Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I had stopped, hoping it had worked out for Breeze. I went to open the door to see if it had but found that Breeze had locked me in. "Uh oh. I hope she remembers to come back."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI put a hand on my hip and scowl "Come out already." I call to the book "I'm not really in the mood for games." most people didn't realize these books had minds and personalities of their own. "Either you come to me, or Rayne might get you." I warn it. I shake my head with a small smile as I hear a rustling among the books. The book I was looking for flies gracefully into my open arms. I hug it to me and head for the door "I know you're shy, but you know me."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: "Your pretty useful," I say stepping out in front of her, blocking the door, "It's a shame Rayne doesn't really seem to like you. I think your interesting... However, that doesn't change the fact that I need that." I point a lazy finger at the book.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI clutch the book against me "The feeling is mutual." I glare at him "Look, I know you don't remember this, but we're on the same side, so I really don't want to hurt you. Yet, if you don't let me by," I reset my stance, makeing sure I was properly balanced "I will, friend or not, beat your cocky little behind."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: I flash a grin, "I really don't know what your talking about," I say snapping my fingers so that a black flame appeared on my finger tip, "But if you don't give me that book I'll burn the whole library down. And just an FYI... black fire is pretty much the worst there is... It can catch onto anything, spells and enchantments included, and once it's going there just about nothing that can stop it. Except for the wielder of course." I shrug as I point my finger at some of the books. "Your choice."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I was nervous since she hadn't came back yet so I grabbed the knife out of my pocket and fidgeted with the lock. It finally opened and I went to the door to the other part of the library. I look through the window and see Breeze facing off Maenor. "Oh no. Breeze come on out of there!"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI look from the flame, to him, to the books, then back to the flame. "Fine." I say dejectedly "Fine," I look down at the book I held in my hands: A Complete Guide To Rare And Unique Magics, then hesitantly hold it out to him "you win this round."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: "Don't worry sweetie," I say taking it, "I'll take good care of it." I snap my fingers and the flame jumps from my fingers to float around the room. I shrug, "Safety measures," I state, "You try anything this magic will spread. Once I pass through the gates and know I'm safe. I'll break the curse and your book will be fine."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- "No! Why did she just give him the book? There has to be a way for me to get in there..." I say
Re: Fantasy World11 Years Ago"Don't call me sweetie." I snap "And you seem to have forgotten that as soon as you leave this room, your magic will be taken away and the flame will go out." I catch Elvira peering in and see the look in her eyes. I hold her gaze and shake my head slightly, sending a clear message: No.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: I smile and shrug slightly, "Who said it was my magic?" I ask innocently, "I am merely a device which it is placed through. The real person it already outside the gates of the school, Rayne is very skilled after all." I flash a smile, "See yeah around sweetie." I wink once then spin on my heels and head out the door. The fire still bobbing around the room threateningly.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI take a deep breath and exhale, sending a gale whipping through the room and extinguishing the flame. "Distorted and darkened sorceries can only do so much when faced against the pure and unchanged elements." I quote, then go out to Elvira. I raise a hand before she can speak "Walls have ears and drafts wisper secrets." I tell her cryptically "We'll talk elsewhere, but now, I need to get us somewhere truly safe."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: I was exiting the library when the sunset and the men attacked. Of course they could only do so much against a great school like this but it gave me enough time to exit the gates of the grounds and meet Rayne at the top of the hill. He smiled as I held the book out to him and flipped through the pages with much satisfaction, "Well done Mornor." He said with a proud smile, "You are easily the best choice I've ever made. To think that one rescue could do so much for me. Come, leave the men and lets return home." I hesitate, "Leave the men?" I repeat unsurely, "But they have been so loyal to us... why must we leave them?" Rayne draped his arm over my shoulder and turned me toward our horses, "They will come again, with this!" He raised the book, "All of our problems will be over my son." I still hesitate then nod and climb onto my horse. Rayne heads out before me as I watch the battle below. Something in my gut said that this wasn't right but I had to follow Rayne's orders. He was all I had after all.