Role Play
Fantasy World
Fantasy World12 Years AgoYeah, my first one! We are in the world of elves, dwarves, and dragons. There is an instruement that everyone picks, so pick one! So name, race, talent, and element. The element would decided on the characteristic of your characterName: Lurthara, Race:Elf, Talent:Able to manipulate water, Element: Water, Instrument: Violin
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoName: Belinda Race: Angel (if thats okay) Talent: Ability to manipulate clouds. Element: Air. Instrument: Piano
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoName: Elvira Race: Elf Talent: can manipulate the earth, plants, trees, and sometimes animals Element: earth instrument: marimba
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoName: Luna Rainswood; Race: Witch; Talent: Her herbs & potions are the best in the land, she also has the power to use music to create moods to calm/heal (or the opposite) people; Element: spirit; Instrument: Gravikord
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoName: Pepo-Roho (it's Swahili for wind-soul) friends call her by the English translation or by her nick-name Breeze Race: Halfling (Half Elf half Fairie) Talent: Able to "play" with the wind and conduct it Element: Air/Wind Instrument: Flute and pan-pipe
Re: Fantasy World12 Years Agodo we have everyone?
Re: Fantasy World12 Years Agoseems like it^_^- you can start if you'd like
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLurthara: The Elven region used to be pretty, or at least that's how I saw remembered it in the books. However, since the dragons came, the country was in ruins, so the elves had to retreat to the next area, the humans.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: "Ten pents," I growl as the human looked at me skeptically, "The poition will heal your mother. Ten pents." Sighing he gave me the money and took off. Humans. Skeptical and untrusting creatures. If it wasn't for them the glory of this realm would still be like it was in the olden age. I clear up the rest of my stuff and head for the Forest of Dawn where my home was nested in a tall willow tree. It was the only place humans dared not travel. It was a place of magic and mysterious. Only those of the Others (mystical creatures or chosen human heros) could enter it's grips and survive.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I sigh as I walk into my house. The humans were nothing like us elves. And here I was, as well as other elves, having to live around them.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI sat in the meadow, letting the breeze play with my hair, gently twisting my already tangled hair into an even bigger mess. I lifted my panpipes to my lips and blew gently, matching the wind note for note. I encouraged the wind, taunted it "Louder, higher, stronger!" It rose and strenthened, I played louder, fiercer. Soon our voices wove together, rising into a gale that whipped around me, causing my hair to fly about my face, snapping in the wind. All of a sudden I'm being shaken "Stop it now!" Mother's voice reprimanded, resounding argrily in my head. I sighed and asked the wind to calm back to a gentle breeze, it didn't want to. I couldn't blame it, I didn't either. I raised the pipes to my lips and began to play again, cajoling the wind to weave it's voice into mine. Gradually we slowed. By that time a group of fairies had gathered. "Great, more to ridicule me about." I thought as I began the walk back home, alone, nothing new there.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: I walk through the fairy village on my way home. The wind had picked up for a minute but it was a gentle breeze now. I could see a group of fairies forming by a meadow not far away but ignore it. I was the Witchdocter. Outcast but loved by all. I wasn't good with people. They were either a pain to deal with or they were just plain stupid. Or both. Pulling my bag high up on my shoulder I head for my tree that was on the very far side of this little village. Halfway between the fairy town and the Elf town.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLurthara: I miss my home. These humans do not understand the beauty of the Earth. They treat it like trash. I had to go to the forest today to play my violin. This is the place that I could play to my heart's content. However, out the sudden, I saw a human who was watching me play
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoI was on the outskirts of the Fairy village when I saw Her, Zinnia. She smirked as I looked up "I heard about your little, ahem, 'incident' today. The third time this month," That you know of. I thought "if I remember correctly." she frowned "Your hair looks a little wind-blown, oh wait, it always does." she resumed a self-satisfied smile. Blow.The wind swirled about her, ruffling her clothes and hair. "Eeek! Stop it! Now!" I smiled slightly. Stop, go your way. She glared at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. "I'll get you, Halfling!" and stormed off. I gave a slight chuckle and continued on my way. It didn't really bother me that she was upset. She'll just find some boy to pull the "poor me" act on and get yet another admirer. She'll be alright, well, alright as far as back to her normal, bratty self, at least. I continued on twards my house, I had a lecture to listen to when I got there about the usual "You need to control you powers. I don't understand how you could be so irrisponsible! I was never like this at your age." ex., ex. The longer I stayed away, the longer it would last.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLune: "Luna! Luna!" I heard a group of elven children call as I entered the elvish village carrying my Gravikord, "Luna! Today! Today is the full moon celebration!" I laugh as they takle me in excitment. Tonight was a big night. This celebration happened once every year on the first full moon of spring. "Are you going to play for us Luna? And tell us those legends of the old age??? Like last year?" A little elf asked as the fires started to be lit. "OF course," I say with a smile as I pat his head, "It's a celebration after all... What would it be without music and legends?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I walk out to see what all the noise was and see all the children piling on Luna. I smile then walk over. "You might not be able to hear her stories though Faeron, if you don't finish cleaning your room at home." I say to my little brother after Luna pats his head. He runs home to do it quickly and I hold out a hand to help Luna up. "Good to see you again Luna. I'm glad you came for the celebration; the children really do love to hear you play."
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: "I love playing for them," I say taking her hand and gets to my feet, "Your brother," I say looking after him, "He will grow into a great warrior one day. I can see it in his eyes. He yerns for adventure doesn't he?"
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I smile. "Yes. That's why he loves hearing stories of great heroes of the olden days and of the adventures of those who come through the village." I say. Even I myself like to listen, and it would be nice to go on one of those adventures.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoLuna: "Adventures aren't as they seem in legends though," I say looking at the sky, "They are not all glory and honor." I pick my Gravikord up off the ground and smile, "Any hero would tell you that it is more frightening then anything." Picking up my bag of potions and herbs I throw it over my shoulder and nod my head at her before turnign and hearding toward the fires.
Re: Fantasy World12 Years AgoElvira- I sigh. And that's what I worry about with Faeron. I think to myself. He was all I had left, just like I was all he had since our parents and grandparents had died. I was worried that if he did become an adventurer one day, I'd lose him too. I walk back to the house. "Faeron? Are you working on cleaning that room?" I say