Role Play
Haleson High School
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoKalina: "well what made her love him in the first place, like when I first met Darce he wasn't like the others, he wasn't there to win me over, he was just being himself, his dorky cute fun loving self" I smile slightly at Darce Ellie: "And how even though you kept up your bad boy image you were still sweet, kind and quirky" I nudge Fintan.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoFintan: I spot Darce blush and realise I'd probably changed a shade of pink myself, "Perhaps... we should ask?" I say looking up at Melody's window. Darce: I shook my head, "Her door is locked," I say with a frown, "we'll have to figure it out on our own..." Fintan: "Well Ellie..." I say, "You grew up with them for awhile. perhaps you know? Was he overly kind to her? Sweet perhaps? Always catering to only her?" I raise and eyebrow.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: I shake my head "They went to school together, Alexander would Love it when she would play the piano, he could play it to but he loved to hear her play, he would always ask her to play a certain song" I smiled and glance up hearing it on the wind "That exact song actually" I say glancing toward the Hero Hall. "Xander must be playing it" I sigh "He would sit and listen to her play for hours, and he would bring her dark blue roses, I dont know why but thats what he brought her everyday"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDarce: "Dark blue roses?" I say a little confused, "That's quite odd... maybe they meant something to the two of them?"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: I shrug "It was something that he did, he really loved her" I smiled
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDarce: " 'Loved'." I say with a sigh, "It really can't be over for these two just like that. They have something. Its strange and I can't really understand it, but I'm sure it's love."
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: "Well I'm going to talk to Melody, you guys go find Xander" I smile and walk off up to Melodys room and knock on the locked door "Melody it's me Ellie, would you please open up"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I open my eyes a little and sigh, "It's open." I say, "pull the knob up." Darce: I nod and head for the music room.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: I walk in "Hey how are you doing?" I ask nervously Alexander: peace fills my mind as my hands float over the keys the song filling the room with its sweet bliss
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I look her over. Nervous. I could hear it buzzing in her mind, "Better then your brother from the note in your voice," I say turning away and close my eyes, "I was dreaming." Darce: I enter the music room and pause to listen to Alex's music, "It's beautiful." I say, "Who is that by?"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoAlexander: I hang my head and smile to myself as I stop playing "It is what Melody used to play for me before she stopped" I sigh "It was my favorite piece and I loved to listen to her play it but then one day she stopped playing it for me, and refused to even talk to me" my fingers played with the keys now Ellie: "He's not doing very well" I whispered
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: I nod trying to force back the urge to run, "I know," I say squeezing my eyes shut desperately, "I can hear him. He's learned to play the piano very well..." Darce: "It's truly beautiful," I say pulling up a chair, "did she stop playing because of that guy..." What was his name again? I couldn't remember but I wasn't sure if it was right to bring it up anyways, "The guy that started ordering her around and because greedy because of her powers?"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoAlexander: I laugh "I don't even remember all I can remember is how we drifted apart, we became strangers " i hung my head again "its funny how everything works out isnt it?" Ellie: "he learned to play just for you so that he could play you that song that you always used to play for him"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDarce: "I don't think she would have done it on purpose," I state, "I mean, Melody is a very kind person. No doubt she propably felt she was causing you problems or maybe she was beign threatened?" Melody: I open my eyes and look out the window. "I know," I say and smile lovingly in the direction of the music room, "He's a good man." I sighed and closed my eyes again, "I'm so tired..." I whisper, "I don't understand why I'm so tired."
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: "come on" I say picking her up and helping her to her bed "You need some rest, we can talk about this in the morning" I smile Alexander: "It doesnt matter anymore" I say standing up "It's all in the past now"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDarce: I touch one ot the ivry keys on the piano and listen to it ring, "Is it really?" I ask and give him a gentle smile, "I'm not one for words and I'm not a wise man. I'm just me. But even I can see there's something more between you two then simple attraction. If you two can't make it. My love will surely fail also." I turn to leave the pause, "Oh.. and what was the meaning of the Dark Blue Roses that you used to give Melody?" Melody: "mmm..." I say as cuddle into the covers and clutch as I little teddy-bear that I had siting on my pillow. It... it was the first gift I got from Alexander when we were children.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoAlexander: "Blue roses to show that not all roses have to be red and that violets arent the only flower that can be bue" I smile to myself "Roses are red but can be blue, why is it that I am so in love with you?" I seemed to talk to myself but not
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDarce: I smile, "That's a very good question and I'm afraid I don't know the answer to it," I say, "But if you truly love her wouldn't it be now... when she is weak and doubting... for you to proove to her that you really do love her more then anything. That no matter her doubts or fears you'll always be by her side; that although you are man in body in soul and mind you are only hers? Shouldn't you reasure her that her worries are for naught?" I shrug, "If it were me. I'd make her remember that I was stronger then her worries and that I was there to help her through her fears. Isn't that what love is? A deep passion for someone, something that could cause you to break your own heart to protect the one you love from a fate you hopes will not happen? Melody, I think she loves you more then you know." I look over Alex once more before leaving the room and closing the door behind me. He would probably need time to think.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMeadow- I was worried for Melody and Alex. So I had followed Darce to the music hall in case there was anything I could do. When Darce came out of the door I looked at him. "You know your right. But did it seem like you were getting through to him?"
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoDarce: "Only time will tell," I say wiht shrug, "I feel like he will regret it if he ends their relationship with such a huge misunderstanding. Melody is set on protecting him from herself. He just needs to ensure her that she shouldn't worry. Sulking isn't going to help the situation..."