Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "It is important that we try our best to get his memories back. He's our friend and he deserves to remember who he is Luna." I say. "It's what Elvira would want if she was here."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoLuna: "Memories are hard to recover," I say sadly, "However, we dispel all the blackness that Rayne intertwined with his soul. If we do that... in essence... Maenor will be back. He just won't remember who he is." I watch as Maenor strolls lazily ahead of us in the hall. He stops to talk to one of the other witches in his usual easy going manner.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "Then...we should tell him who he is. After we've got him back on our side I guess. We tell him about everything he's done. Maybe that will trigger something."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoLuna: I nod slightly, "We can sure try it." I say, "But if he's already met you sister and nothing has been triggered... I don't know if it will help"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- I shake my head. "They probably haven't had time to talk to each other like how we're going to try and explain things to him. We just have to try harder." I say
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoLuna: I give a small smile, "Yes, we do need to try." I say, "I'm sure you can help him faeron but don't get discouraged if his memories are unable to return."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "It won't be me that will be the most discouraged and disappointed..." I say.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoLuna: "Yes, I suppose your right," I say watching the big flirt talk with the woman, "Elvira deserves a lot more then a playboy elf with good fighting skills. The old Maenor was so much better."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "I hope she's ok..." I say then walk over to Maenor. "Come this way silly!" I say pulling him away and back to Luna. Then we start walking. "So what do we try on him first Luna?" I whisper to her after I go to her.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoLuna: "You take him back to Mother Jenean's city." I say, "Or go to your sister in the desert. Some place safe for now."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoFaeron- "Wait what about you? Your coming with us right?"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I shrug "When you've never seen something, and you've heard of it, you're generally curious." I give a sad smile "So, our desert isn't the best sight, huh? Another question I have is: Why are you so uneasy here?"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I was a lil shocked that he had picked up on it. But probably my screaming down the hill helped him guess. "Well it's just I've always heard tales of dangerous and evil creatures that live out here. And then there's this sand. It's a type of earth I never really work with and I haven't mastered it yet. If we were attacked, I'd be useless out here magic wise. And I don't like the feeling of having no magic. Yea I can fight with my sword or bow, but without having my magic feels like a part of me is missing." I say looking up at him. I hadn't wanted to say so much but I felt like it was natural to tell it to him. I could trust him, though I'd only known him for so short a time. "Sorry I babbled on. I sometimes do that."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I smile "It is alright, I am used to what you term as babbling. I have three younger sisters of my own."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "Oh ok." I say, smiling a bit. "Is there anything else you want to know?"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I pretend to consider for a moment "Well...I might have a few more." I take a deep breath "Do all your women dress like that? What's a river like? A mountain? What exactly do knights do? Why is it so hard for you to use your magic here?" I ask, eager for information about somewhere that seemed like something out a legend.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I laugh. "Only a few more huh?" I say. "First of all, what we wear varies from she-elf to she-elf. And on the occasion. For example, I wear this skirt and tights and top when going out. Another she-elf may chose to wear more of a summer dress. Now a river is fast moving, but there are parts that slow down where one can enjoy a day of playing in the waters. A mountain is amazing to see and though its a hard trip to the top, the view from there is breathtaking." I take a light breath. " the village and area I grew up in, there weren't any knights. We only heard of the knights in the old legends. They would bravely risk their lives for their rulers and country and performed everything with courage and chivalry. And finally it's hard to use my powers out here because sand is so loose and finely graded. If one sand particle is out of place, whatever your trying to do gets ruined."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I give her a smile "Well, we will just have to remedy that tomorrow, but for now, we relax!" I lead her over to a spot around the fire, near to my father, the chief, a place of honor in our society. "Our food is a little different than what you forest people are used to, but I think you will enjoy it." Father stands up and begins to speak "We welcome back our dear friend Breeze and her companion Elvira. If you will, join me in speaking with the Goddess who created our ancestors." everyone either bows their head, looks up to the heavens, hides their face, or bows to the ground. I continue whispering a translation of the prayer to her "Mother of all creation, you have blessed us in bringing to us both old and new friends to join us for a short time. We ask you for forgiveness of any wrongs we might have tone to you, the spirits who carry out your will, or our fellow man. Let this meal give us the energy to continue on the path you have set before us. Amen."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I bow my head as others do in respect of their culture. I look around trying to find Breeze. "Do you see Breeze anywhere Shujaa?" I whisper over to him.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoShujaa: I put hand on her arm "Yes, she is right beside my father, you just can not see her at the moment because he is leaning forward and blocking her from your view." I smile "Relax, everything is fine for the moment." One of the women sets food in front of each of us "Enjoy some good food and," I take my hand away and point to myself "slightly endurable company."