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI knew the illusion I had put on the book would drop soon, and Rayne would figure out I had tricked Maenor, so we didn't have much time. I return the pass and the key to the headmaster's study, leaving a note that I'd be taking a few supplies with me, and not to worry if anything was missing. I take Elvira to the stable and motion to the long rows of stalls "Pick any that don't have a ribbon on their stall." I tell her, then head over to one twards the back. I hear a familiar whicker and smile "Hey, Farasi." I open the stall door and laugh as he almost knocks me over with his nuzzling "I missed you to." I tell him, rubbing his back, sides, and legs. "They've kept you in good condition, just like H.S. promised." I scratch his favorite spot. "You feel like going on a road trip?" I ask him. I hold at bay the uneasiness that Rayne would figure it out before we had a chance to leave. I mean, once he realizes that the book was really just an extremely common folk-tale, he's going to be really ticked off. I wanted us half-way to the desert by then.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoElvira- I found a brown horse with no ribbon in front of its stalls. The name plate on the top of the stall said Windfola. I opened the door to the stall and lay my hand upon her head. "Good girl." I say, since she was a bit nervous. "Windfola can you be a brave girl and carry me where I need to go?" I say to her. I feel her hesitate than nod her head up and down. "Alright Breeze lets go."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI look over at the horse she's chosen and nod "She'll do. I wish we had time to get you a horse I know about, but we don't." I show her where to get tack and pack a bag of brushes and other grooming tools for her to bring along. I lead Farasi outside and throw a desert tribe blanket over his back, then leap on. "Ready when you are, Elvira!" I call.
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: We were about to leave the clearing when Rayne stopped his horse, flung his bag open and flipped through the book again. Turning he bellowed in anger and started back toward the school, dropping the book like it was a useless toy. And it was, I picked it up and flipped through the folk-tale with a small grin. Then slowly I started laughing really hard. "She's good!" I laugh as I sit on my horse chuckling as I read through the book, "Yup, to bad Rayne hates her."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI rush Elvira to saddle her horse and eventually just get her tack into a bundle and secure it on her horse's back and pull her up behind me on Farasi. "Hold on." I tell Elvira. "Enda!" I shout, and Farasi takes off like a bullet, the other horse close behind. *We've got to get out of here and to the desert.* I lean down low over Farasi's neck *Or Rayne might catch up with us.*
Rayne: I glare at the receding figure of the girl's horse. "Get her at any cost!" I shout to Mornor "Make sure she's captured alive, I've a few things in mind for her!" I glare in her direction and utter a curse "If she gets into that desert we've hardly any chance of finding her!"
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoMornor: "As you wish," I say handing him the book with a little smile, "Rima!" I command my horse and he takes off. He was fast, very fast, "Asca!" He quickens his pace and within moment I had the two girls in view. Behind me, some distance might I add, was a riding crew sent by Rayne. Backup no doubt. I flick my reins and get along side the horse, stand on the saddle, and tackle them to the ground. "Stay put." I snap at the elf as I tackle the feisty one to the ground and hold a knife to her neck, "One move and your dead." I state calmly pinning her hands, "I'm serious. I don't want to kill anyone."
Re: Fantasy World11 Years AgoI glare at him "Fine. I won't, but you will." I take a deep breath and exhale, sending him flying. "Come on!" I grab Elvira and throw her onto Farasi, jump up in front of her, and shout "Enda!" we set off again and I close my eyes. "Elvira," I warn "hold on for your life." then summon the air. In a moment we were practically flying across the ground. I steer Farasi twards the desert with my knees and hold on tight to his mane, feeling Elvira's arms almost sufficatingly tight about my waist. *Only three leagues to go.* I think desperately *Please,* I pray, the wind whipping my hair about my face. *Goddess let us get there safely.* I feel blood seeping through the bandage and down my back. My brow furrows with worry and I gaze ahead anxiously *Only two more leagues, just two more, then we can hide in the desert and take care of things.*
I tell myself wearily, my mucles shakeing with strain as the magic takes it's toll *Just a little farther.* My breath comes in gasps and my heart beats erratically, blood pounding loudly in my ears, almost as loud as the roaring of the wind which sped us along. *Just a little farther.* |