Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I nod "Makes sense to me." I straiten and smile down at the young boy "So, you are the famous Faeron. I am Shujaa, it is great to finally meet you, dogo shujaa."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "You know who I am?" I ask surprised.----Elvira- "I told him about you while we were in the desert." I explain.----Faeron- "Oh ok. What does dogo shujaa mean?"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I smile "It means 'young warrior'. I have heard that you are pretty good in a fight."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "Well I've been in a few tough spots here and there yea." I say grinning-----Elvira- "Maybe you should show him some things Faeron."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I nod, pulling out my sword "Come at me." I tell him, my position relaxed, but poised for the attack.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I stand back to watch.----Faeron- I pull my sword out again and ready myself. "Are you sure? You can go first if you'd like." I say swirling my sword around as Shujaa and I begin to circle each other
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I smile "You first, I want to see your attack, I'm waiting to be impressed."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "One thing before I go though. Am I allowed to use my fire?" I say, looking to Elvira----Elvira- "I think it would make it more interesting. What do you say Shujaa?"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: I watch the cranky girl ride off on her horse then look back at her companions. They seemed more uninterested then if they were staring at the piles of old text in Rayne's library. I sigh and settle at the foot of a tree, resting the back of my head on the trunk as I watch the little elf in amusement. What was this feeling? I felt... relaxed. I hadn't felt this emotion since... since when? I frown and look down at my hands, they dangled from my knees that I had pulled up. If was frustrating sometimes when I felt like I SHOULD remember something, but just couldn't. It was almost like my own mind was teasing me with some hidden secrets about myself. I close my eyes and rest my forehead on my knees. God, my head hurt like hell.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I nod "Let us do it." I ready myself, preparing to make a shield if nessesary, but not particularly wanting to. I feel a breeze, cool despite the heat, and remember Breeze's instructions for fighting both with your power and your steel: "Don't use much of your own power, just push back theirs and every now and then send a little something in their direction. Let the sword do the talking, kiddo." I shift my stance as I feel the wind changing, growing stronger, it is almost like she's here.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- I stand across from Shujaa and keep my sword pointed out to my side. I then switch my foot position and push off, rushing towards Shujaa.----Elvira- I watch Faeron go and then look over and see Maenor sitting next to the tree, looking a bit troubled. I walk over carefully. "Is something the matter Mornor?" I say almost saying Maenor but know he wouldn't recognize it.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: I look up at the voice and smile gently, "Nothing, nothing!" I say lightly covering it up, "Just a bit tired I suppose. And confused, but it's really nothing to worry about! I'm the enemy anyways so you shouldn't be so concerned." I give a light laugh.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I easily block his sword "Strength and ferocity do not always gain the upper hand." I tell him, pushing him back a step, still relaxed "I thought Breeze would have told you that." I smile, blocking another blow "I bet she already told you that," I knock his blade aside with a flick of my wrist "but you forgot."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "Why are you the enemy? I mean you don't have to be." I say looking him straight in the eyes. He was confused if everything that was going on. The dark swirls I had seen before in his eyes now were faded a bit, like they were clouded over.-----Faeron- I scrunch my eyebrows in frustration. "Well I guess I'm a slow learner." I say. I warm the hilt of his sword, causing him to drop it do the sudden change in its state. I kicked the sword away before he can pick it up again.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I laugh, drop, roll, and come up, sword in hand, ready for his next move "Nice, but you always take their sword, that way they can not do something like I just did." I tell him, this time on the offensive. I hit the base of his sword, causing it to jump out of his hand. I catch it, flip over him, and land on the other side of him, both swords aimed at him. I barely touch the spot where his heart is with my swordpoint, his own sword at his throat. "I win." I pull both swords away, sheathing my own and flipping his in the air, catching it, blade-down. "Your sword." I tell him with a smile, offering it, hilt first, to him "You did well, but you can't always rely on your powers to win a fight. I thought that you would have learned that by now, especially with Breeze as your teacher."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "I know that it's not the most reliable thing and that it takes strength. But I'm stronger and more skilled than people think. I've learned a lot while Elvira and Breeze were away." I say. "But thanks. How did you learn to fight like that? It reminds me of how Breeze fights."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I smile "Well, I was taught by her when I was younger." I laugh "She still spars with me, just to keep myself from getting over-confidant or boastful. You should see her in a real fight. I learn something new every time I see her, most of the time without her saying anything, just by watching her." I put a hand on his shoulder "It would be an understatement to say you are very lucky to be her apprentice, it is an amazing honor. She does not just take on anyone as her apprentice. In fact, I believe that you are only the fifth apprentice she has taken in her lifetime."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "I am honored that she chose me as her apprentice. She's very skilled and powerful. And she was a friend to my ancestor, the Last Knight."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I smile "Best way to show her that you care is to train hard, and pay attention to what she tells you. Remember how I beat you without using my power, despite the fact that you used yours? She taught me that, as well as the other moves." I ruffle his hair "But, enough of the serious talk for now." my smile brightens and I kneel down so that I can whisper in his ear "Want to embarrass your sister?" I ask
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "hmmm whatcha got in mind?" I say smiling