Role Play : Forum : Fantasy World

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

"I know, well, about the where I am thing and how, that is." I tell her "But you didn't answer my question." I stop, cross my arms, and set my stance "My being, or, conciousness, if you will, is here. Where is my physical body?" I ask again.

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: "Safe." I say patting her hand, "But we've got something a bit more... important to deal with as of now. You aren't here just to parade around after all, there is a purpose." I find a bench to sit on and pat the spot next to me for her to sit down

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

I stay standing "I'd rather stand." I tell her I look down and see I kinda hover a centimeter over the ground "Or, whatever this is. Why am I here?"

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I sigh and lean back, "Suite yourself," I say, "I'm here to talk about what's happened in your past and what's going to happen in your future." I shrug, "I can't, of course, tell you to much detail on your future but I can help prepare you. As did I once before you lost your control. I suppose you don't remember the witch named Anima?" I raise an eyebrow

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

"I do. You look quite different now." I inform her "Anyways, I don't need to talk about the past, it's the past."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I give her a look, "Is that why you are holding onto it the way you are?" I ask giving her a serious look, "What happened at that time, between you and him. It wasn't your fault, you must know this."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

"I know, I couldn't control it, I couldn't help it, I didn't know what I'd done until afterwards." I shift my position a bit "I 'hold on to it', as you put it, as a lesson: Control. Control over your body, emotions, and, in some cases, power."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I shake my head a bit, "It's good that you have learned from the incident," I say, "But you're still punishing yourself. You think that holding everyone at arms length will stop this from happening again but it won't." I study her for a minute, "I'm here to teach you how to control your powers, both new old and not yet developed."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

"I don't keep people at a distance because of that." I tell her as I sit cross-legged on the ground "I do it because I'm naturally dangerous to be around, I seem to attract trouble. Not to mention the fact that I've never been social even before hand."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I shake my head and give her a gentle smile, "Sweetie you have to remember I knew you before." I say, "You weren't this anti-social before. You didn't accept people easily but now, even if you do accept them you still hold them away from you. Those that you will need in the near future, you need to hold them closely to you or things will look very bleak for us all."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

"I don't forget that. I remember being the oddity, perhaps not as anti-social as I am now, but I wasn't exactly a social butterfly. I had no friends except for, well, you know." I pause for a moment before I continue "Anyways, anything else you need to tell me about myself, or are you ever going to get around to telling me how I get back to my body?"

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I look her up and down, "I'm done with you for not." I say as I flash a knowing smile, "However, I have the first lesson for you." I stand and let out a sigh, "I'll be bring you back to the physical realm, but. You must find your way back to this spot." I point to the bench, "In this realm before I consider your first lesson done." I take her hand in mind and close my eyes. Then with a swift and practice motion that seemed like a jump I place her back in her physical body before heading back to mine. This lesson would take her a long time but I felt it would help her.

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

I was back in darkness "Why won't I wake up?" I wonder "Might as well try that  lesson." I think about Haven as hard as I can and the darkness slowly melts away again "Yes!" I exclaim as I see the palace again. I start to go to the bench, but decide to take a detour. When I get to the closed palace doors I decide to try something. Ireach out my hand- it goes strait through. I push myself the rest of the way in and emerge on the other side "Cool." I continue walking until I see Elvira, I could tell something was wrong. I kneel down next to her and try to touch her hand, but can't "Elvira, whats wrong?" I ask, knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me. She starts to gather colors around her, then they formed into pictures "Meanor, he's hurt." I do my best to hug her "It'll be alright." I tell her "It'll be alright." I get up and walk into the infirmary, guessing my body would be there. There's only a bloodied Meanor. "I wonder if I can heal in this state. I mean, it's my being wandering around, and since I'm a healer, I'm guessing it would be in my being. It's kinda like when I go into one of those healing trances, maybe." I reach for my healing "Yes! It worked!" I look at the glowing orb in my palm "Time to test it out." I start on a small cut, it heals. I take care of the poison in his system and a few other small things, but leave the biggest couple as they were. "Let the healers say they did something." I reason "Let them try and figure this 'miracle healing' out." I walk back outside and to the bench. "Did I pass?" I ask, guessing Luna'd be here, just out of my sight.

