Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBreeze: I smile as Shujaa chimes in "Yea, Breeze! Can we go now?" sounding like he's a little boy again "Yes, we can go now." I put the fire out, making sure it wasn't just smoldering, then mount "Let's go!" I urge Farasi into a run, laughing as I hear Shujaa behind me letting out a war cry. I let him catch up, smile at him, then speed up again, leaving them to eat my dust.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- On Asil I ride up next to Shujaa and smile. "Tulya bo Shujaa! Var le nauva hyarya adel. Vil-Asil!" (Come on Shujaa! Or you will be left behind. Fly Asil!) I say and Asil quickens his pace and we leave Shujaa behind, catching up with Breeze. I was truly excited to get in the forest and as we passed by Breeze I smiled. I could see a faint dark spot off in the distance. It was the beginning of the forest there and seeing it lifted my heart.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoBreeze: I smile and cause a wind to push us forward, quickening our pace. Soon, the forest draws closer.
Shujaa: I feel the earth beneath me change, it's feel beginning to differ. I look ahead, eager to see this place that is so alien to me. |
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- the grass was finally under us and there was no more sand. I stopped Asil in front of the trees that marked the beginning of the forest and jumped off onto the ground. I walk over to the tree nearest to me and lay my hand on. I smile. "Ah nîn málo. O man gar-quente?" (Ah my friend. What do you have to say?) I say and listen intently to the trees words. A tree's language is long, so I stood there for a bit.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I dismount, gazing in wonder at all the green. The earth's voice practically yelling, the spot so alive. I kneel down and touch the grass, my excitement growing as I see a flower, a bright, yellow head that makes me think of the sun making my eyes widen.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I let my hand fall from the tree and smile. "We are safe here for the trees say that Rayne has no presence here." I say then notice Shujaa. "Beautiful isn't it? Just wait until we go deeper into the forest. Especially this one. These trees are very old."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I look up "There's more?" I feel the pulse of the earth under me clearly, almost clearer than my own.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "Of course there's more! Come on." I say taking Asil with me into the forest, expecting Breeze and Shujaa to follow.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I walk behind Elvira, hearing horse hooves behind me. I look around trying to take it all in.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I slow down so that I'm walking right beside Shujaa. "To understand the forest the first thing to do is understand that everything is alive at all times. Each tree, flower, animal, even the grass has its own voice." I explain.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I put up a hand to stop her. I point to the ground and show her, hidden in the hollow of a tree, a snake who's tail she had almost stepped on. It retreats the rest of the way into the tree and I look at her with a smile "I know, Elvira. They are all screaming at me. I understand that each has a voice. They beat you to that lesson, I am afraid."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I lift an eyebrow at him and smile. "Ok then. I shall not try to teach you but instead let you listen to the forest. None of my family were Earth users so the forest taught me everything about my gift." I say as I twirl my hand. Vines from one of the old trees were being fastened together into a swing. When I was done, I went over to it and sat down to watch Shujaa. "Go on and listen. And listen I would because the forest doesn't have time for those who get distracted. Getting smacked by a tree branch isn't very fun." I say as I start to sway the swing back and forth.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I laugh "Listen? I do not think I have a choice in the matter. It is louder and clearer than you. I have never heard it so loud." I close my eyes and walk forward, stepping over tree branches and ducking under limbs. I keep going a few feet, then turn and go back the way I'd come, opening my eyes as I come back to where I'd started. I smile at Elvira "I see better with my eyes closed than open here." I joke.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I smile. "Good. Very good. But you also must feel the earth around you. Everything's connected, from the trees to the grass to even ourselves. Feel how the earth underneath you shifts and then you can think how can you make it shift." I say standing up and letting the vines go back to their natural state. I walk over and stand in front of Shujaa and close my eyes. I then turn and can feel the earth shifting underneath me, the grass moving in the breeze, the trees watching me intently. I shift my foot and a block of the earth rises up from the ground. I shift my foot again and another block forms, higher than the last. I repeat the process two more times, creating a bit of a stairway that leads up into one of the higher trees. I open my eyes and climb up the steps to the tree. When my foot leaves each step they sink back into the earth and when I'm up in the tree it's as if nothing was there. "You must feel the earth!" I say out laughing a bit as I start to swing on the branch, happy to be back in my own element.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I'm suddenly eye level with her, grinning like a fool. "I think I am catching on pretty quick." I tell her
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I stare for a moment, impressed. But then I blush a bit and look away. I swing myself off the branch and land on the side of the tree next to it. Then I push off and jump down to the ground. I look to Breeze. "Where are we going from here Breeze?" I ask.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I look down and make the bit of earth I'd raised change, adding what looked like a ramp. I jump down, balancing on my feet as I slide to the bottom, where it returns to the Earth. I come to a stop next to Elvira "Yeah, where to?" I ask, excited.
Breeze: I look down "Somewhere I'd hoped never to go again." I look up and point to the north "That way, you'll see where soon enough." |
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I look at Breeze strangely. What did she mean? As we begin to walk again I look to Shujaa. "Do you know what she means?" I whisper
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I shake my head "No idea."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I sigh and follow behind Breeze , with Asil behind me.