Role Play : Forum : Moonlight Academy

Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Welcome to Moonlight Academy where Vampires Werewolves Faeries Witches Ghosts and other mythical and unnatural beings go to school, our school offers the basic maths english and sciences but also offers latin and various other courses, History of the school as well as each race and how they began is mandatory, think of it as History 101. Again Welcome

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Name: Luna Race: Vampire Grade: Junior Age: Looks 16 Bio: she was turned by the headmaster of the school, she runs this school and believes that werewolves are below vampires she believes that vampires are the supirior race. She is protective of her sister and runs a group or cult of high class Vampires (she has a special ability that only her sister and her maker know of, it is extremely powerful and Sara tries to protect others from it)  ---------------Name: Sara Race: Immortal Child Grade: Freshman Age: Looks 14 Bio: she is Luna's younger sister, was born half human, she's immortal but she longs to be a werewolf and hates what her sister does and believes but she will never tell her sister this or contradict her.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Name: Faen Rose Race: Winter Elf Age: 13 Appearance: Snow white hair, tannish skin, green eyes, about 5'4, slender, Beautiful but different. Bio: She was made into a winter Elf when she nearly died when she was small (that's how all winter elves are made, none are born), She had to much ability as a child so her "parents" locked her away in a school called the Institute to help her control her powers. She doesn't know about social norms and what not but she's really a gentle, kind, and caring person if you get past the part that she can freeze you to death if you make her mad... ------ Name: Hanzi Flanders Race: Vampire Age: Looks about 17 but if differs when he wants Appearance: Tall, dark, handsome? Bio: Rumor has it he's the only child of the Moon Goddess though no one knows if it's true. He was just found as a child, wandering around. The only thing was he was a vampire... that grew. He grew and has the ability to change the age he looks at will, which was one of the powers he got from being born vampire and not changed into one.  

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Name: Jaso Varrail Race: Tarrain Grade: Junior Age: Looks 16 Bio: Jaso grew up on his home world of tarra, born to the king and queen, jaso is the third child, one day his family was murdered, with his last breath jaso's father sent to a planet where he would be safe while he learned his powers, Ability: flight, control over the elements, zerran is an eye power that allows user to see all, lightning blade hand(s) spark with electricity and are able to cut through anything, super strength, speed.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: I stroll down the hall, making sure all the freshman move out of my way, my sister following close behind me "Here is your class, I'll make sure someone is here to take you to your next class afterwards" I beam as I wave goodbye and head off towards my classroom, I slip into my seat next to the window in the front row, the moon shining down upon me. I unload my pencil pouch and notebook, my pencils placed delicately on my table. Sara: I slipped into my seat in the middle of the room and started chatting with some nearby friends, I am the social butterfly of the school, I talk to anybody and everybody dispite my sisters anger towards werewolves. Although I rarely ever associate with them.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Faen: I duck into my class and look around. I was attacking a lot of eyes as I moved across the floor and sat down, "Elf," I hear someone whisper, "White hair. That means she's a Winter Elf." "You know that means she had to be close to death at one point," Another said, "How scary. She looks so weird. Nothing like what I thought an Elf would look like." I sigh and look down. I had been getting this all day. no one wanted to come up to me. So much for my first day in school, I thought I'd at least make ONE friend!---- Hanzi: I look enter the room and draw attention at once. That's what came with being a vampire, plus unimaginable looks even among the undead. It was annoying though actually. I never had time to myself. "Hanzi come sit next to me!" Gretta called waving as a bunch of jealous girls glared at her, "I saved you a good seat." I smile and sit down next to her. Girls swarm at once. "He's just like a prince!" I girl one girl swoon, "just like fairytales!"

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

"hmp" *thinking to himself, i'm the only prince here* "......" *drawing in his book*

