Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I had stopped dancing for a bit, telling Faeron I was a lil tired. I watched him dance, he was so full of energy and life. Then I looked to the other girls my age, who were dancing to find their mates. I didn't have time for that now; I had Faeron to look after. Still….it must be nice to have someone to be with you like that. Suddenly Faeron came over. 'Whos that?' he asked and I looked in the direction he was pointing. There I saw Luna with a fairy halfling. "I don't know." I said. Faeron wanted to go meet her, so I nodded and we walked over. Faeron introduced me and himself to the halfling girl.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I smile at Faeron, "This is Breeze," I say shifting my gaze to her, "She's come to join our celebration."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- I smile. "So your half fairy right? A halfling?"---Elvira- "Faeron. She might feel uncomfortable for you to say that." I whisper in his ear.---Faeron- "I was gonna say it was cool." I say looking at Breeze smiling again
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI smile at the girl "No, it's ok, I don't mind." I knelt down to look the young boy in the eye "Faeron, right? And yes, I am half fairy. I'm half elf as well, so I'm not to much different than you in many ways."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- "Coooool. So do you have to do the celebration like us?"----Elvira- I smile. The always wondering mind of a child. i think to myself
Re: Fantasy World12 Years Ago"Well, I'm pretty sure I won't be danceing with any boys, I'm not looking for a mate. But I do believe I'll dance." A new thought occurs to me "Want to see a trick? It's pretty neat if I do say so myself."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I smile and wander away from the fire. I did have some other business to attend to tonight that involved something I had seen in the fire of my harth two moons past. I had called a meeting of The Sisterhood to gather in the woods by my home tonight. "Sister Luna," They greeted as I entered the ring of witches that gathered around a large fire, "You have seen worry something worrying in the fire?" THe Elder, Nira, asks, "Please, share your burden with us Sister of far seeing eyes. The Sisterhood calls council forth and asks the One of Spirit to share her vision." I nod and step forward to the fire and stare deep into it. I feel a hand place on my shoulder as the witches form a Link between my eyes and theirs.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- "Sure!" I say excited.-----Elvira- I notice Luna leave, but I don't look into it. I had to watch Faeron
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I reenter the festival in a daze about a half hour later and stagger to a log. My head was spinning as I thought about what the witches had said. I knew that it was along those lines before I asked for their council but really... I had not idea it would be... that bad. I look around at the happy elves dancing and force back tears. No... no... Our peace here in the Forrest would soon be ruined!
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI took out my pan-pipes and, concentrateing on a pond nearby, began to play. Come I directed the wind to suck up the water, forming a water-man within it's whirling being. After it had formed I directed it again, this time to "walk" over, smile, and bow to me. I smiled back, placed my pipes back into my pack, and curtsied to "him". I stepped forward, continuously directing the wind, and took it's offered hand. We danced a swift, simple dance, which ended as it had begun, with a twist. I kept my hand in "his" as we curtsied and bowed to one another, walked "him" back to the lake, directed "him" to bring my hand up to "his" waterey lips and give it a kiss. After which "he" dissapeared, falling back into the lake. Thank you I dissmised the wind and returned to the others, a little winded from the magic and danceing. I sat down on the grass "Well," I told Faeron "not my best danceing, but I believe it's tolerable under the circumstances."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- "That was amazing though." I say smiling. "My element is fire, but I'm still learning. I can do this though." I say and produce a fireball in my hand, which then changes shape into a flower. I smile then change it into a dragon which flies around Breeze. When it returns I change it again, this time as 2 elves dancing together. "This is what I wish my sister could do. Dance with someone and be happy. She hasn't been the same since our family died." I say.----Elvira- I had noticed Luna come back and had walked away silently. "Luna? Are you ok?