Role Play : Forum : Maewell and The World of the U..

Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Earth as we know it has been dominated by the undead. And that is it. There is no hope of bringing back humanity. But there is Maewell, a town that is no more than 3O miles, defended by a thick brick wall on all four sides, and houses roughly 3OO people, but they are not united. Children ages 12-19 are kept in a large dormitory, with eight rooms. Since there is about 12 children to each room. Each room has 12 bedrooms, a spacious living room, two kitchens, 3 bathrooms, and a balcony with an inch-thick layer of glass around it. Why? Because you're not allowed to leave. During these 7 years, you learn all about how to survive, then you are released on your 20th birthday. But living in a house with 6 boys and 6 girls can threaten anyone's sanity. Murder, insanity, and suicide has taken place within these rooms. Can you survive? Not only through the apocalypse, but through your training too?

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Enrollment form - Name: Zara McInlann. Age: 15. Dormitory Room Number- 4. Family that survived the beginning of the apocalypse- Her sister, but she died during training. She was murdered. Personality- Determined, hard, can be rude, but it's just bottled up anger from losing her family. Absolutely hates living in Maewell, but she has no other choice. Short Bio- When she was first inducted into training, she attacked a guard, and in punishment, they cut off all her hair, and would cut her wrists everyday for two years. She knows the truth of how terrible Maewell is, but keeps quiet about it. Physique (looks)-

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

status: undead, leader of the undead, that is (zombie)
gender: female
personality: everything snarky and sarcastic and evil
One of few zombies that has not lost there mind, can coherently think and is why she is leader.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Name- Mae   Age-13  Number-57 Dormitory Room-5 Bio- She was found by Seekers (people who go out and find kids to bring to Maewell and "raise") at age 12. She had survived well on her own. Somehow she had learned English and Sign Language as well as basic acedemics. When asked how, she stayed silent. She has no family that she or anyone else knows of and is the odd one out at the academy. She was healthy when they brought her here 5 months ago, but she's slowly wasting away no matter what they do. She exells at the training and can beat the instructors and trainers.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Name: Keeva Age: 12 Number: 10 Bio: New to Maewell. Her family was killed by the Seeker when they decided to take her in therefore she hates this place. She will speak her mind to anyone and she hates anyone who consents to being in Maewell. Appearance: Short, very short black (almost boy cut)hair, large green eyes, pretty face.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

CC: When we gonna start? Are we waiting for someone else or what?

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago I going to get an answer, or what?

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

ohhh yeah sure:)

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Hahaha. Now, seriously, Does anyone know when we're going to start? I'm really looking forward to kicking some undead butt!

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

No idea when we are starting... it probably depends on if the other two return to the RP or not

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Name:Tris Age:13 Room:57 Apperence: long dark hair,pale skin,blue eyes, Personality:tough,strong,honest,kind,smart,loyal,recourceful Breed:Human

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Do you think it'd be alright if I started it, or would that be rude?

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

na just start...... im sure it doesn't matter

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I stare out the window around the balcony *13, I'm 13 today, and I'm trapped in here.* I look back inside and see the other kids in this cursed room enjoying my party. Peoples birthday are one of the few times we get to have something like cake or icecream. *At least someone's haveing fun.* I look down at my hands, which were extremely thin, just like the rest of me. Ever since I was forced here, or, as they term it, "rescued", a few months ago, I'd not eaten much. I stare sadly out the window *If only I was free.* I think, remembering before I was brought here *Then I would be fine. I liked my odds out there more than I do in here.* I place my hand against the glass and push, wistful *I'm trapped.*

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: "Don't touch me." I snap at the male-nurse type guy who was escorting me into some room, "I said don't touch me you big gorilla." Pulling my arm from his grasp I glare at him before looking around the room. A bunch of kids enjoying cake. To bad I didn't like cake. To sweet and I wouldn't eat anything made by these slave-drivers. "I want to go back to my room." I state but he just locks the door and stares at the wall, "Damn. You're nothing but an idiot huh? You probably don't know how to think on your own. Do you consider yourself a retard?" I muse as glare at him. He was probably three times bigger then me but it didn't even faze me. Placing my hands on my hips I look over the big man before grumbling under my breathe and stomping over to a chair in the corner to sit down angrily. Crossing my arms over my chest I glare at the big guy in fury. "This is a joke. Let me out of this place."

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I look into the common room at the commotion. *Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't want to be here.* I consider introduceing myself to her, but decide against it. *Right now, I'm pretty sure she'd rip the head off of the next person who so much as blinks near her. Besides, no one ever likes me, might as well stop trying.* I stare back out the window *Still, it's good to know someone else wants out of here.*

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Tris-stands in the corner of the room,looks over and smiles as some chick yells at one of the nurse guys.she looks the other way and realizes that the birthday girl is standing by the window away from everyone else.she walks up to her and says"I thought birthday girls are supposed to have fun on their birthday"

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I had heard her comeing, guess my skills hadn't gone to dull. "Not if they'd rather not be where their pary is at, or if they have no friends and everyone who showed up was either forced to or came for the cake and icecream." I state bluntly, still stareing out the window. "Quite frankly, I'd rather not be here at Maewell at all." I give her a glance and turn back to the window "Why don't you go back inside, if you talk to me to much, everyone will label you as a weirdo, or worse."

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

Keeva: "This whole place is a joke." I snap as a very official looking guy enters, "You're a joke and your damn school is a joke." I knew him. He was the guy that had brought me here. Call himself a Seeker and said he had big plans for me. "Let me the hell out of here. My sisters won't survive without me and mom will fall apart. Let me go back to my family." The guy looked me over with a sarcastic and cruel smile, "They are dead." He stated calmly. No sugar coding or sarcastic ness. Just the statement. I snapped. Flinging myself at him I dig my fingers into his skin as the male nurse tries to pry me off, "You f**king a**! What have you done with them!" I sob as they finally full me off and drag me across the room. The Seeker looked angry now. His face, neck, and hands were bleeding as he stalked up to me and slapped me hard across my face, "Learn your face girl." he snapped, "Or... I'll just have you join your family. Though it might be a bit more torture if I leave you alive." tears welled up in my eyes. "B*****d." I hiss as more Seekers come in and start escorting the other children out.

Re: Maewell and The World of the Undead - REPOST

12 Years Ago

I look about and glower *A Seeker, great, just what I need to brighten my day." I growl as I head to the common room. "What are you doing here? More to the point, What do you want?" I ask blandly "I already told you guys no to your first offer, and I'll never accept, you know that, right?" I look around at the other seekers in the room, escorting kids out "You aren't supposed to be hear, neither are they. You are only allowed in the dorms if there is a kid leaveing and entering the world outside, there's an emergency, or you have orders from the Head." I cross my arms and look him in the eye, feet firmly planted on the floor "So which is it?"

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