Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: I smile "Guess so, kiddo." Shujaa: "The night I lost my oldest sister." I say quietly.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "So did Breeze teach you all the things you know or someone else?"-----Elvira- "I'm sorry for that." I say. "I dream something similar to that; the parents and grandparents were killed. That's what I was dreaming about a moment ago." I say
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: I sigh "No, Rayne did when I worked for him. He taught me how to bring people he tortured back from the brink of death and let him torture them again, an endless cycle of pain and suffering." Shujaa: I nod "Let me guess, you tried to help, but could not?"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "Yes. But the wolves stopped me, reaching out to get me." I say shivering a bit.----Faeron- "And...did he torture you too?" I ask hesitantly
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I nod "My father stopped me." I say quietly. Bryan: "No, he just got a few good hits in while I was escaping with Breeze. He did torture her, though."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "And yet she doesn't let it affect her. At least she doesn't show her pain in front of us." I say.-----Elvira- "Why?" I ask
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: I nod "Shes a tough girl." Shujaa: I sigh "One of the tribe's laws."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "What rule can stop you from helping someone who was in danger or was dying?" I ask then look at him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be asking about this. It's probably making you feel depressed thinking about it." I say.----Faeron- I nod to his comment and then create a fireball in my hand. I toss back and forth in between them. Then I hold it over my hand, changing its form into that of a lion.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: "No, it's fine. A rival tribe had raided our village when the scouts were changing, and they took some of the women with them. My sister escaped, but not before they'd gotten what they'd wanted from her. Later, they tried to raid us again, and she was shot by one of our own men who had misfired their bow. It took her three days to die. My father wouldn't let me kill her to end her pain, she was forced to suffer, alone, all because she wasn't 'pure'." I sigh "They had to keep me under a guard to keep me from helping her, four warriors. I can't stand our laws, they're unfair and often cruel." Bryan: I smile and take a breath, then breath out, a roar filling the room and fire shooting out to engulf the lion, then forms into a lion standing in front of Faeron. It was a head taller than him. It roars and crouches, then pounces, roaring, it's maw open to reveal fiery teeth, then vanishes right before it touches Faeron. I chuckle at the look on his face, amused.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "Could you be able to change it one day? When your the leader?" I say.-----Faeron- I leaned back when it pounced at me. But I lean back up when it disappears. "Woah that was cool!" I say
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I sigh "No. The chiefs don't make the laws. See, there's this man who is the Father of the Tribes, and he creates our laws. He would have to change it, and, he won't. I've already asked him to, multiple times." Bryan: I smile "I guess it is, but it's not anywhere near as impressive as some of the things they did in the Great War."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "Really? What did they do during the War?" I ask.----Elvira- I look at him and see how sad he looks. I lean my head back onto his shoulder and place my hand over his. To try to cheer him up and show him he has a friend who cares and wants to help. "I wouldn't give up hope though. You never know when you might be able to change something in your tribe. Or anywhere for that matter." I say
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: "They could make dragons that spit fire, walls of flame that could destroy entire troops in a matter of moment." Shujaa: I nod, looking down at our hands "Maybe someday. I would end his rule myself, but Im not that barbaric." I say quietly.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- I sit there imagining it all. "Wow. I like the dragon idea. Is there anyone who stills knows how to do that kind of stuff?"-----Elvira- I look up at his face. "Your right. Your not barbaric. But I've seen that you are dangerous to those who threaten people that you care about. However, your also kind, sweet, and funny. But not barbaric." I say softly.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: My smile fades "Rayne." Shujaa: I sigh "I would kill him if that's all it took." I say honestly.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "oh." I say with a disappointed sigh. "I don't want to learn anything from him." I say.---Elvira- I sigh. "Let's not talk about death and killing anymore right now. Instead just focus on the life around you." I say. I notice a small daisy in between us and move my hand from Shujaa's to touch gently touch it. "Life like this daisy, or like the birds in the tree here." I say.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: I nod "You're smarter than I was, kid." I tell him. Shujaa: I nod "So that one's called a daisy," I say it a bit hesitantly, trying out the new word "right?" I ask, pointing to the small flower.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- I look at him. "Was there a certain reason why you chose to follow Rayne?" I ask hesitantly.----Elvira- I smile. "Yes that's a daisy. And the ones that are red or pink or white with the thorns on them are roses." I say. Then sigh in content. "You know, if ever I had a daughter I would probably name her Merilwen, which means rose." I say simply.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBryan: "He was powerful, ambitious, smart, and knew what he was doing. I fell into his trap and have always regretted it." I tell him. Shujaa: I smile slightly, listening. She always has hope, something I sometimes struggle to find.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- I look down. I didn't want my life to be filled with regret. I didn't want to follow Rayne. I think to Maenor, who was being forced to serve him. "I have a friend who Rayne has put under a spell in order to make my friend serve him." I say. "Breeze doesn't know if we can save him. What do you think?" I ask.----Elvira- I look up. "Why are smiling at me?" I ask with a soft laugh.