Role Play : Forum : Maewell and The World of the U..

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: I wipe a year from my eye as I try to stop laughing and lay back, "Oh, my stomach" I groan as the swore ache from laughing washes over it, "at this rate I'm going to have a six pack in no time..." I roll over and stand, "let eat!"

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Tris-I feel it as the sky turns black.this place is different from maewell so i must stick close to the "house",but i can't stay too close or the girls might see me.I decide on a jungle animal "leapord" as i think the word i feel myself change.My hands and feet turn into paws,my face lengthens and turns into a leapord's face and finally my body shrinks and i turn into a Leapord.i flick my newly aquired tail back and forth and a stab of anger flashes through me as i think of the scientists at much pain and torture i endured as they tested those serums on me.i calm myself as i think of how i will never go back to maewell.then as silent as the breeze i leap out of the window and begin my nightly excersise.If i don't run tonight then i risk having to turn into some other thing during the day in front of the girls.I can never let that happen,at least not yet.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

After dinner I head into my library, breathing in the comforting scent of the books, paper, ink, and lead. "It's good to be back." I breath out the words, holding back a sneeze. "Lets get to work." I say, pulling out a rag and begin cleaning with a vengence. About an hour later everything's in top condition, well, not quite, but it'll do for now.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Tris-it feels good to be outside in the fresh night air.the stars sprawl out in front of me like the shards of broken glass.i prowl around the house and look in the windows,i know it's risky ,but I can't help it,it must be that curiosity-cat thing.i see one girl in her room,trying to get into the hammock.i giggle in my mind and she finally climbs onto it.when i look in another window i see the other girls in a room that must be the library.she looks happy and content ,even way out here.The smell of what must have been dinner lures me tward the kitchen.i see a tall woven basket sitting in the corner and by the smell i can tell that in it is a bunch of left overs.i know it's gross ,but i can' help myself.take a few steps back for a running start,race forward and foot slips a second before the jump and i crash into it knocking it over and i watch in silent horror as it crashes to the groud with a noisy clatter.i turn around to try to run ,but my foot gets caught on one of the roots in the floor and i realize with horror that i am stuck,and if i don't get out of here soon then they will find me and i'll have to tell them everything.i struggle and wriggle ,but it is no good i am trapped and nothing can stop them from finding me.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I hear a clatter and reach for the dagger I wore around my waist as I run to the source: the kitchen. I race in, dagger at the ready, and see the panther. I sigh in relief and lower my weapon slowly, placeing it on the floor and kicking it away. "Hey, everything's alright. I won't hurt you" I soothingly say as I slowly get closer "I'm going to get you out of this." I see a flicker of surprise and panic in the panther's eyes "You're safe, I'm going to help you. I won't hurt you, I promise." I cautiously edge closer, still crooning "Just hold still, I'll get you out of there." I hear Keeva comeing, asking what was going on "Nothing!" I call "I accidently knocked something over, thats all!" I reach twards the paw stuck in the bough "I'm going to get you out now, alright?" I say softly as I reach forward and lift up the bough some, humming a low note at the same time. I keep it up until she'd removed her paw, after which I slowly put it back down, and back away, still slow. "Be a bit more careful next time, okay?" I change my voice, turning it into a low, rumbling noise. "I put out food around an hour from now, come back then, just follow your nose." I tell her, speaking in the language of animals. I back completely out and go back to the library *Let it have a bit to get out, then I'll clean up in there.*

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: "Uh... I'm all for pets," I say coming into the room, "But isn't that one... a bit big?" I look over the panther... leopard... the large cat and furrow my eyebrows as I spot it's eyes. "No way." I whisper as I crouch down in front of it so that I could get a closer look. "Tris?" I frown the straighten and narrow my eyes, "where's Tris." I spine around gracefully and head for Tris's room. I was absolutely positive this cat had the same eyes as Tris.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

"Hey, Keeva!" I call "Leave Tris alone, she's trying to sleep! It's bad enough they did those midnight roll calls at Maewell, don't start doing them here!" I turn back to my book, i was getting to the good part where the uppidy, arrogant prince gets his butt kicked by a village girl.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Tris-I am purely frozen with shock.I know that if I don't move now she will find my empty room and know my secret,even if i move now i can' beat her to my room,but for some reason i feel like i want them to find out.i am tired of keeping secrets. so instead I simply sit there and wait for her to return.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: I grumble when I hear Mae yelling at me to leave tris alone and loom at the door before I creak open the door a bit, "HAHA!" I yell flinging it open more to find an empty room, "Mae! I knew it! I knew it!" I spin on my heels, "I have no clue how she did it! But Tris is now a large cat!"