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Name: Merileth Race: Wood Elf Grade: Junior Age: 16 Bio: She is the daughter of the Wood Elf king, Cevenor. Her name means 'Rose' in their language. The rose was her mother's favorite flower and so she was named this by her father after her mother had died during childbirth. She has been homeschooled, trained as a princess and a warrior. She excels in archery and sword fighting. Unroyal wood elves control only one earth element, but being of royal blood, she controls all 4 of the earth elements: fire, water, wind, and earth. She has been sent here to meet with others here age of different races, to learn how to deal with them as she being future queen will have to do. The classes are just a thing for her to do, since she's done most of them.------Name: Bryce Race: Vampire Grade: Junior Age: Looks 16 Bio: Apart of Luna's group of friends, but is a true friend to her, seeing as they've known each other for a long time. He too was turned by the headmaster as Luna was, but isn't as powerful as her. He knows there's something in her that makes her powerful, but just doesn't know what. But he trusts her, like she trusts him.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Bryce- I smile as I walk into the classroom and sit next to Luna. "Hello Luna. Beautiful night isn't it?" I say looking at the moon as well. "Oh and I'll be more than happy to take Sara to her next class for you, since mines not too far away." I say then look at her. "Hey you ok?"----Merileth- I had walked into my first class and sat in the middle of the classroom. Already I heard their whispers. "I can't believe it. The elf princess actually came to this school." I heard one girl say. "She's really pretty. Wonder if she's with anyone." "And who says you get to ask her out?" Two boys were saying. I sigh, I hadn't wanted so much attention. I look around, seeing some elves, werewolves, and other creatures. Plus 2 vampires sitting near the window. I smiled. Most other creatures thought the vampires were rude and evil. But for the wood elves, we have great relations with the vampires as friendly allies. We needed to be like that, since our 2 kinds were the largest of all the other creatures.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

*as the wood elf walked into the class jaso took notice of the comments that she is a princess* "finaly someone who is of my standing" *he wispered to himself*

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: "thanks" I smile "I knew I could count on you" I beamed and waved at the wood elf as I smiled "come let's go greet people" I say standing up "I'm fine" I smile as we walk over "hi I'm Luna and this is Bryce" I smile "welcome" Sara: "hi I'm Sara" I sing as I waltz over to a white haired girl

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Faen: She was an immortal Child, I could smell it all over her. "Faen..." I say looking up unsurely. I bite my lip as I hold back the urge to make the room colder and lean back a bit in my chair, "Uh... you... you've gone to this school for awhile?"

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Bryce- I had followed Luna over. I still felt like there was something bothering her, but I respected her privacy. I now smiled at the wood elf. "Hello." I said after Luna was done.----Merileth- I look up. "Oh yes. The headmaster had sent me a letter telling me about the school. He had also mentioned you, saying if I needed anything to find you. My name is Merileth, the Wood Elf princess." I say smiling

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Name: Sarai Race: Mixed Blood (part fairy part elf part elemental) Age: She's sensitive about it and avoids answering. Bio: Lives under elven and fairy laws, or under none, whichever she feels like. Both parents are dead and has no siblings. She's new to the school, a junior, and really shy. She loves music and the arts. No idea of her station, she could just as easily be a princess as a nobody. No idea the range of her powers, knows she has at least some kind of power over nature.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I quietly slip into the classroom and take a seat in the back right corner. I knew I looked different than most of the kids here, so I tried to stay out of their way. I take in the room and it's occupants in a glance. Only a few really stood out, the Wood Elf Princess (someone who could order me about), a vampire girl who had a confidant, comanding air about her(definatly popular, my oppisite), and a boy with a surperior look on his face (someone who probobobly would try and order me about). "Looks like this is going to be a fun year." I mumble sarcastically to myself. "I bet I'm going to make a bunch of friends, like I always do. Not." I close my eyes and sigh as a shaft of moonlight focuses on me. I always feel better when under the light of the moon.

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: "of course we are here to help in any way possible" I smile pleasantly Sara: "you could say that" I laugh "I've been here since the school was created" I smiled "my sister is the headmasters first uh child you could say" I smiled politely

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Merileth- "I might need your help, since I've attracted so much attention already." I say laughing some.----Bryce- "unless we hide you i don't think we can do much about that."----Merileth- I smile. "Oh no I was joking. I'm mostly here to create good relations with the other races in a normal setting. A part of my 'royal training' as my father put it."

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

I hear a bunch of wispers and giggles from a little ways over. I look over, slightly annoyed, yet intrigued. What were they giggling at? I crane my neck and see the object of attention, a boy. *A vampire boy* I correct myself *Tall, dark, and handsome as well as immortal, no wonder they're fawning over him.* I observe shrewdly, unaffected as well as unimpressed by his looks *Good thing I don't fall head over heels for guys like that, or any guy for that matter. Besides, they ought to know that guys like that are usually full of themselves, not to mention heart-breakers.* I give a hardly audible chuckle *Not to mention they'll suck the life out of you, both emotionally and literally.*

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Luna: "I know what you mean me and Bryce have been going to this school ever since it was created" I smile although it slightly wasn't true Bryce was created shortly after the school was made but close enough right. "We go here to help the headmaster keep the peace as well as build social skills" I giggle

Re: Moonlight Academy

12 Years Ago

Merileth- "I see." I say smiling. "Well I'm glad I found both of you so early so that I already know 2 people I can trust and go to."----Bryce- "And that's a good thing. Don't you agree Luna?" I say smiling back

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