Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI laugh "There's the gentleman I first ran into, I thought I'd lost him earlier!" I gesture for him to go first "You know where we're going, I don't know which entrance, so you'll just have to lead me," I curtsy "Sir Kay."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: " never mind I'm sorry to have bothered to with such a silly question, I'll see you later" I smile slightly as I turn and rush away, "how embarrassing" I whisper to myself as a tear falls down my cheek Kay: "this way my lady" I smile as I lead the way to the wolf dorm
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "wait Luna!?" I call but she keeps going, "Don't run away..." After she was fully gone from my sight I turn and start heading back to my room. 'what do you think of me?' the question itself was rather puzzling. I didn't put much thought into anything anymore. In my line of work they were either friendly or not so friendly. Those that crossed me were punished and those that didn't I simply left be. Sure Luna was a bit more then just a face in the crowd but she was James's daughter and she wasn't a pureblood so just the mere thought of having any other relations with her was chilling and would result in her punishment. That was the main reason why I tried not to get to close to others. Association with a pureblood was dangerous business. I click my tongue and enter my room as I wondered what she had really meant. 'what do you think of me?' the words rang in my head as I leaned back in my chair and sighed. What did I think of her?
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI had been cleaning for about an hour or two when I relize vamp boy might not have been told. Kay was a good distance away and I didn't want to yell so I just send him a message "Hey, did you ever tell vamp boy we could use the east wing? 'Cuz I didn't. Should I try and find him or should I just tell him later?" I go back to scrubbing the floor and hum a little tune *Just like Cinderella* I muse *But without the fairy godmother or the prince charming.* I take a quick glance around *I wish I did have a fairy godmother, though, we shure could use some bippidi-boppidi-boo right now.* I give a ghost of a smile *Humans, they have such crazy ideas when it comes to the unnatural: silly, qurky old ladies as godmothers, evil witches as queens, and overly extreme 'hunks' as vampires and werewolves. I mean, seriously, where do they get these crazy ideas?*
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: "why did I have to ask such a stupid question?" I yell at myself from the rafters of the old cathedral on campus, despite the humans beliefs vampires actually often attended church although no one was there currently "I bet I sounded so so stupid to him" I cried why can't I think of any other word other than stupid "just like all the other girls who are all over him" I was disgusted in myself "how could I possibly think for a moment that he could possible like someone like me, we are from two different worlds yet one in the same race, just like the Victorian era for humans" I laughed remembering that era very well, it was fun but you got bored after a while. I blushed at the sudden memory of Hanzi escorting Victoria to one of the many grand balls that James had thrown and I wondered why I couldn't be like her Kay: "gee I wonder where the got the idea of hot ripped vamps and Were's from" I laughed as I threw my shirt at her "I don't know what were you met but I have abs of steel" I joked which got nervous and cold looks from the rest of the pack to them It was seen as the leader getting too friendly with an outsider with someone not of the pack, but even so doing the same with Sara was just as frowned upon if not more so
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I sighed, "I should be worrying about other things. Like those photographs..." I whisper as I stare at my ceiling, "Maybe it's time for James to throw another Universal party. We have enough power to pull most of the Royal houses..." I think it threw. I'd rather have the troublemakers right under my nose then some unknown place. Picking up the phone I decide to give James a buzz to tell him about my idea. After explaining I hang up and turn on my laptop. It would be his choice now if the party happened.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoJames: I loved throwing parties, and Hanzi knew it he knew I couldn't refuse to throw a party no matter what. I already started planning, I sighed "Luna and Bryce would have to find other escorts this time they could no longer escort each other, it was time they found someone to escort them or to escort in Bryces case, I invited everyone from the school and that Hanzi suggested
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "We'll need to clear out the Mansion..." I say absently as I stand and head for the main building, "The Ball room, gathering room, smoking hall, and library all need to be cleaned and prepared." I venture through the halls. No students were allowed in the main hall unless called there. It was a place of pure business. "The Dinning room too..." I comment looking over the dusty rooms. It had been ages since we had used this building. "we also need to think on an occasion..." I whisper, "Maybe I'll say it's my birthday... everyone will surely come then..." I think on it and realize I didn't even remember when my birthday was, "Well that could be problematic and quite helpful at the same time..." I shrug and call on a few maids to start with the preparations.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- I close my book. "Alright Bryce I'm heading-" I stop when I look up and see he's not there. I look around but still I couldn't find him. He must have left. I sigh and check out the book and head to my dorm.----Bryce- "Luna?" I called out as I climbed up to the part of the church where she was at. "There you are." I say smiling as I find her. Then I look at her more and notice something's wrong. "Hey what is it?" I say kneeling down to her.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoJames: I pondered a thought, I called Hanzi "the party is all set we are celebrating Luna's 300th and Bryce's 150thcis that alright" Luna: "what are you Doing here" I growl
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoBryce- "Hey I'm sorry don't bite my head off. But I saw you coming here, looking upset. And as your friend I wanted to see if there's anything I can do." I say being kind to her even though she had snapped at me.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Who said I wanted to look at your abs, besides, don't you know it's rude to listen in on other people's thoughs?" I laugh "Besides, I didn't quite finish. I was going to talk about how emotional they are, and the fact that they go around looking like they're starving and have someone waveing a cheesebuger or something in their face all the time." I pause and think for a sec. "Not to mention the fact that they aren't very funny, at all." I get up and head twards him "Now, put your shirt back on," I shove it at his gut, effectively makeing him double over slightly "Mr. Abs Of Steel, and get back to cleaning," I give him a cheeky smile and go back to the area I was cleaning "before I get out my fists of titanium and beat your butt in front of your whole pack."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoKay: "they're funny looking" I point out and laugh "well some of them are anyway" Luna: " I don't want to talk about it can you please just leave me alone?" I adk
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "Sounds fine to me..." I say, "Hopefully they'll come. If I get Victoria to go I'm pretty sure we won't have any problem with the vampires and anyone whose hoping to get a word in with me or you. Yeah, that should work just fine."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoJames: "alright the party shall be in a weeks time I trust that everything will be ready"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "I already have my people working on it." I say with a shrug, "It will probably be ready within the next two days. You'll just have to pick out the food you want and all of that... fun stuff." I chuckle. I hated planning parties just as much as James but since I was dealing with the planning he'd have to deal with the dirty work. Picking out food and inviting guests.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoJames: "oh joy" I muse "food selection" I laughed "very well oh and Hanzi who are you escorting to the party?" I asked "I need to make the announcing sheet"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "Not sure yet. It depends on if Victoria plans to dress me up and dance me around like a show monkey that night." I say sourly, "I hope you know. If you weren't my closest friend I wouldn't have accepted your plea for help and you'd be the one left to dance with the Monsters that call themselves Purebloods." I fall into a chair, "Honestly, I understand now why my father hated to go into the Council when I was younger. As soon as I turn 1500 I'll be riding myself of the Council and take to the country somewhere away from Victoria, her henchmen, and the idiots that call themselves the Councilors."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoJames: "I dance among them too" I sigh "I'm just behind te scenes"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "Lucky you," I say pushing myself up, "You can partner me with whomever you'd like for the entrance, it doesn't matter to me."