Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: I laugh "you could say that, really we just want someone to notice us, to not be forgotten like so many others, we want someone to love us as much as we love them, but sadly we've never found someone whose lifespan matches ours whom we feel that way about and who feels the same way, so we are constantly trying to find ways to stand out, I think that's why Sara has stayed here as long a she has" I look down at the ground " I guess I'm just scared to lose her, cause now she doesn't need me, she has no reason to stay here"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "Oh," I say crossing my arms as I lean against the rocks, "I don't think anyone will forget you." then I shrug, "I know I certainly won't. After all, I can't stay here forever. They need me else where... Even if it hard it's just the way fate is." I look at her and smile, "You can't expect Sara to stay here forever just like I can't stay at the academy forever. We all need to follow our own path... Sara is just following hers while your following yours." I laugh, "well that wasn't as well said as I had hoped but I hope I got the point across."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: " following my fate" I smile to myself "I eternally stuck as a junior in high school who knows maybe ill be a senior next year but I'm stuck here unless headmaster has something else for me in mind" I stand up "but I do wish both of you the best of luck while you follow your path" I smile "I've got to go prep for tomorrow" I say as I pass him to leave
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"I've read about it, but never seen a picture or anything. All I know is what they taught us in history, and I've already completed the semester. We were supposed to see a picture of them in class, and, well, I wasn't in class at the time. I don't get it. Why would I draw them, and how if I've never seen them before?
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I sigh and grab her arm before she can go, "The headmaster wants you to pick your own fate Luna." I say as I look her in the eyes, "He didn't create you to be his work-dog."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: " thanks Hanzi, but I don't even know what my fate is, my heart lies somewhere it should never have been and I'm afraid that that is where it will stay for now" I smile as I lean in and kiss his cheek "Goodnight Hanzi"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- "And that's the mystery here then."----Bryce- "Do you know if you have any premonition powers?" I ask Sarai.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoFaen: I wander through the school but pause next to the weird building near the rear of the school. It was just a plain one story hut. Entering I look around in confusion. There was just a single door that wouldn't open no matter what I tried so I turn and head out, "There's something wrong with this school." I mutter as I head back to the forest where I could thoroughly cool off without someone freezing to death beside me. Hanzi: I raise and eyebrow at her and nod, "right well when your ready we could use your help with a project we are working on." I say straightening, "You know where to find us."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: he would never understand I looked away as I dove through the waterfall and into the lake that it flowed into. I
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI shrug "I have no idea. With three different bloodlines in me I'm a puzzlebox, an unsolvable one. The only reason I really came here was because the Headmaster wants to study me. Even he hasn't figured me out, he's found one or two things, but not much else, that kinda aggrevates him." I gesture to the sketches "All I know is unless we concentrate on the whole picture, instead of just a few drawings, we'll never figure this out."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I head back to where they were trying to solve the picture riddle and look over the picture from a distance. "What about the Royal bloodlines and parties that work directly under them." I say, "Victoria isn't royal but she's as close to the royal then anything we vampires have." I shrug, "Maybe there's going to be a big war."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Thats a possibility, but what about all these places?" I ask "One is a place I've never been and others are here at the school and near the town, not to mention a few other scenes from elsewhere. My question is what do they have to do with this? Are they meeting spots? Places where a battle will take place, what?" I cross my arms and glare at the ornery pieces of paper "Grr...Why do rebellions have to be so flipping complicated? Maybe if I stare at them long enough they'll give up their secrets."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: "well maybe these are people that they are targeting," I say pointing to the important people that were there, "The others are the assassins or perhaps people involved. The spots are maybe... uh... sights of the assassinations?"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Well, if anyone finds any 'dead' people anywhere, then we'll confirm that theory. Until then, we'll just have to keep guessing and hope we come up with and prove a logical solution. Right now, I'm more worried about the people. They can talk, the scene can't, as far as I know, except to give us one or two clues." I shake my head "We need to get people on the inside and pump them for information. It's the only way we're going to get something soon, and I am not very patient."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoBryce- "I know most of these people. I can probably get the information you guys need."---Merileth- "And if you'd like I can check out the mountains while I'm gone to see my father tomorrow. See if anything is happening there."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Guess thats as good a plan as any." I agree. "Whatever we do, we'll have to discuss it later, I've got classes tomorrow, and I've not enough sleep already." I give a mock salute "Pleasure serving with you, but I'm gonna hit the hay. Later guys."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: the headmaster had returned ahead of schedule and asked me about the past few days events, he informed me that the wolf dorm would have to be opened again which meant house cleaning, Kay would be in charge of that. He also said that Sara would have to leave our special quarters to join them, I kinda saw it coming Kay: "if you will excuse me I will be getting back to my pack now we will be attending school tomorrow, we are also in charge of cleaning this place up being that this is the wolf dorm, we will be staying here from now on" I bowed "it's a pleasure to see you again Hanzi as always ad I will see you tomorrow Sara"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI steal outside and take a breath of fresh air, then I realize *If the werewolves come back, we'll have to move out of the rotunda, why didn't I think of this before? Why do these complications always pop up?* I close my eyes, lean against a tree, and think for a moment. *I'll go explain to the headmaster about the rebellion and what we're doing, and then I'll ask him if we can keep the east wing where it is closed off until further notice, yeah, that's a reasonable request, right?* I try to push off from the tree, but find I can't. I look down at my side and see it's partially part of the tree. "Well, another developement of my powers, the headmaster will be delighted. Which means I'll have to go through a bunch of tests later to try and 'Explore my powers to their fullest extent in order to fully comprehend my bounderies and capabilities', as the headmaster so elequently puts it. When really I'm just his little experiment hamster." I close my eyes and picture myself as I was now, minus the tree attached. I open my eyes and find that I'm back to normal *Well, as normal as I'm ever gonna be.* I think as I head for the headmasters office.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- I walked out with Bryce towards the dorms. "So how do you know most of those people in the pictures?"----Bryce- "It's all about connections princess. I would've thought someone of your status would understand that."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoJames: Sarai walked into my office and explained her situation to me, I thought about what was going on for a few moments before answering "what you are asking is a big request that I cannot allow" I reply calmly, that wing was the Weres wing way before to attended here that has been their dorms, their home ever since this school was created it is their right to take it back, where do you expect them to stay?" I asked " they go to this school we are to provide them with a home and a place to live we cannot take that away from them, besides that hall was created so that no one other than a Were or a pureblood vampire" I point out "I will not have you asking to keep the Were's out of their home while you go through with this alright it wasn't your place to use that wing, granted they weren't there so I acknowledge that but it isn't your place to ask me to refuse to let them into their home, now good day Ms. Sarai" Kay: I sat waiting for the headmaster to finish with the ignorant girl, naturally I could hear everything they were discussing