Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI take another breath and begin "During the time if the Great War, I knew Shirifu, the Last Knight. Like I've told you we were best friends, inseperable, and that, as he died, he gave me his sword to pass on to someone worthy. What I haven't told you was what happened afterwards." I close my eyes, remembering "After he died, it was to late for anyone to help the king. I myself watched the Evil One, Rayne, deliver the final blow to the King. He came up to me, still holding his sword, dripping with the blood of my best friend and my king. I looked a few years younger than I do now, I recall haveing to look up at him to see his face. 'Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little girl, come to see your precious king.' He looked over to see that I was holding Shirifu's hand 'Oh, perhaps you just came to see him? Well, he won't see you again, child.' He waved his sword in front of me, spattering a bit of the blood on me and him in the process. 'Here is your king and your friend, girl, and you'll be joining them soon.' " I pause, disturbed as usual "I don't really know what happened, I remember feeling a sense of loss, then, anger like I had never known. People tell me I screamed a couple words at him and began to fight useing Shirifu's sword. All I remember was white-hot fury aimed at Rayne, and me wishing him dead. People have told me that as I fought, I began to glow, I have no reccollection of it, or anything but that feeling of complete and utter hatred. My vision was red, I couldn't see. I didn't feel what I was doing, just, rage. I woke up later, Shirifu's bloody sword in hand, a few feet away from Rayne's body. Afterwards, I relised what I had done. I had went into a killing rage the likes of which has not been seen before or after that day. It leveled buildings and a mountain, shaking the earth. I killed many, mainly the enemy, but I still killed some of our own." I look down, unable to meet Faeron's eye "I killed people, good people, dishonored Shirifu's sword, and many other things, all because I was angry. I'm unstable Faeron, it could happen again in any fight. In the meadow when we were fighting those werewolves, I almost went into a frenzy." I stand up and begin to exit the room "I should have told you before, But I didn't, and I'm sorry. You can tell me later if you still want to be apprenticed under me or not. I'll understand if you don't, and I'll find you a new swordsmaster and mage to learn under." I walk out of the room and wipe the tear tracks off my cheeks. Heading twards the house I had been given for while I was here, I avoid people. Going inside I simply sit in a chair by the fire, and remember the city in flames.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- "He's in good hands Luna, being that he's with Breeze. They're probably safe in Haven by now."-----Faeron- I watched her leave. "Do you know how horrible it was?" I asked Mother Jenean.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I give her a sad look and nod, "Breeze has gone through many trials." I say then look at Maenor, "Lets get to Haven as quick as possible. I'll explain things when we are there. Plus. I need to talk to Breeze, she has a haunting past that my former memories can help calm."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMother Jenean (temporary charactor)- "No, child. I only know what I've seen and heard. I saw when it happened and how she behaved and heard of other things she caused. Yet, It must have been much worst for Breeze. She still holds herself responsible for every life she took, every home she destroyed, every family she caused grief." I sigh, no one could know how bad it was for her. "It was a tragedy and a victory for the kingdom, but for Breeze, it was death, pure and simple. She doesn't trust herself fully, nor does she trust other people completely." I smile down at the young man "Faeron, you ought to feel privaliged. She doesn't take just anyone as her apprentice, and when she talks about you, you can hear the pride and trust in her voice. She's very proud of you, and trusts you more than most." I pause a moment to let it sink in "Also, she told you what she did, you are one of the few, and by few I mean two or three, that she has told. Faeron, child, I don't know how terrible it was, and is, only Breeze does, and she lives with the horror of it every day, and relives it in her imaginings."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- "Wait Luna, your not going to leave with the Sisterhood?"----Faeron- "Is there any way I can help her?" I ask
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMother Jenean- "I don't know, dear, I don't know. I'm not sure anyone could completly take away the pain of what she did, but you might help ease her burden. We don't speak of it, and her actions that day are forgotten too all but a few." I shake my head and make a shooing motion with my hand "Now, run along. Gardinia, that nice young lady by the door, will show you to the kitchens. You're a growing boy, and I bet you could do with a home-cooked meal and a warm bed."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I shake my head, "I'm a witch, I know how to get to where their going." I say grabbing my bag, "There's no need for me to travel with them. They will do just fine on their own."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- "Ok." I say as we start going "But I still don't understand why they're leaving." I say-----Faeron- "Oh, well yes. Thank you mother Jenean." I say getting up and finding the Gardinia girl
