Role Play
Maewell and The World of the U..
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI don't relax, who knew, this recovery could be temporary. I nod "Yes, but it's not your fault. I need to know, do you think you're stable?" I hear the girl behind me wimper and pull her to my side "It's alright." I murmur, putting an arm around her "I promised I would help you. Now, I promise I'll keep you safe, alright?" she buries her face in my side I give her shoulders a squeeze and hold her tighter "It's alright, I promise, I've got you, nothing will get to you as long as I'm around." I blink back tears and take a deep breath *Why is it that everything's makeing me think of Johnathan lately?*
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"yeah,i think i'm stable although last time the seekers had to keep me in chains for a few hours until i calmed down,but since you did it so soon i don't know what could happen."I explain.I look at the scared girl behind mae and she shrinks back from seeing me as a panther,"where did she come from?"I ask.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years Ago"I bet that's what she was thinking. You killed the herd and came at her next." the girl takes a shuddering breath and stares at Tris "It's alright." I tell her "She won't hurt you." she looks at me, then back to her "Promise?" I smile at her "Promise." I look to Tris "Why don't you head back to the hidout? I'll take this little one home."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"I would ,but i'd rather stay outside in case anything else happens."I say,"I can't belive that went after a little girl,i am so sorry."I walk over to the girl ,and she cries out and ducks behind Mae but i lower my head and lick her hand.She still looks frightened ,but i move my head so it is under her hand.She tentatively pets me,and eventually i am purring like a house cat."i think she forgives me though."I tell Mae.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI smile "Well, either way, I've got to take this little lady home."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I step out of the clearing and look over Tris, "I... might be able to help you with controlling yourself after eating Jango..." I state softly, "But... I'll need a sample of your blood and it might not work at first... plus... it will most likely be dangerous... but if I succeed it will let you look into the future safely."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"That's very tempig Keeva ,but as nice as that sounds i don't realy want anything to do with science,or testing or anything like that after Maewell,"i explain,i turn to Mae,"Mae,i think i know where this girl lives...or at least lived."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I shrug, "I suppose," I say, "if you change your mind though. You just have to ask."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI cross my arms and give them "the stare" as Roe called it "If you two are done, I'd like to speak to the young lady and not about scientific mumbo-jumbo." I shake my head and kneel down so that I was eye-to-eye with the girl "Where do you live?" She names a location that I knew "Alright, lets go." I look to Keeva and Tris "Anything y'all want to say before we head out?"
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"Mae!,"I almost shout,"you can't take her back there or..."something just tells me that there is danger there and now it hits me what it is,i remember the vision,"The undead are waiting for her."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: "Honesty I doubt they would wait for this girl," I say crouching in front of her, "she's so tiny."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoThe girl looks down and I put a hand on her shoulder "Well, sometimes the best things come in small packages." I squeeze her shoulder, then gently push her twards Keeva "Keeva and Tris will take care of you." I look to the others and make sure my bag was secure "I'm going to go check it out. Blindfold her and get her to the hideout, I don't want anything happening to her. If Roe comes by, tell him I'm out on a code 13, he'll understand."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoKeeva: I sigh, "You mean he's coming back?" I say sourly, "I get tired when I think of that guy." I let out a huff of air and then look down at the girl, "Don't worry, he's probably nicer then I think." I state as I take her hand, "We should get you something to eat." I felt my heart do a little patter of pain as I looked at the little girl. Little Fawn... "You look so much like someone I used to know," I say as we walk. She looks up as me with a questioning glance and I smile, "Don't worry about it."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"your crazy if you think i'm letting you go without me,"i tell Mae when i catch up with her(still in panther form).
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years Ago"Well then, I guess I'm crazy. I must be absolutely bonkers." I tell her "Because you're not comeing. It'll be easier for me to sneak up on them without anyone with me." I look down at her "I've had practice at this, I know what I'm doing. I don't need an unknown factor, in this case you, to add to the equation."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"Mae,I know you can take care of yourself,but you have no idea what you're up against."I try to explain.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years Ago"Oh, trust me," I force myself to keep a strait face "I know. I lost my family to a horde of them, their leader was there. If I could survive that, I can survive a simple scouting expedition. I promise, I'm just going to see if they look like they're going to come twards the hideout, okay?"
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-"okay ,but be careful."I warn,and then sigh as she marches away into the jungle.I look around at all the dead deer.That could've been Mae and Keeva i think.I slowly turn around and eventually catch up with Keeva and the girl.
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoI set off twards where the girl had said she came from. I get about half-way there when I climb a tree and travel from that higher level. I get to the clearing she said they lived in and stop, hideing in the branches of a tree. *Oh no.* they had three people, two adults and a kid, trapped. I don't stop to think, I scramble down the tree and run around the clearing until I reach the other side where they were. I dispatch about ten of the undead quietly before I'm spotted. I run to the family and take the woman's and kid's hand. "Run!" I yell, pulling them along behind me. I hear the man's pounding footsteps behind us. "This way!" I veer to the left and the kid, a boy, stumbles. I scoop him up and keep running. I hear the crash of our pursuers behind us and speed up. I get to the cave I was looking for and usher them inside. I lead them through the tunnels inside until we emerge in a cavern. I put the boy down and sit, panting. "We're safe here for now." I tell them. I search for a certain mark...there! I move a rock and a crevice is revealed. I reach in, pull out a walkie-talkie, and switch it on, moveing the dial to the right station. "Hello?" I call, hopeing it's partner back at the hideout was working correctly "Keeva, Tris, it's Mae. We might have a slight problem."
Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST11 Years AgoTris-When i get back to the hideout i hear Mae's voice.I find a walkie talkie and press the talk button."Mar,is that you?where are you."I ask into the little device.