Role Play
From the Ashes
From the Ashes12 Years AgoOkay, so do you remember "Prison of Souls"? If you do than you most likely remember the character "Death". Well for you who were apart of PoS, it's time. Death's return is now! Death amazingly got out of the safe, and is now back in the prison of souls. He watched his prison, and noticed that the prison's over flowing so now he's going to conquer Limbo, or try. Life gives Death one hell of a run for his money! *NEW PPLE,OR CHARACTERS WELCOMED AS WELL AS THE OLD!*
Death: Read the original PoS forum if you wanna know this info
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoName: Jack Frost
Bio: He woke up one day with no memory of you he is or where he came from. All he knew was that his name was Jack frost (im in a rise of the guardians mood sorry guys you'll just have to deal with me^_^) and that he had the power to control winter. He is a trickster who loves to play jokes on everyone. He's not dead. He's not alive. He's just a boy with a love of fun and tricks.^_^ He doesn't care who is on what side he will cause problems for everyone.
Age: Unknown
Side: no side.
Name: Bellona Circe Error
Bio: Woke up one day with no memory of what she is or was. She was just wandering around the realms when Life took her in. Some say Life thought she was like Death but no one knows why. Perhaps it was just the fact that she had just lots her brother in the Lake of Fire. (Bellona means to fight. Circe means bird.) She has the ability to send messages through birds. She has one special bird friend, Vulcan, a phoenix who found her soon after she awoke.
Age: She looks around ten (yeah young I know)
Side: Life
(Sorry guys^_^ Mabelle isn't coming back this time. She might appear everyone once in a while but she's not a main character of mine. As the Mother Goddess she can't take sides this time! Satan as well won't be there... but I hope you enjoy my knew characters!)
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoCharacter: Life
Life- *hands on hips* anyone who forgot me will be sent to the dungeon and hung until dead.
Re: From the Ashes12 Years Agooh, Ever-Mist! yoo-who! ya wanna join?
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoOh, and, Serenity you should join too!
Re: From the Ashes12 Years Agoyeah, yeah! where's Jere-bear???? c'mon serenity!
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoAlright let's do this you guys know my main 2 characters Serena and Jeremy (btw lets be sure to incorporate everything that Death/Dracula missed as well, like Satan and Mabelle)
Re: From the Ashes12 Years Agoshould we wait a while to see if Ever will join? I'd like to see Izzy back in.
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoYall know my name lol. Call me Dracula if ya want, but i'm kool with David. But Rachel, I'll mesage Evermist cause I got the characters on my side I had, so it's only fair we see that Life has her characters that sided with her
Re: From the Ashes12 Years Agomm-kay. i hope she joins, but if not, then I'll just make up another character
Re: From the Ashes12 Years Agookay so I have decided to let Serena's character go, I will still keep Jeremy obviously but I will create a new character as well Name: River Bio: is Death's new second in command and is a complete angel of Death, complete with jet black bat wings, she has bright red hair and matching eyes. Wears a Red and Black corset and a black skirt with red and black fishnets and black kneehigh boots. She also has black and silver feather earings
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoWe know who Evermist is so should we start? I mean she can just jump in at any time?
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoYeah she can but what if she doesn't decide to join? Then someone has to make a character to pick up what her responsibilities were. I guess we can start if everyone wants to, but I messaged her, and didn't mention that we might start SO, i'll just send her another message, n we won't use her role till we get an answer. So who should start?
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoWell I have two characters up there^^^... ones names Jack and ones named Bellona... If you read it shes on Lifes side so it's alright... life won't be outnumbered to much. Plus Jack isn't on anyones side he's just a problem causer^_^
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoIzzy is here :) Izzy- that same as in pos ( it is nice to see everyone back in one role play and i am goingot make a new one as well )
Re: From the Ashes12 Years Ago(Alright so who wants to start???)
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoI'll start :) Death: I awoke from the dream I had started form the begining. Visions flashed. Ancient letters, shadows of figures, and marching feet. What does it all mean? Why do I see these visions?... "Travel outside, and you'll know, soon." A whispering voice announced. I shook, and rattled the safe, but it didn't open. Not even a budge. "Return resurrection" I shouted, and I was free from the safe. I swam through the fire quickly, and I pulled myself back to land. I stood to my feet, barley standing, and made my way to the healing potions. I dranks the one for fire resistance. I faded into the shadows in the room, and stepped from out of the shadows on the walls that surrounded the prison. I heard voices that sounded of a gracefull choir of harmonic voices sing quietly "Dalle ceneri un eroe arosen! GRANDINE MORTE!". I smiled, as I looked up. "Death has returned!" I called, "All gather in front of the gates!"
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoJeremy: I look around as the walls shake, Death's voice rings loud and clear throughout the hlls and I throw myself out of the prison wondering if what the voice says is true, I exit the prison and spot him not too far off "Death!" I whisper as my gaze meets his. River: Great as luck would have it, I was just about to be told my fate when this happens and I am forced to follow suit out to the gates. I am taken behind the guy who I had been standing before, I glance in front of him and spot another person standing in front of him, he looks tall, dark and mysterious. He was somebody that I indeed didn't want to mess with.
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoDeath: It was almost magical, seeing a familiar face. It's been so long since i've seen anyone really. "Jeremy, how has the prison been holding?!" I asked, shouting from the walls
Re: From the Ashes12 Years AgoJeremy: "It's been doing alright, but the confines of our walls will not hold very many more" I call out "A lot has changed since you left, A lot has changed" I smile up to him.