Role Play
Maewell and The World of the U..
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I let out a breath and nod before flashing a grin, "Lets do this."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI walk down my first hall and push open every door: nothing. I keep going, finding nothing, a growing sense of dread building with every step. "Something's not right." I breath "You're right." I feel someone grab me from behind and get out the start of a scream before my mouth is covered. "It's not." I bite down hard on the hand that covered my mouth, tasting blood. It pulls away with a curse and I scream "Keeva! Get out of here!" "Gag her." he hisses angrily. I hear my warning echoing eerily through the building as I'm dragged down the corridor "Keeva! Run! Get out of he-" I'm cut off as someone gags me. *Keeva, please, get out of here.* I think desperately *Please.*
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I was in the inner area of the institute when I heard the first scream that was cut off abruptly. I freeze and spin in a slow circle, searching the room with my eyes. Then the second scream and my name being called. "Mae?" I call into the empty school as I head toward the door I had come through, "MAE?" I make out the end of her sentence. For me to run and curse. "God damn." I whisper as I start sprinting through the halls, into the courtyard, and close to the fence. I was about to leap onto it when I hear the faint buzz. Spinning I pick up a twig and throw it at the fence. It lights up the fading night sky as electricity pulses through it. The power was back on. "Damn." I say.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI kick and struggle, my screams muffled by the gag. "Be still or we'll have to tie you up." My captor growls. I ignore him and keep writhing, trying to get away. I struggle out of their arms and take off like a bullet in another direction, reaching up and untying the gag as I run. I see the doors up ahead and catch a glimpse of Keeva *Why's she just standing there?* I hear the whir of the generator and notice the gate *Rats!* I get to the control room and get a hammer and a screwdriver out of my bag. I shut off the power and scream for Keeva to go. I take the screwdriver and open up the generator, ripping out cords and other such stuff, then take the hammer and start laying waste to it. *They're going to have a hard time getting the electricity back now.* I think, turning to get out myself. "Get them!" I start to run, thinking to outpace them, then scream as something painful slams into my back, then spreads to the rest of my body. When it ends I find myself on the ground, footsteps pounding twards me. I yelp as I'm yanked to my feet, tears blurring my vision "Somebody shut her up!" I hear someone yell. Pain explodes at the base of my skull and I feel a falling sensation before everything goes dark.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I scale the fence in and fit the ground running. I was half way back to the treehouse when I slow and stare absently at the forest in front of me. "Awh S**t." I say spinning on my heels and heading back. Like hell I was the kind of person to just leave her there.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI groan as I come to, my head feeling like someone was repeatedly hitting it with a sledgehammer. I sit up and look around. Dark, no windows, dim overhead light set into the ceiling and covered with a layer of glass, probably bulletproof. There is no furniture, only a door. I get up and stumble over to it, the knob turns easily in my hand. I open the door and stop as I see the electric field. "Rats." I reach for my bag, but close on air. I look in every dark corner: it's nowhere to be found. *They took my bag!* I spin around and go back to the door. I set my jaw and reach determinedly for the switch to shut it off, on the other side of the field. I get the first jolt as I touch it, but still push on, the pain building as I reach farther, as the shocks reach the rest of me. I force back the screams for a bit. I'm a hairsbreadth from the switch when it hits me. I let out a high-pitched scream as the power suddenly amps up, my back arching with the pain as I'm propelled backwards, crashing to the ground, tears of pain and frustration flooding my eyes and running in rivers down my cheeks. *I'm trapped.* I realize, a sob tearing from my throat despite my efforts to hold it in *I'm trapped.*
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I reach the fence and look it over, "Backup generator." I say seeing the electricity back on, "Geez. Such a bother." I decide to skirt the fence until I reach the gate which cars passed through. "You little devils were faking it." I say sourly, "You knew we'd be back." I sigh. I'd have to wait until it was dark to get in.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoRoe: Something was wrong, I could tell. Mae and Keeva were gone, Tris had given me a lame excuse, but I knew something was up. I had badgered her for information until she finally had burst "They're at Maewell, alright! Now leave me alone already!" I shove aside a branch and catch sight of Keeva. I look around, but don't see Mae. I see how Keeva looked to the fence, and a pit of dread settles in my gut. I grab Keeva and put a hand over her mouth, dragging her into the cover of the trees. "What idiot stands out in the open like that?" I hiss "Where's Mae?"