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Faeron- "I'd guess they would hurt each other again right?" I say answering Mother Jenean. "But I still don't understand with the trees."-------Elvira- I felt something near me. Some sort of presence, but there was no one around. I got up and walked to the infirmary and found Maenors room. I went to open the door but hesitated. First you follow him out to Luna. Now your checking up on him like he's a child. He probably finds you annoying in some sense. I think to myself. I sigh and sit in one of the chairs in the infirmary's lobby, thinking of what to do.

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Mother Jenean: "Faeron, the trees represent you and Elvira." I explain gently "You two are mighty close, and thats wonderful. But, if you don't each back off a little, you will smother each other. Dear, don't worry so much about her, she can take care of herself, she's a strong young woman. She needs to realize you're a strong young man, she needs to let you go into dangerous situations and trust you to make the right decisions, just as you need to trust her. You each have your own path to take, part of the way you'll be together, other times, you won't." I head back to the palace alone *Let the boy think for a while, I need to check in on his sister anyhow. The poor dear's probobly worried to death over today's events.*  Breeze: *If I'm not in the infirmary, where am I?* I wonder *And why wouldn't Luna tell me? I think it'd be cool to see myself like everyone else does, I don't trust mirrors, they distort who you really are.*

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I sigh as I sit back and watch Breeze. She was young in the ways of this realm so I understand her excitement but I couldn't help but worry. Her bindings to her body was very thin at the moment. If she pushed it to far it might mean she would just simply pass away. "However, what worries me the most is that she seems unable to form a link with her body." I say as I study the air around her, "She's also not solid." I say clicking my tongue. Of course My soul was naturally born to hop from realm to realm, it is the way of my people. But Breeze, it seems her body, her soul didn't seem to want to be in that state. The transparence was odd for those who traveled with their souls. Usually they were solid, yet unseeable to those of the physical realm. I sigh and decide to head to the library, I'd need to consult some philosophers. Meanor: I feel a warmth rushing through my body and yawn as I become yet a bit more comfortable. I fall deeper into sleep, I was totally exhausted.

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

I sit at the bench for a while more "Hello? Luna? Are you there? I did it, didn't I?" I ask out loud "Did I do something wrong?" I stand up and pace a bit, then sit back down with an exasperated sigh "Why is it that you're always around when I don't really want you to be and when I do you're nowhere to be found?"

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Luna: I flip through a few books and shake my head, "No luck," I whisper as I 'jump' to the spirit realm and head to the bench, "Oh, I thought you'd wander around a bit long." I say as I spot Breeze on the bench. I stand over here. I didn't really consider the lesson completed because she needed to 'jump' from the physical realm to the spirit realm but she was getting there. Meanor: I grumble rubbing my head as I sit up, "geez..." I whisper, "I feel like I was run over by a stampede of elephants."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Faeron- I watched her to then turned towards the trees. I sat down where I stood and thought about it all while watching the trees.------Elvira- I was still sitting there when Mother Jenean came. "Oh hello Mother Jenean."

Re: Fantasy World

12 Years Ago

Mother Jenean: "Hello, dear." I sit down beside her "Elvira, I need to talk to you about something, and you might not want to hear it, but you need to. Elvira, Faeron is going to want to get into dangerous situations, and we all are going to be in them by the end of this. You have to trust him to make his own decisions when these times come. You and Faeron both have different paths in life, at times they will intersect, at others, they won't." I take her hand and give it a squeeze "Elvira, dear, you need to let go." I tell her gently "I just talked to Faeron about the same thing, you both need to trust the other to live their own life from now on." I give her hand another squeeze before I get up "Would you like to come with me to check on Meanor?" I ask her"If you do, the door's open." I walk inside and smile "Look who woke up from his beauty sleep! How you feel'n, dear? I thought you wouldn't wake for at least a day." I go over and use my magic to see how his wounds were going. "Meanor, when did someone come in and heal you?" I ask "No one ever told me..." I identify the magic and leap up "Breeze! Oh, I've got to go find her, she's awake! She even had the strenth to chase out the poison in you! I'll be right back!" I call over my shoulder asI hurry out the door. Breeze: "Oh, hey. Luna, I have a question. When you took me back to my physical body, well, I didn't wake up. Is that supposed to happen? I don't think it is." I think for a moment "And why am I kinda transparent, you're solid, like we were told we would be in class. Also, why wouldn't you take me to see myself? Is something wrong?"