Role Play
Haleson High School
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoKalina: "I ask too many questions apparently" I sigh exasperatedly
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMercedes- "Do you understand any of this?" I ask Dusk. This new leason was confusing me. Usually I understood this class.----Meadow- I had sat behind Ellie like usual and looked over, seeing my sister talking quietly with Dusk.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I laugh, "Teachers lie when they say there aren't any stupid questions," I say sitting down, "Well I have work to do but you are welcome to keep me company until class is over." I force a smile even though it seemed like an unatural movement. Why was it so hard to smile?
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoKalina: "how are things between you and Alexander going?" I asked Ellie: "They look cute together" I say noticing Dusk: "Ya" I smile and help her through the lesson
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I look at her, "Over." I say then turn back to my work, "Just how it should be." My chest hurt a little but I continued to type away at my computer
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoKalina: "Do you really believe that?" I asked "He may be the Lord of the House of Power but he isn't power hungery, he loves you, do you think him marrying Catherine is going to make him happy? Do you want both of you to feel lost and alone for the rest of your life?" I asked "When Darce left me for Catherine, granted it wasnt his choice, it still hurt, I couldn't I wouldn't, I refused to accept any other suiter." I look down "What I am trying to say is, why are you doing this to both of you" Alexander: Catherine was supposed to come back in a week maybe less, it infuriated me that she would be the one that I would spend the rest of my life with and not Melody
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I pause as I stare down at my keyboard in frustration, "He is man," I comment, "Despite the original attitude of a man they always let the power get to their heads. It's happened more then once in history and I'd kill myself before I turn Alex into a power hungry Lord." I look at her and then stand and head for the door, "It's not that I don't love him." I say, "I realised quite some time ago that my feelings were more then lust or admiration. But I love him to much to turn him into a monster." I open the door and begin out then pause, "If Cathrine is the way for him to stay humble then... I suppose it must be done." I then exit the room and head outside for some fresh air. I really needed a break from this campus. Even if it was for a few hours.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoKalina: I throw up my hands in frustration. Doesn't she realize that she is the only thing that keeps Alex sane? I wondered
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I get clearanceo go off camus for the day and head for the village. When there I sit at a little coffee shop and watch people as they pass and listen to the music that's playing. Then I walk past this little hotel and spot a grand piano in the window and ask if I can play it. They agree so i sit down and begin to play some christmas music.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDusk: I head off to my next class, blending in with the crowd and disappearing into the shadows. Kalina: I go to my next class and find the same problems as before. too many questions, but at least this teacher doesnt send me to the office.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoFintan: I head to my second period class and sit down in the back like I ususally do. Darce: I laugh slightly at Kalina's many questions and grab her hand under the table. I could tell she was getting a little flustered. Melody: I head back to the school some time later and lay down on the grass in the quad.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoAlexander: I sit up in the Library in the far back hiding from he world and getting lost in one of the many books upon the shelves. Kalina: I smile at Darce "This isn't easy" I laugh
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMercedes- My mind was kind of racin. I had been talking to Dusk in the hallway before class, but he had disappeared suddenly and I was wondering where he had went to.----Meadow- I went into the library to do some research and saw Alexander. I got my books and went to sit in front of him. "So um just wondering, but did the blue rose help any Alex?"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I head back to my room and sit on my bed. Next to it, on the wooden sidetable, was the single blue rose that had been waiting for me when I had awoken earlier that morning. Upon my request the school attendants had brought me something to put it in and now it rested nicely in a patch of golden sun. Darce: "Your right," I say with a smile, "But don't worry. If you fall I'll catch you." I wink at her then turn back to the lesson.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoKalina: "alright" I laughed Alexander: "No" I sigh closing my book "I don't know what else to do, I try to remind her of all the reasons she fell in love with me in the first place but nothing seems to help" Dusk: I slip into my next class, and take my seat in the far back hidden in the shadows like always.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMercedes- I sit in my class bored---Meadow- "Maybe you just need to talk with her alone and face-to-face again." I say. The bell rings and I get up. "Or if you want to use more roses, you know where to find me." I say as I walk out
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoAlexander: Standing up I stride quickly over to the Music Dorm, and knock on Melody's door, hoping that she is there, if not then I would just sit in her room until she came back. Dusk: I shortly got tired of school, this was pointless, useless. I slipped out of class un-noticed and and quietly snuck into a building that I had never been in before as some girls were walking by. I believe we were told never to enter this building, Something about it being the Hero's Hall. It was weird, it looked like a row of classrooms all lined up, but most were like P.E. rooms, the pool, the gym, why werent we allowed to use these? I wondered
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMercedes- I quickly got up as the bell rang. Finally I thought I'd never get out of there.-----Meadow- I was in the garden after I had come from the library. Then I saw a dark figure heading over to the Hero Hall. I walk closer and see it's Dusk. "Hey Dusk. Where you going?" I say walking over and crossing my arms.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I open the door and pause, "ah.. Al... Alexander.." I say look away, "What are you doing here?"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDusk: "Sorry I just needed to get out of my class" I smile as I step back into the shadows, disappearing right through the wall, I end up on the other side "What the hell" I mutter looking around "What just happened" I look down at my hands and back around again. I shook my head and bolted for the nearest gate, I raced off campus and hid in the trees around the school. "Whats happening to me" I mutter Alexander: "I hate this" I tell her "I miss you, I can't stop thinking about you, I want to be able to hold you again, to have you in my arms and know that you will always be mine, to know that I won't ever have to loose you or let you go, I miss being able to just hug you for hours not saying anything just knowing that you are here and that that was all that mattered. I miss holding your hand, and running my fingers through your hair and staring into your eyes and kissing your soft rose petal lips. I MISS YOU" I cried "and I can't stand being apart, before I was able to handle it because I knew that once I saw you again I would be able to sit on that piano with you and play our song, I would be able to read to you as you fall asleep, I would be able chase you up and down the playground and push you on the swing set, I knew that we would be together but now, now I don't even know what's going on or what's even going to happen. What happened to US"