Role Play
Moonlight Academy
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoBryce- I wonder if Sara had told Luna yet about her being a werewolf now. I don't know if I could keep it a secret, but I would try, if that's what Sara wanted. I looked down at the pictures, recognizing some faces.-----Merileth- I thought I'd seen one of the places before, but wasn't sure. "Sarai, what is the background in this picture? I mean what were you thinking of when you drew it?"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI look closely at the picture Princess Merileth was reffering to. "Oh, that one. That's a sketch I did of a place a little ways outside of the town near here. I saw it once or twice in passing, but that was it. I was bored one day and tried to draw it from memory." I shrug "Like I said, they're not all very accurate, Highness."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- There was another reason why the place looked familiar to me but I couldn't place it. "You don't have to call me Highness. I mean just Merileth will be fine since we're at school and not my fathers kingdom."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Oh, ok. Well, I don't really know where it is, it's supposed to be the place outside of town, but I may have accidentally thought back to somewhere else." I frown at the drawing "Yet, it doesn't look like anywhere I've seen before. That's strange, usually they at least bear a slight resemblance to what I was attempting to draw." I point to a spot on the paper "That mountain range in the background. It's really distinctive, I'd have remembered that, but I've never seen it until now. This is weird, really weird."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoSara: I look at the drawings and I mean really look at them now, before I kind of just glanced over them "Hanzi" I point to one of the photos of a youn girl "isn't that... Victoria?" I asked stunned at first
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI look over at the portrait they're talking about. "She's the Vampire Princess? I just saw her in a limo on the school grounds one day. I thought she'd be intresting to draw. She saw me doing it and wanted to see. She then went on and on about how I was a genious for choosing her as my "muse". I've never met anyone so self-satisfied, conceited, self-absorbed, arrogant, vain..." I stop my description and look over at vamp boy "and she was your girlfriend, wasn't she? I'll just be, um, over there with Merileth." I turn and walk over to her "Oops, I think I just dissed Mr. Pureblood's girl, do you think he'll brush it off, or should I go ahead and dissapear?" I wisper to Merileth.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I laugh outright, "My girlfriend? I'm more like her pet." I say taking the picture despite what Sarai had said about it being unable to move, "Victoria. She's one of the eldest Purebloods in our society. Whatever she says goes. Even for respected people like me." I look over at the others, "If we are up against her. It will be impossible to do anything unless we have help from someone higher and I only know of one person she fears."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoSara: "and who may that be?" I asked "even the headmaster is scared of her, who could she possibly fear?"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoI snap my fingers and watch as Victoria's portrait flys out of his hands and back into place. "I said don't pick them up, the pattern and placement is crucial. Just because you can pick it up doesn't mean you should. Now, who is this person or being she's so afraid of that we can use to our advantage?" I look at her placement in the circle "She's on up there, and with her power and influence, she'll probobly know something." I get an idea and look to vamp boy "She must put a lot of stock in her reputation, huh?" I say, hopeing someone will catch on.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- I was mostly ignoring the others, still entranced by the picture. I went through old memories in my mind, trying to place the mountain ranges.----Bryce- I watched Hanzi carefully as everyone pressed to know who it was tht Victoria was truly scared of. Though, of course I already knew the answer.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I smile ad sit down on a rundown old chair, "Victoria. The only person she's afraid of is.. Him. Of course" I look at Luna, "You've met him once. When he came to the academy about a decade ago. Damocles, he's just about the eldest vampire alive. There's probably only one pureblood older then him, but Damocles has gone into hiding. Doesn't talk to anyone except for a select few." I grin, "I have rather good connections with him. Even if I'm not part of the Elder Five."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Hey, Hanzi, I've got an idea of how to get some information out of Victoria before we go on the search for this guy, but it would require a great deal on your part."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: I had just arrived "what is Kay doing here?" I growl under my breath as I glare at him then I suddenly realized why Sara smelled familiar "You" I screamed as my eyes grew wide "you turned her, and You" I point to Sara "why didn't you tell me? You know what I'll deal with that later" I turn to Kay my eyes flashing but Sara jumps in between us "Sara move" I hiss but she just stands there Sara: I stand in between Kay and Luna "I can't let you hurt my master" she turns and storms off to who knows where and I relax slightly
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I sigh, "I'll deal with Victoria and Damocles. He's my father after all so he's bound to be on my side." I say as I head toward the door, "And Sara. I know your new at the whole wolf thing and it's probably exciting as hell. But just remember whose been with you through everything and try not to act to coldly toward your sister." I smile at her, "Your a good kid so I don't want to see you go in the wrong direction." I head off after Luna
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Sara, after this meeting's over, we need to talk, ok?" I turn to Kay "I hope you know what you've just gotten everyone who knows about her turning into, quite frankly, her sister already doesn't like me and when she hears that I knew and didn't tell her, I may be second on her hit list, right under you."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- "Easy Sarai. That's a worry for after the meeting. We need to get back to looking at the pictures and figuring them out. Which I've figured out your mountains. They are the Altmora mountain range, but they're not close to here. So I don't know why you would draw them."-----Bryce- I was about to go after Luna myself, but stopped when Hanzi chased after her. I stood there and watched him go then turned to the rest. But as I stood there, what felt like jealously went through me. But there was nothing to be jealous of right? Luna and Hanzi didn't particularly like each other as far as I could tell. And I was pretty confident Luna wouldn't just drop me as a friend for him. So why was I feeling this way? I shake my head some.
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years Ago"Thats weird." I say as I walk over "I've never seen those mountain ranges before, why would I draw them?"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoMerileth- "Maybe you've seen pictures of them before? Or have you met any of those who live there? You know the silver elves."
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoLuna: I head towards the rainy tears peaks, we gave it its name due to the waterfall that leaked out of it, it looked exactly like teardrops, there was a little cave high up right at the peak behind the waterfall, it was a beautiful sight but also a great hiding spot as well, it was where I often went to think, it was also very dark there so I could stay there during the day if I stayed out too late. I scaled the peak and entered the mossy cave. I brushed y hand against the wet walls as I sat down and leaned against them thinking to myself. Sara: "we have a picture of the waterfall nearby, Victoria, the silver elf mountain range, and Jessie" I sigh "okay there has to be something else, something missing something that maybe we aren't seeing"
Re: Moonlight Academy12 Years AgoHanzi: I find Luna behind the waterfall and approach quietly, "I respect you decision to be alone," I say suddenly, "But people are going to worry if you take off like that. You and your sister are both very dramatic huh?"