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I smile gently, "You should know this the best," I say looking at everyone, "It's to dangerous to remain in such and open area. I also want to warn those in Haven to find someplace to go. If they much travel to Harthage, their sister city, for protection then I feel its best they do."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI'm surrounded by a burning village. I look around me and see a figure within the flames "Hello, Wind-Soul, or should I call you Breeze." The figure hisses, moving forward. I try to get a look at their face, but it's still shrouded in shadows."Who are you?" I hear a harsh laugh "Breeze, Breeze, Breeze. Don't you remember me? I'd think that you would, considering our history." I hear a farmiliar note in his voice, but I can't place it "Who are you?" I ask again. "Who am I? I think you know, deep down, you know." My breath comes quick and my heart begins to race "No." I wisper "No, it can't be." The figure comes closer "Oh, yes, Breeze, yes." He steps into the light of the flames. "Rayne?" he smiles "I'm back. Miss me?" I hear a sword hissing out of a sheath and see the blade dripping with blood. "I promised you would be here to, and I always keep my promises." I see the blade comeing for me. I scream. (Blue=dream)
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- "Yes, I know Luna." I look to Maenor, who hadnt said anything for a while. "Maenor? Are you alright?"-----Faeron- I was in the room next to Breeze's when I heard her scream. I rush in there. "Breeze? Hey you ok?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI bolt upright in the bed "He's here." I gasp, shaking "He's back. He-He's alive."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMaenor: I nod as I look over the Sisterhood, "It's very rare for the witches to move. Is it really that bad Luna?" Luna: I give a grave smile, "Yes. I'm afraid so.. you see... The Dark King is back and we're afraid he's pulling in all his old acquaintances to help him win over the realms again..."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI jump out of the bed and go for the door "We've got to tell Mother Jenean that he's back." I look at Faeron "It's dangerous for you to be around me, or to have been around me for that matter. You can stay here and be relitively safe, or go with me when I leave. I won't judge you if you stay, if I had a choice I'd stay. I'll let you think about it, but right now I have to warn Mother Jenean that the Evil One is back," I pause "and that Rayne is comeing for me, mad as can be and crying out for revenge, for blood, mine."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I stop in my tracks and pull her arm so she's looking at me straight in the face. "Did you just say that Rayne is back?!" I said.-----Faeron- "Not if I can help it." I say grabbing my sword and bag and following her out the door.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I look at her seriously, "Yes." I say in an even voice the remove my arm from her hand and start down the street
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoAfter informing Mother Jenean about Rayne she insisted that we stay with them a few days longer, and when that woman gets an idea, she won't be swayed. "Grr...we should be miles from here by now. Why does she insist we wait?" I state, exasperated, as I pace up and down the common room. "She wants us to stay and meet some friends of hers. Just have a nice little get-together while an evil mastermind with a serious ego issue is just gathering power and allies." I stop and sigh "She always has her reasons, I just don't like them."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- "Luna!" I say running up to her. "Did you know this before, like at the festival before the werewolves appeared?"-----Faeron- "Maybe she thinks its safer for us here. The woods have been dangerous."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I look down at the ground as I walk, "Yes... well... I had a hunch..." Maenor: "More then a hunch right. That's why you called me to the forest." I say, "You had a vision." Luna: I look at him seriously, "Yes... I had a vision. And it's like nothing we could have prepared for Maenor." I felt tears break free from my eyes as I stare at them both, "The... the pictures just won't stop. I can't even sleep anymore because of how close it looms in the future. Every time I try to sleep Maenor, just like when we were young." Maenor: "S**t." I say looking around, "Come on. Elvira lets go. We need to get her some where secret."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI look him in the eye "Here is dangerous, and the danger grows with every moment I stay. I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me, I won't have others die needlessly again. I need to leave, I have to. As far as I know Rayne could be heading here right now. I just hope whomever we're to meet comes quickly, or it might be to late, for everyone." I sigh in frustration "And it doesn't help that Mother Jenean keeps hovering over me, nagging me to eat, to sleep, to go to the parties and all. I know I'm worrying her, well, except on the party bit, I've never been much for social events. I just, I-I can't sleep, and if I eat, I know I'm going to throw up." I look out the window "I'm just praying to the Goddess her friends get here soon."