Role Play
Haleson High School
Haleson High School12 Years Ago(My first thread, hurray!) Alright. Haleson High is made of mostly humans without powers, but the ones who do have powers- called "Heroes"- can't let any other human know about them. No exceptions. Haleson High School is located in Ocean City, New Jersey, a mere 15 minute drive to the beach. It's your choice on if you want to have powers or not. HAVE FUN AND BE GOOD HUMANS! Name: Leather Elson. Grade: Sophmore. Age: 15 3/4. Human or Hero: Hero. Ability: Electricity.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoLeather Elson (ME!) rides into the school parking lot for her first day of sophmore year on her motorcycle, a Yamaha 2000 R1. Parking the bike, she takes off her motorcycle jacket and stuffs it in her tote bag. She smooths out her mid-back length blonde hair- which isn't very long since she's only 5'8". She bites her lip and sighs, walking up towards the front of the school.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoName: Melody Waves Age: 17 Grade: senior Human or Hero: Hero Power: sound/music
Appearance: Short, black hair, tan, large Sapphire eyes, pretty smile, luring voice, great fashion.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoName: Dusk Marters Grade: Junior Hero/Human: Human... Name: Ellie Sparks Grade: Sophmore Hero/Human: Hero Power: Technology Appearence: Small, skinny, kind of hides herelf behind her long thick blonde hair. Bright blue eyes and she can give you quite a shock. ;)
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoName: Grellta Peirce
age: 15 class: sophomore hero appearence: Tan skin, curly brown hair, brown eyes power: vibration (can vibrate your very molecular structure into oblivion) personality: outgoing and strong, but kind |
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoName: Olson Willy. Grade Sophmore. Human, or Hero: Hero: Ability: The ability of shadow minupulation. Description: Tall, well build, hairy, and usual wears black clothing.
David here, I'm so excited you joined Maddie XD! If you want to all of my role play threads are made to where anyone can join at any time, BUT we are not going to act like you were there the whole time unless your character is supposed to be stealthy, then it would be like a creepy stalker/observer type thing. Anyway glad you join, and hope you have fun role playing with us :D
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoName:Mercedes Holt Grade: junior age:17 human/hero: human
Name:Meadow Holt Grade: junior age:17 human/hero: hero ability: earth/plants
Looks: Mercedes and Meadow are twins, one a human the other the one with the powers. They both have brown hair. Mercedes eyes are blue like their dads while Meadow has their moms green eyes. Mercedes hair goes to her shoulders while Meadows goes down long. But other than that they look so much alike.
Extra: Meadow is more quiet, peaceful, spiritual. She's careful and always thinking. Mercedes though speaks her mind when needed and is one of the popular girls. She picks on Meadow for being strange and barely acknowledges her at school.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: Haleson High. The place I had both loved and hated for the past three years. I was a senior now. Ruler of the school and guidance to the younger students. Not only that but I was an assistant to class 'H-2' and 'H-3' other know as the heroes class for years 2 and 3. It was a big deal for a senior to get asked to be an assistant. And as the top of my grade it was only natural I got the position. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Not only that but my vocal carrier was taking off. My name was now known all over the world. Melody Waves, professional singer, composser, and musician. Stepping out of my shiny new car i gave the Poperazzi a wink before entering the school gates where they could not follow. I'd be staying on campus so they wouldn't get a look at me unless I left the school. Thank god for school dorms!
