Role Play
This is the New Age
This is the New Age12 Years Agowell, guys, this rp is a new one.
Think ROBOTS, ALIENS, HUMAN-ROBOT OR HUMAN-ALIEN HYBRIDS OR ANYTHING ELSE FUTURISTIC YOU CAN THINK OF. make it yours, and make it awesome. So, here's the thing. Everything has gone electronic, everything. Everything you can possibly think of. In this new world, everything runs on a system, on a code, will you be one of those who will protect the code that runs the world of mechanic, try to seize it, or try to start a rebellion against it? Its up to you, but you must choose quickly, as the code is not getting any weaker, and the forces protecting the codes strictly logical ways are gathering in larger numbers. But some are still hesitant to trust it... |
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoName: Trankx
Breed: robot robot type is a robot about the size as those things that used to be called humans, made of a new found purple copper and all of the elements on the periodic table, hands are missiles when in battle mode, and a jetpack can come out of his back when he needs to fly. Has the mentality of a playful child, but can be aggressive when people threaten his friends. loves to fly around and float above the ground instead of walking, but is one of the ones who has serious questions about the code, but doesn't know who to go to for help. Has big dreams of finding the code, taking it in his metalic hands, and destroying it, he hates having a code telling him when to shut down at night, tell him when he has to work and what to do to prolong his existence, he wants to live life as a free spirit with friends. |
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoCharacter bio:
Name; sopravvissuto
Breed: The last surviving human
About: From Italy, this last human has been hiding in the shadows. Trying to find the code, destroy all robots, and ultimatly survive the ride.
Allignment: Against code
Description: Medium hight, dark long hair, well built, yellow eyes, and always wears a neckalace with the anarchy symbol attatched to it.
Attitude: Agressive, untrusting of others.
Weapon of choice: Two kitchen knives, a fencing sword coupled with a revolver
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoName: Senka (meaning: Shadow) ; Breed: Ghost (Half-ling: human/robot) Bio: I was once human living in a small town with my family. When the Robots came they killed everyone but found that my body was compatable with their new;y designed genotype called Ghost. This meant that they could create my arms, legs, and other body parts to be as strong, fast, and intelegent as a robot but I still had the heart and "soul" of a human. This is why it was called Ghost. I am not currently a member of the G.F.C. with the legs, arms, eyes, and nervous system all switched over to Robot. I have been trained since I was young and taken in by the G. F. C. to kill and track. Most call the G.F.C. the Secret Police. Appearance: Young looking with purple eyes and long red hair pretty face. Attitude: Serious, Quiet, thoughtful.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years Agoi'm loving people's ideas on here! but I want at least one more person to join before we start, or even a few more if they want to. Keep in mind, guys, you can make an alien, too, if you want.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years Agoalright, if this rp is going to survive, we might just want to start now. If anyone else wants to join, jump in now while its still really early.
Trankx: Another morning on the shuttle buses, and I'm looking around for people who have the mark of the resistance somewhere on there clothes. A little cross etched behind a human hand, that's the symbol of those against the code, the code that keeps everything in line. Everything in order. But only the few who are against it know of the symbol. Newer bots yell at zap me to clean the seats which may have collected dust particles, and if I were one of those long-ago things, those humans, I might cry. But I am a robot, I cannot cry, only hope that I will one day cross another against the code, against the very thing that keeps my systems online. Because i would rather have all of my information wiped clean (dead) then enslaved this way any longer. If only there was someone on my side, then we might stand a chance.... |
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoSenka: My name means Shadow. Before I was called Jane but when They found our village I was taken in by the Code. My body could morph with their new robotic genotype is what they told me. I was a rare human. I had a future as a Ghost. My was given to me by the G.F.C. when I was brought over because I was like a shadow in the night. I was swift and silent. Mysterious and curious. I was there and then gone with just a blink of an eye. It was this reason they called me Senka. "You know what to do Senka." I heard the clear voice say in my head as my eyes shifted to gaze into the distance, "You know what to do." I stood and felt the machanical muscles flex in my legs and arms. I was a human with machanical parts. I was swifter, stronger, and more intellegent then both humans and robots. I was a Ghost.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoName:Alex Type:human injected with animal DNA that has had half her body replaced with robot parts.(result of a lifesaving operation) Character:bystander who is leaning tward rebellion. Description:long hair that changes colors with my mood,eyes also change with mood.tall,slender. Abilities:communicates with the few surviving animals and robots,can also transform into any thing(animal,human,robot,etc.). Weapon of choice:bow and arrow Personality:mood changes often much like her hair and eyes.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoName: Amathalia Type: half-human, half-alien Alliance: Rebellion Bio: She was the daughter of a human and alien, but she's also partially robot from an accident when she was young. She lost her sight and they used robotic "nerves" to relace the ones that would give her her sight which were damamaged. she looks a lot like a human, but a little different. She has to wear a robotic "headband" at all times, which powers her robotic functions. Her parents were both killed, but she was spared for some odd reason. She works both on the inside and outside to gather information and fight against the code. Appearance: Slim, lithe, medium height. "Eyes" are electric blue, hair is silver. Stronger than she looks.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoI duck into the shuttle-bus and take in my surroundings. I had been with the resistence for a while, and I was gathering intel, finding allies, and recruiting. I spot someone with the sign of the resistance and I'm careful to keep my face neutral. I look about as if I'm lost "You there," I say, pointing at the robot with the sign "come here. I believe I'm lost. You look as though you know your way around here."
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoSenka: I look over the streets and close my eyes. "How boring." I say as I melt into the shadows and head back to headquarters, "Patrol is safe. I'm done for the day." I say into my headphone. "Good work, keep this and you might just be bumped to an actual agent position." I hear in return. I roll my eyes. They always said that but never found the time to bump me up a level. I was still just a trainee.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoTris-boards shuttle bus and waits for the next stop.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoHe comes over and I ask him about the stops, convinceing everyone that I was just a lost girl. I drop my glove which has the resistance symbol on it's palm. "Oh, I dropped my glove, could you get it for me?" I ask, makeing sure he saw it.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoSenka: I spot the glove and think about intervening but then don't "all the power to her," I whisper as I head in the opposite direction. If I didn't pick her up it wouldn't be a big deal. Someone else would.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoI look over and see some girl drop her clear as day i can see the resistance sign on her palm.i walk over and (my hair and eyes are blue ,becuase i am nervous)i pull up my sleeve a little like i'm asking the time,and show her the same design on my wrist.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoI give the girl a barely visible nod "I'm getting off at the next stop? Thank you, sir." I tell the robot, loud enough for her to hear. At the next stop I get off and go around a corner and wait to see if either the robot or the girl would come.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoI follow the girl as she gets off at the next stop.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoI watch as the girl passes the corner. I reach out, put a hand over her mouth and use my other arm to wrap around her waist and pull her into the shadows "When I take my hand away, don't scream." I wisper as I let her go "We can't talk here. I know somewhere we can speak privately, and safely. We'll wait a moment more, then we'll leave."
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoI fight my instints to transform and defend myself,(i turn deep red with anger,but then it subsides to an on edge baby blue) so i nod and she lets me go.
Re: This is the New Age12 Years AgoSenka: Boredom, boredom, and more boredom. Boredom was a very human trait but I did have a soul, that's why they called me a ghost, so it was only natural I felt human emotions.