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I look up teary eyed and hear a bird call in the distance, "Get everyone out of here," I say as I stand and face the forrest, "NOW! GET OUT OF HERE!" Out of the forest stepped a great snarling beast. Large fangs and claws glinting in the firelight. "Werewolf." I hiss pulling out a knife as I step between the elves and the wolf. I coudl hear elvens screaming in fear behind be as they hurry in the opposite direction. "You are not welcome here, Parin." I snap. He laughed, "Is that how you treat an old friend Luna?" He asked, "After I've come all this way to see you." He shot an evil smile in my direction as he leaped toward me and his pack of bloody thristy hounds exited the trees and started for the fleeing elves.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI turned and saw the werewolves I didn't know what to do. Then, I got an idea "Faeron!" I called " make me another fireball, quickly!" Come, now, I need you, help me! I spoke once again to Faeron "When you have it ready, tell me. I'll use the wind to throw it at the werewolves, all you have to do is make them and concentrate on them not going out when they're thrown, ok?" I began to create a hollow sphere of wind, a portion of it still open, waiting for it's fiery passenger to close within. As I waited I began creating werewolf-sized twisters that went after the werewolves and caught them within it's whirling clutches. I had to sit down, I had to concentrate! I heard myself calling Faeron over, telling him not to run, they would come after him if he did, walk slowly.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLurthara: It's been a while since werewolves have come around. They are a lot easier to deal with than dragons. But they were part of the reason why the Elves had to leave the country in the first place... Many don't know did not experience but a few.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- I concentrate on making a larger fireball than before. "Ok here Breeze!" I say passing it over to her.----Elvira- I looked over to see Faeron with Breeze. He would be safe for the moment I hope. But Luna needed help. As I was rushing over to help her, one wolf ran into me. I fell and he was over me, but I was able to fight him off. Another wolf joined his friend. "Alright then. You wanna fight? Then let's fight." I say as I pull out my sword. I rush up to one, then use a tree to bind one wolf while I fight with the other one. "Luna why are they here?" I call out to her
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: Beating a wolf in a face with the handle of my knife I kick him in the gut then bring the knife swiftly down into his heart, "They're here for me," I say grabbing her arm and pull her into the trees. I look her seriously, "I am gifted with the power of Spirits. I have whats called the Sight." I state looking around as I drag her farther into the forrest toward my home, "About two months ago I glimpsed something in my fire and it wasn't until tonight that I sought the council of the Sisterhood. They determined that this vision forshadowed the rise of another Dark King." I climb up the tree and enter my house. Quickly I start packing, "I need to leave," I comment, "I'm just going to bring more danger. You know how to protect those that matter. I trust you to do that. Take the others and go to Haven. They will take you in if you explain that your an aquantance of mine." I grab her shoulders once my stuff was pack, "You cannot tell anyone that I talked to you." I order, "It would bring danger. I'm heading to the Sisterhood. I foresaw something a few days past that may change the fate of the realm and this Dark King seeks it." I smile at her, "Take everyone you can and travel south to Haven. Do you understand?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI continuosly threw the fire-balls Faeron handed me. Looking over at him I noticed he might be tired. "Faeron," I called "come sit by me and rest for a moment." then I shot him "The Look" "And I'm not going to hear any buts."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLurthara: The wolves should be lucky that there isn't water nearby. I tried looking for Luna. She usually has the answers as to why these things are happening.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI soon sat down beside Faeron, this scale of magic was exausting. Soon, I'd have to fight not with magic, but with steel. I took a moment to catch my breath, then stood up again. "Faeron," I said as I unsheathed the sword at my side "Don't move from this spot, I'll be back." I began to walk into the fray when it hit me "And don't try and throw any fireballs, we don't need the glade to go up in flames around us." I ran into the battle, directing the mini twisters away from their prisoners, most disentigrating as I directed. The few that hadn't I orchestated over twards Faeron, forming them into a wall of rushing air that protected him from all sides. A werewolf rushed at me, I readied myself and brought my sword into position. The battle continues... I thought as I let out a shrill, fierce war cry and joined the chaos.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- Haven.... It sounded familiar, put I couldn't place it. "How will I know when I've reached Haven? And who lives there?" I ask her.----Faeron- "Breeze, no fair. I feel better let me help!" I call out to her