What did she have to do with the Prince? Hanzi: I had heard enough straightening I enter the room, "Oh I didn't know that... ESTHER?" My voice hits a note of surprise as I enter the room, "What are you doing here! I haven't seen you since the family gathering five hundred years ago! How's Amelia? You're taking good care of her right?"

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I come out hours later and look around: no one in sight. As soon as I'm sure no one is there to see I collapse against a wall, leaning my head back on it, and allow a tear to escape. I had a borderline migraine headache, was exausted from all the magic I had done, and I felt horrible about doing those things to those people. I wipe away the tear before it can trail any farther down my cheek, it woundn't do to look like I've been crying when I go into the next interrogation.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: my mood immediately brightens once he walks into the room "Hanzi" my voices rises in both surprise and delight "you're back" my smile softens but I stand where I am not knowing his connection to this girl, I am sure to keep my distance for now Sara: after Hanzi ditched me I turned and started hunting finally after so long I was able to catch something somewhat skillfully

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

As soon as the door to the cell closes with a quiet "Click." I allow myself to lose the millitary posture and stumble over to another chair. "One more, Sarai. You can do it." This one would be the hardest, he was the one they considered the leader, and he was strong, it was only luck the I had gotten into his head so easily earlier. "Perhaps I ought to take a break?" I ask myself "I mean, I'm not at the level of efficiency that I need to be, I could take a break for about an hour, then resume his interrogation." I walk unsteadily out of the wolf dorms and head outside, I wasn't going to be able to sleep with all those people I hurt weighing one my concience. I head to my favorite spot and take a seat. I put a finger in the stream and watch as the ripples spread out. *I wish someone else could have done it.* I think *But I wouldn't ask any of them to, I don't want them to have to see or feel that horror.*

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Esther: My smile fades at the mention of Amelia, "She's dead." I say sadly making Hanzi's smile of delight fade to a mask of horror. "How?" He asked as we dropped into a chair, "She... was murdered?" I nod and look away, "Yes. I wasn't able to get to her in time." Hanzi: I shake my head at the news and rub my face. My aunt was dead?

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I splash my face with water and scowl at my reflection *Snap out of it, you've a job to finish.* I head back to the wolf dorm and bang on the door until Galen lets me in "Thank you." I say simply as I walk on. I get to the guy's cell and take a deep breath. "Want me to come with you?" he asks "No." I tell him "I need to finish this, alone, I don't even think you'd like to see this." I open the door and head inside "Let's get this over with." I growl.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: my heart and head sink when I see the look of pain that crosses Hanzis face, I had no idea who Amelia was to him but my guess was that she was someone important "I'll leave you two alone to talk" I curtsy as I exit the room Kay: I enter the wolf dorm and notice a couple wolves keeping guard Sarai must be interrogating