Role Play : Forum : From the Ashes

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Life: So we team up again...? I show no expression. "Death, what do you want from me? Because I'm so sure this isn't just from the goodness of your heart, because i know for a fact that part of your heart, if you have one, doesn't exist."

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Death: I smiled at Life. "I fight for justice, sister." I replied, "I think if we "team up" then we can figure out the best for our realms. Starting with ending our war."

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Life: "That's what you tell yourself?" I rolled my eyes. "Lets say I did agree to this little "team up" circling him, "What exactly would we do? And what is the meaning of this? Is there another dimension you want me to help you conquer? Am I being used? What I really mean to ask you is why in the name of myself would I ever team up with you? Not that I'm entirely against, but I want to know why, and even if I did consider it, I'm going to ask everyone in Limbo what they think of the idea. What if, by chance, Jeremy, or Bellona, or Izzy doesn't want to team up with you?"

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Death: "Use you? Sounds nice, but it isn't my style. If there was another dimension, I wouldn't ask you to help me conquer it, I would secerately to use it against you. I think if we join an alliance, then not only will the prison have ample room if we decide to keep it, but your forces would too, You would have my recourses as well as I would have yours, I wouldn't attack Limbo, and you have equal say in decisions. We would be able to truly do best for every soul. Give them all a true, fair, second chance not waisted on our war, and we could finally be brother and sister. Not rivals trying to kill the other for dominance. Just brother, and sister ruling together. But then again, I understand if you walk away." I answered, "But it isn't every day Death offers peace, and coperation."

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Izzy- walks aroundthinking off the message that life  got woundering if it would happen.. sighs some and goes  and sits in the garden only to sigh"  jack frost would you please come and  play with me  some i need a little cheering up"

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Bellona: I look at the other messenger and smile kindly, "A lifestyle choice it is," I say then step up in front of Life and Death, "If you will Life... We can start out with a temporary truce, if you wish to stay in it after a set amount of time then we can work on a more perminant one. And if not, then we can cut ties and go back to killing one another." I laugh a little as I look over at Death, "I'm sorry but I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. But everyone needs a chance, don't they?" Jack Frost: "I'm not a servent you can call at will," I say souly to Izzy, "I'm a demi-god. I don't come at other's will like a foolish puppy." I land on a table in front of her and smirk.

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Death: I hated Bellona. She acted as if she was better than me, but if she was then she would have a domain to rule over, such as a prison, or a dimension such as Limbo. "How long would this said, set time be?" I asked, rubbing my chin

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Bellona: "that would be up to you two," I say shrugging, "I'm only the messenger remember death" I snicker at him, "I can't possibly come up with such a plan." I then turn away. Death was cocky. To cocky. But he wasn't above me. Without us messengers the worlds as we know them would be different.

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Izzy- smiles at him"  do you not think i do nto know that i was justing seeing if you will come. but then again you did come when i asked so  then does  that make you a foolish pupppy" smiles  teasaly

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Life: I smile at Bellona, this was why we were friends, telling Death off. I then looked at Death, "Say, give it three days before Limbo comes to its decision. Until that say, act as if I had said yes if you would please. I will have your answer promptly." I said. Opening a portal, I motioned for Bellona to go first.

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Bellona: I smile at David, nod slightly to Death with a smirk, and step through the portal after I bow to Life. Jack Frost: I narrow my eyes at her, "I'm no puppy." I say moodily as I float into the air, "find some other way to cheer yourself up." I open up a portal.

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Death: Life's messenger really needs to get humble. I turned away, and sent word to River to prepare the fort for war, just incase Life was planning on stabbing me in the back. I prepared my half of Hevan for war too. I didn't trust Life, or Bellona as far as I could throw either one neither.   Shadow: "Why a truths, Death?" I asked, "And why let Bellona step over you as you let her?"   Death: "You'll see soon enough, Shadow, until then watch after Hevan for me. I'll be gathering supplies for the prison, and hevan." I answered.   Shadow: I smiled, and nodded my head resurring Death. Finally power to who deserves it! With Death's army at my fingertips, I'll have more than what I came for, but more than what I hoped for!

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Izzy-" i am sorry  for calling you that jack frost really. but if you what to go  then you can i just thought that you may like to play a game" truns and starts walking away" oh by the way  that a a good song you where playing"

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Jack Frost: "It's an old song," I say with a shrug, "Nothing special about it."

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Life: After I'd opened the portal and Bellona and I were in Limbo, I saw Izzy and Jack Frost (who I secretly called Frosty in my mind but only because for some odd reason it made me giggle) and said, "Izzy, we need a meeting immediatley. Jack, you may come if you'd like, I'm going to call for Jeremy and Darius."

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Shadow: I sat back in Death's hevan throne with a drink in my hand. "I wonder what Death's doing?" I silently wondered, "He's always up to something.". I stood to my feet, and walked to the balcony. It was a nice veiw of Hevan, I could actually see the war. The forces I sent out, have almost won. All there's left to conquer is their angel strong hold. It's only a matter of time before I try for hell. "I hope Life doesn't mind." I said, placing my drink on the glass ledge. I laughed to myself, and turned away, and sat in the throne again. Death didn't know what he'd done, leaving a power hungry assasin in control is bound to go so wrong...for him

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Jack Frost: I land on the ground and twirl an snowflake on my finger as I follow life, "sounds interesting," I say with a mischievous smile, "sounds like fun." Bellona: I glare at frost and head for the meeting room.

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Izzy-" okay life  i will meet you there" smiles at her and then i leave and goes to the meetign oom only to sit down in my seat thinking some on  diffent things

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

River: I smiled to myself "this place will be well prepared" I laughed

Re: From the Ashes

12 Years Ago

Bellona: I take my seat at the table and glare at Frost as he floats in and sits in the air above my head. "Do you mind?" I snap swatting at his foot, "Sit like a normal person." Frost snickered and floated away from me to sit in the air somewhere else.