Role Play
Fantasy World
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI smile, I'd thought he would "We'll start first thing tomorrow, at dawn. I'll assign you tests, tasks, homework, pretty much school, but for a warrior. This means figures, letters, numbers, science, symbols, everything you'd learn in regular school and more besides. We'll not start with real swords, I'd rather not bleed unless completely nessesary. We'll build up your strenth, stamina, speed, reflexes, and battle instincts. Get some food and rest while you can, starting tomorrow, you keep my hours now. You'll rise early, work late, on top of that, you'll join me for seacond watch every night until you recieve further instructions from me, as well as learn acedemics and other things at midday and on the go." I flash him a cheeky smile as I walk off to check on the rest of the camp and get reports "See you tomorrow, bright and early! I'm looking forward to it!"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- I smile. This was the stuff I had always wanted to learn. Yeah it sounded hard, but it's what I wanted to do. I turn back to the rocks and continue practicing with my fire for a bit longer.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI go to Faeron's tent and stand there, waiting "Faeron." I listen, he only shifts. I sigh, did all of my new recruits have to start out like this? I kick the tent stake closest to me and watch as it all falls down on top of him "Faeron! Up! Now!"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMaenor: I nod, "I think so but I'm not positive."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- I scramble out before the tent entangles me. "Ready to go Breeze." I say----Elvira- I look at him. "Who?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMaenor: "There was this group of witches back when we where growing up." I say, "They always teased Luna because at the time she couldn't control her powers and she was always zoning out because of it." I shake my head, "There were a few of them but the main three were Helen, Jazmiine, and Lorrel. They really hated Luna..."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoIlook him up and down "No, you're not. You don't have a weapon of any kind with you, I had to knock your tent over to wake you up, and you scramble out without looking, I could have been an enemy." I walk twards a clear, level area. "Come on, I'm going to teach you some basics, bring your sword."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoWe set out at the same time as the day before. I look back at Faeron. He was doing pretty good for a beginner. I smile *What with the 'exercises' I gave him this morning and the rocks in his pack to help create endurance, he will be sore tomorrow. And with the lessons and another training session at both midday and night, combined with a shift on the night watch, he'll be exausted. Well, I warned him.* My musings were inturrupted by a noise. Kind of watery, it sounded disgusting. *Oh no..* "Suspentions!" I yell "Any who can fight, to me!" I look down and see Faeron, eager to face them "Faeron, go and protect the others. They'll need you if the Suspentions get that far. No buts, understand! Now, go."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- "I just can't imagine someone hating Luna for that." I say-----Faeron- I frown same. "Fine." I say going back to the others to help protect them
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI sigh, I know he resents it, but he got lucky that last time, he might not be so lucky now. I got the warriors into pairs and had two fighting each Suspention. I was the odd one out. I had to down this one on my own. I hack at every appendage and finally give it a blow to the head. "Everyone! don't get near them after they're dead, the blood is poisonous and so is the rest of it." I cover my mouth and nose "Not to mention the fact they reek horribly enough to down a man without a sense of smell." I hurry everyone away and we're a half-days walk away from Haven when we stop for the night. "Faeron! Time for your nightly training session! Bring you and your sword. You won't need anything else."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMaenor: "I didn't understand it at first either," I say stopping on the hillside to look over the Sisterhood, "But once you get to know the society that Witches live in you'll understand. The Sisterhood is the best of the best and Luna basically had a one way ticket there because of the talents she was born with. Others didn't like her for that." I spot some of the 'Guardians' making there way out to us and motion for her to follow me. "Don't speak unless spoken to." I say, "Anything you say will literally be used against you in this place. Jixes, Hexes, and spells are cast by just a single word. You need to be careful."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoWe set off the next morning I take a glance at my trainee as he walked. *I know he thinks some of these exercises were pointless and he is just dying to start useing that sword, but he first has to leard disipline. To be a good warrior you not only had to rely on instinct, but on tact, and I am trying to teach him that, well, that and patience. He is quite impulsive.* I look ahead when I here the scout call out that Haven was in sight. In an hour we arrive at the gates and are greeted by many of it's inhabitants. Slowly we are dispersed throughout the city until Faeron and I are the only ones left. I motion him to follow me and head twards a grand building at the center of the city. "Come, Faeron. We're going to see a very old friend of mine. It's been a while since I've seen her. Besides," I smile back at him and wink "I've just got to show out my first apprentice in over three thousand years to someone who remembers the last one."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I nod in understanding as we walk through the Sisterhood.-----Faeron- "Who is it?" I ask curious
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoMaenor: it was nice being home but I could tell something was wrong. Everyone was preparing for something, no doubt something that Luna had told them. Gritting my teeth I wonder if it's really as bad as this. To scare the sisterhood was a really big deal. I spot Garreala as she hurries over to hug me, "Maenor! I never thought I'd see you again!" She said happily, "I had no way of communicating with you and now that the Sisterhood is moving! It would be impossible for you to find our location unless told by a Witch!" My eyes widened, "You are moving?" She nodded sadly, "Yes to the Shrouded Valley," She said, "Luna has told us something horrible. This is the only way we can insure the survival of our kind." I shake my head in disbelief, "Where is Luna?" Garreala smiled again, "Of course you'd want to see her!" She said with a laugh, "This way."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years Ago"The woman who created Haven: Mother Jenean. I think you'll like her. She's like a sweet old grandmother, but, every rose has thorns you know, and this one's are particularly sharp. Not unlike her wit." I bow back to the maiden who had come to escort us to Mother Jenean. "Faeron, you are about to meet a powerful woman, and a dear friend." We reach the door to her audience chamber and I hear a sweet voice "Welcome, my dear Breeze!" As always the door was open and the room welcoming. "Hello, Mother Jenean, it's been a long time." I let Faeron take a look around before I introduce him. I smile, he's never seen an audience chamber like this before. The door always open, a rocking chair instead of a throne, windows from floor to ceiling letting in light, and comfortable chairs and cushins everywhere. "Well, are you going to introduce me to this handome young companion of your's or aren't you?" "Mother Jenean, this 'handsome young companion' of mine is Faeron, a good many greats grandson to Shirifu, The Last Knight, and heir of his sword." I bow and gesture to Faeron "As well as my new apprentice."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- they were leaving, all the witches here. The sooner we get to Luna the better so we can find out what all is going on.-----Faeron- I bow. "Hello." I say as I straighten back up. I was a lil nervous.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI see a smile spread across her face as she notices his unease "Relax, child, I don't expect you to have court manners or make small talk or anything! Pull up a chair or a cushion and take a load off. I want to hear all about your adventures." I laugh and give her a look "Not all, shurely. We'd be here for at least a year!" After about an hour or two of talking we came about to the subject of Faeron's sword. "It's been a long while since I've seen this weapon. In fact I've not laid an eye on it since Breeze came to me after she..." I take a deep breath in and wait for it, the awful truth.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoFaeron- I looked to Breeze, who seemed just as uneasy as I had been a while ago. "After she what?" I asked.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years Ago"Oh, nothing, dear." She ties to cover, but I know Faeron won't just settle for one of her 'Oh, nothing, dear.'s. I can't take it anymore. "He might as well know, Mother Jenean. It's his sword, his ancestor, and his right as my apprentice to know." I take a deep breath and look into Faeron's eyes "After you hear this you can decide whether or not you want to stay apprenticed under me, alright?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: "Maenor... What are you doing here?" I ask as I spot them heading up the street, "And Elvira too... where's your brother?"