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I place a good bite on his hand and taste the irony tint of blood. "Don't." I hiss, "Foe or Friend. I will hurt you if you ever touch me again." I felt my body shaking and force back the urge to cry. I hated boys. I hated them. I spin on my heels and head back through the woods to a place where I could sit down in the shadows to watch the gate but still not be seen.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoRoe: I ignore the pain and walk up to her "Where's Mae?" I ask again, my voice dangerously low "Tell me now, or I will do much worse than that." I warn her.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I glare at him, "Do your worst." I hiss, "I'm not in the mood for games." I turn back to face the gate. cars were going in and out, something was happening inside.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoRoe: I sit down across from her "I'm sorry." I tell her "It's just, well, she's all I've got. I just want to know where she is." I search her face "Please." I beg "I need to know where she is, and if she's alright." I look down "Ever since the-the attack, she's been my little sister." I clench my fists, the knuckles white "I have to know, is she in Maewell?"
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: A wave of tiredness washed over me as I stared at him, "Why do you think I'm sitting out here like this?" I ask bluntly, "for fun? And... you know your not the only goddamn person out there that cares about mae. She may be all you have; but she's all I got now too." I felt my eyes start to fill with tears, "My family is undead. When I was eleven these Men came to my house and took away my family, they started doing studies on them. Science crap, said that they were perfect for the procedures. They injected them with a virus that turned them into the undead then lined them up in a room and tortured them to death. The only reason why didn't do it to me was because of this." I grab at my hair dramatically, "That god damn thing." I was crying now. I couldn't stop it no matter what. "I... This brain is more of a curse, it kept me from dying with my family. I just want to die. I don't want to live without them." I bury my head in my knees so that my words were muffled, "So don't think your the only one who has it bad and don't go ordering someone around because you think your the only one that cares about Mae." I just sit curled into a little ball, sniffing as I force myself to stop crying.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoRoe: I close my eyes "My family-" I pause as I force myself to go on "My family was eaten alive." I wisper "I watched as they were ripped limb from limb, as the undead tore into their raw, bloody bodies, listened as they screamed in agony." I look up at her, unashamed at the tear that had escaped "I won't ever get that out of my head. I know you care about her as well, but it's harder for me to process that, alright?" I clear my throat "Now, can we just go back to bickering and find out how we're getting her out of that nightmare?" I ask roughly.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I don't say anything for a long time. I was full of many emotions, "I don't like you because your a man." I state bluntly, "I don't like you because you get on my nerves. I don't like you. I h-hate you..." My tears bubble over again, "Goddamn you, why do you have to tell me things like that and make me feel bad for hating you..."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoRoe:I stand up and clear my throat. I'd lived with Mae long enough to know when a girl needed her space. "I'm going to go scout out the area." I announce as I begin to walk. I stop a few steps away and pull out a red handkercheif with yellow polka dots, the one that always makes Mae laugh, and give it to her with a flourish. I ruffle her hair gently "hate you to, kiddo." I say quietly, then walk off.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I look at the cloth for a second in confusion then promptly wiped away my tears with it, "Stupid." I say softly as he walked away he most likely didn't hear me, "Your not supposed to be nice." Once I was done crying I sat in that spot until it got dark. Roe hadn't come back yet so I supposed I might as well go through with my original plan. Pacing forward I blended in with the shadows then, as a car came by, I rolled and quickly clung to the underside of it. I felt like a monkey but this was the only way I knew how to get in. I then dropped myself to the ground once inside the fence and scrambled into the brush. "Here we go." I whisper as I crouch to watch Maewell.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI watch from the tree I was hiding in "Time for my big entrance." I murmur, then jump, land on the other side of the fence, and join her behind the bush without a sound. "Well, you're quite the little conniving little thing, aren't you?" I wisper.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I raise an eyebrow at him, "I'm just as surprised as you are that that worked," I say honestly, "I saw it in one of those old movies they showed us when I was... well when I was here." I look over the buildings in seriousness. "I'd say lets stay together but I don't think that's a good idea." I comment, "we need to be out of here by dawn."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoRoe: I nod "Okay, but what's the plan? I've gotta know what it is before I can do everything contrary to it." Mae: I look up as the door opens and someone comes in. I get up and back into a corner, on the other side of the room. They just set a tray inside and go back out. I rush to the door, which was left open and run for the hall *Almost out!* I get a hairsbreath from exiting when I hear the dreaded buzzing and feel the shock of the electricity coming back on. I'm thrown back again and growl "I'm getting out of here!" I scream "I'm getting out of here somehow and when I do, you had better start praying!" I keep yelling, telling them exactly what I'd do to them, my voice riseing with each threat.
Roe: I hear something and smile "Well, she's alive, that much I can tell you." I say with a chuckle. Keeva looks at me funny and I smile "When she doesn't have a weapon, she gets aggrevated, and when she gets aggrevated, she lets you know it. These people aggrevate her the most, and when she gets aggrevated, well, she can get a little, um, violent." I shake my head with a big grin "She starts yelling and screaming threats that could make a grown man cry, and that's what she's doing now. I'd recongnize that scream, and those threats, anywhere. That's definately my Mae." I realise my mistake and correct myself "Sorry, our Mae. I'm still not all that good at this shareing thing."