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I come into the hallway "So you think Tris is a shifter?" I ask "And please stop yelling, there is a large, lethal cat in there that may or may not be her, that could get spooked and panic, A.K.A. attack." I tell Keeva "Now, if Tris is one, she's still Tris, and it doesn't change anything. If she isn't, okay." I walk over and put a hand on Keeva's arm "If she is, she'll tell us when she's ready, alright? I'd rather not have you dropping hints or interrogateing her, but you have to make your own decision concerning the matter. As for me, I'm going back to bed." I walk into my room and "shut" the door, which was in reality a curtain of vines and such.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Tris-wow i think.Mae really is a great friend ,but I think both of them deserve to know the Truth.I decide that I will tell them in the morning at breakfast ,but for now i walk into the room where Mae is,curl up at her feet ,begin to purr softly and eventually fall asleep.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I wake up a bit before dawn and do a double-take when I see the panther from last night in my room. I smile and shrug to myself *The crazy things that happen out here* I think as I silently get the clothes I'd change into after I clean up. I leave the vines slightly hitched to the side, enough so that it might not feel trapped, but Keeva won't see in and investigate. I leave a note pinned to my bedroom door in case either of them tried to find me and head outside. I wistle high and a vine wraps around my waist, carrying me swiftly down and setting me gently on the ground. After it unwraps I set off into the forest until I come to a stream, after which I follow it against the flow, duck into a cave, walk a bit more, then come out into a place only I knew about. As I step out of the tunnel light floods the cavern. I was in the center of a hill, but light came in from a well-concealed hole at the top, then bounced off multiple crystals throughout it, creating an environment like that of a greenroom. In the middle of it stood a lightly steaming lake, it was fed by an hot underwater spring.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Tris-I wake up and find that mae has gone already.I walk into the kitchen,transform to human and start to look for food in what looks like a fridge.I know I should wait for Mae to come back ,but I am so hungry that I just pick out two apples and take my seat at the vine table.I will wait till they both come in for breakfast to tell them.I hope that they won't see me as a freak like i'm afraid they will,but it is too late now ,so until then I wait.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I come back a bit later, hair still dripping, to find Tris already up in the kitchen. "Morn'n." I tell her "Give me a sec and I'll fix some breakfast, I'm going to get my hair slightly dry first." I go into a sideroom and press on a panel, warm air blows all around me, drying my hair until it's just damp. I walk back into the kitchen and grab a pan, some eggs, and some bacon. As I begin to fix the food I talk to Tris "You know you could have fixed something for yourself. Anyways, how'd you sleep?"

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: I slump into the kitchen and just about collapse into a chair. grumbling I lean back and stair at the ceiling. I hadn't slept all night, I was trying to think of how she did it. How did one change shapes. I let my eyes shift to Tris and watch her curiously then peak a glance at Mae. They probably thought I over reacted but to be completely honest, how could I not? It wasn't like I thought she was weird or anything, I was more. Interested. I was smart, thought people who met me probably wouldn't think so. Still, it was things like this that interested me. I wanted to make great discoveries in the future, and maybe. Just maybe. I'd be able to figure out how to turn all those undead back to there normal states. There had to be a way. I let my eyes follow the two of them as they walked around the kitchen.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I set a plate of eggs, bacon, and an orange in front of Keeva "Morning sleeping beauty." I tease as I finish dishing out breakfast to everyone "How'd you sleep?"

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: "Like Death," I say sarcastically as I shove bacon into my mouth.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

"Ok, note to self: Keeva is not a morning person." I comment "Hey, guys, do you mind if I go on a little scavenging expedition? I need to get wood and stuff for you guy's rooms, not to mention hunt for some more rations, at least, if you want a good meal today, that is." I put my plate in the sink I had made and turn back to the girls "By the way, do either one of you want to clean yourselves up?"

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

"Yeah,sure"I say",but first i need to tell you both something...I'm sure you saw the Leapord last night,well It was me."I look at them silently and wait for their reaction.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: "Guess that means I was right," I say forking more food into my mouth, "I expect you to let me observe." I matter of factly finish my food and nod my head, "if you'll excuse me I'm going to change. I want to go exploring." I smile at them both and then pause, "don't try to change into a bee. I'm allergic."