Role Play Forum Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: The sun had set and the fires were lit. Above the dancing elves was a moon so full and bright that if there were no fires you still could see in the darkness. I settle down at one of the fires as the dancing music stops and set my Gravikord down. "I am going to play you a song," I say to the little children, "It is the Legend of the Knights and the Last Elvish King. You all should know this well..." Closing my eyes I begin to string the notes of the song. It was a slow and haunting song that rung true in the hearts of all. The Knights were the once great warriors of the Elven crown. They protected the Elven crown with their lives. But one day a great battle took place. A battle that took the lives of all the Knights except one and still he battled to protect the King. It spoke of his bravery as he fought to his death over the bodies of his friends, family, and as he looked before his killer. But when he was struck down so was his King and the Elven kingdom. As I let the last notes echo in the air I looked through the crowd. They knew the legend of their people well... I then looked at one of the other musicians and nodded telling them to start into a dance song.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I sit down during Luna's story next to Faeron, who was listening intensely. He had cleaned his room fast and I smiled as I watched him. But as I listen to the story, my smile fades as Luna goes on about the last Elvish king and the Knights. This story all elves knew, but for me and Faeron, this was family history. Our ancestor had been that last Knight.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI looked out from the woods at the celebration. I snuck out each year to see it and hopefully hear the legends, though I knew them already. I may live in the fairy village with my mother, but I have my ways of learning things. I wish I could live there, it seems more, I don't know, homey. Not a "perfect home", but one that is a little more relaxed, at least. Oh! they're starting the dances! Just listen to the music! So lively and wonderful, oh how I wish I could join in!
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLurthara: This human was quite interesting. He had many similar views of an Elf. Yet he was human. I forgot that the festival was tonight. I looked at the human and invited him to join. He would probably enjoy it.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I lean back and touch the strings of my gravikord. It was such haunting music that this inturment could produce. It carried my emotions as I told it too, it made the story better if they coudl feel the emotions of those heros. None knew I did this though because none knew of my power. The power of Spirit. "It is truly a tale worth remembering," I say placing my gravikord on the ground with a sigh, "Far to serious to brign to such a festiva." I look around at the dancing elves and sigh. I would never have put in my full effect with such a tale. They would weep and sniffle if I had. It was through my Gravikord that I could send the emotions of the legends through the air and into the souls of theothers... It was my talent as a Witch of Spirit. I could never do it though for it effected me as much as them. It had been at one time that the Witches of Spirit guided the heros on their journey. Their memories, emotions, thoughts... all seeped into me like water into a sponge. It was how I knew all these legends, no one had taught them to me. I had once lived in those times. It was a curse and a blessing. I was young in years but as wise as an elder. It was part of the reason why humans found it hard to accept me while the elves, fairies, and other mystics welcomed me. Of course no one but the Elders knew of me. I was a secret to all in a way... always watching over and creating peace.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- Faeron had joined the dancers, but I stayed where I was for a bit, watching him. Then he raced back over to me. "Come on big sister!" He said as he pulled me towards the dancing elves. I smiled and danced with him, bumping into some of the other elves though as Faeron and I danced through the crowd.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I laugh as I watch the two elves dance and sit on the outskirts of the group. The moon looked huge in the sky as they danced. There was a story about the moon. A legend of how it came to be... I hadn't told it for two lifetimes. Perhaps today would be a good day to tell it?
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- Faeron lead us over to Luna. "Luna won't you come and dance with a of us?" he asked her. I smiled
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLurthara: This human totally understand the Elven culture. I don't know if I should be shocked or what
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I chuckle and stand. "it's been awhile since I've danced," I say with a smile, "I'm afraid I only know old dances... Would you like to see one? I'm sure most of the elders know this dance..."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI take out my flute and play a soft, happy tune to accompony the elves' music. I sway with the rythm. The next thing I know I'm twisting, twirling, leaping, and stepping in time to the music. I pant, but I can't seem to stop, I don't really want to. I dance, and dance, and dance, playing my flute all the while. Joy and life fill me like it has never before. This is what I wish I had, if only I could join the dance. Not outside of them, but of them.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I'm twisting in an ancient dance when I spot the figure and hear the flute. Venturing out into the woods I smile, "Dancing by yourself," I say leaning against a tree, "A bit lonely don't you think?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI stopped and turned twards the voice "Luna! I,uh, um..." I felt my cheeks flush. "I-I guess so," I stammered "I don't mind, really." A new, appalling thought occured to me "You aren't going to tell my mother, are you?!"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I laugh outright, "Your mother won't even look at me without a fear of me cursing her with my magic," I say with a little shrug, "It can't be helped since THAT incident though... come. Everyone is waiting for my return." I smile. THAT incident was very complicated. Someone had offended me and I had curse them, it ended up leading to that person's death but it gained me alot of power of the unruly fairy population. Those that have done nothing wrong have no reason to fear me though.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI smiled, mother really is scared of Luna. This is a dream come true, dancing with others full of fun and life and laughter. I was so exited, I just about jumped for joy! Wait, no, I need to appear calm, in control. "Alright, lets go. Wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting." I said nonchalantly, or, at least attempted to.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I laugh and head back to the fires, "You don't need to pretend." I say to her just before we reach the fire, "Elves have this weird tradition of accepting everyone. Including a misfit fairy and a feared and strange witchdoctor."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI chuckle "Really, I'm not even a fairy. So, I guess you'll have to make do with a misfit Halfling. Anything I ought to know about these festivals? I really don't want a horde of angry elves comeing for me. Besides," I add "you aren't that strange, to me, at least."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: "For my kind I am," I say the look around, "And... theres nothing you really need to know... just don't dance with a male elf. Moon festival is also a mating festival. People find their mate tonight. You seem a little to young for that." I smile
Re: Fantasy World12 Years Ago"Well, that's something I'm grateful to know. So, what exactly do people do at a festival like this? I'm guessing there's no idle chitchat and curtsies and flippery, that will be great. Are there really no expectations or rules? I don't know what to expect or do, I've only ever been to fairy festivals, and they are pretty formal and have many rules, both spoken and unspoken." I looked around, unsure of what to do. As I did so, I caught a boy looking at me, and quickly turned away. Goodness, already I'm wishing I were invisible. Oh well, it beat the record for longest time not wishing to be invisible at a gathering of people.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I look at her, "We have fun," I say with a shrug, "thats all you have to do."