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoGrellta: First day back, of course I'd decked out in an outfit of sheer gold. Gold dress, gold heels, gold jewelry and gold colored make up. Was I a little eccentric? What girl wasn't? But my crowd, and the crowd, loved it. This was a school for the famous of the famous, the best of the best, and as I was becoming a model name known all around the world, I had a very promising career in the modeling industry. And as top hero in my sophomore class, I was on the top of my game. I stopped to give a couple poses for the crowd outside my school, and caught up with my friends. Ah, I could already tell this was going to be a promising year.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: New year, new school. I sighed, a lot of these people were all stuck up or just plain annoying. I hated high school, not to mention that even though I was just a sophmore, I was taking senior level courses with straight A+'s in every AP class I could possibly take, I had already tested out of 3 foiregn languages and blew right through AP Calc and Physics like they were nothing. It was going to be tough but they had found some various other classes to fill up her schedule with so without further adue I wandered into my first class which was labeled Biomedical Science, which seemed extremely trivial to me... Dusk: I rolled my eyes, all these snobs were just pathetic, I couldn't take how they treated other people, it was just revolting to watch. I grabbed my schedule and started towards my first class, another boring school year was about to start.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMercedes- I pulled into the school and parked my Mercedes-Benz SL550 convertible. I absolutely loved it. The sheek gray color, it being this years new model, and it shared my name. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror and caught my breath. Yep, I look that good I thought smiling. I open the door and step out, my sliver heels shining in the sun. I looked through my designer shades and saw the school. I was a junior, with one more year left, and I was going to rock this school more than I had the past few years. Now, I had to get inside, find my friends, and get to class before my sister came up to me.-----Meadow- I sat in my yellow Volkswagon Bug and watched my sister go in. I sighed. She was still going to ignore me this year. I got out and looked at my schedule and headed towards the school.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoGrellta: First period flew by, I had that class with my friends Ceceilia, Marcus, Jasmine, Chloe, Kalie, Cynthia, Steele, Sierra, and Brendon. You know when they say "The grass is always greener on the other side"? I have to disagree. Over here, the grass is pretty frikkin green.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoLEATHER: (This is what I look like by the way, I don't own that picture) I walk into Biomedical Science, with one earbud in my ear blasting "Californication" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have a can of Coke in one hand and a People magazine in the other. I see one girl in the classroom with me and I wave with a kind smile. Must be a new girl. I turn off my iPod and take a swig of my Coke before approaching her. I smile, showing off laser-whitened teeth, and say "Hi. Never seen you around, I'm Leather. Nice to meet ya." I say in my North Carolina accent, extending my hand to shake hers.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: I smile slightly and shake her hand, her earbuds fizz out a little unil she lets go of my hand to check em out, then they go back to normal. "I'm Ellie, Ellie Sparks, I'm a sophmore this year" Dusk: I kick back in the back of the classroom, leaning my chair against the wall. Class was so boring, I just wished that there was somewhere else that I could be.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoLEATHER: I smile genuinely, knowing there's only a good chance I could make my first friend since what happened over summer... "Sweet, that's a pretty cool name. Normally there's only juniors in this class, but I guess you & I are the freak nerds who got bumped up a year, huh?" I laugh smoothing out my over sized "Welcome to the jungle, peeps." t-shirt, "But that's alright. Nerds are awesome." I smile.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: "Actually they put me in this class because this was the only semi high level class that I hadn't already taken" I explained "I've already blown right through all of their AP courses with "Flying colors" if you know what I mean" I smiled "but I guess that just proves the whole nerd theory even more" I laughed at myself
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMercedes- I kick back in my chair in the Biomedical Science class, seeing some of the others talking at the desk in front of me. I lean up to them. "Hey there." i say smiling confidently. " I saw you around a bit last year. Leather right?" I look to the other girl. "But I've never seen you. Are you new to the school?"----Meadow- I walk in to the Biomedical class. I look around quickly and see my sister in here talking to some girls. I walk past quickly and sit near the back.
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoLEATHER: I bounce on my heels, "Yep, pretty much." I chuckle along with Ellie. I turn to Mercedes and grin slightly. I never had much of a heart for this girl, who was everything I stand up against, but hey- it's a new year, new personalities. "Yeah, you must be Mercedes."
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoEllie: I stand up "I'm going to go sit in the back" I smile at Leather I walk to the back of the classroom rolling my eyes "I can't stand people like that" I moan as I sit next to the girl in the back "Uh Hi" I smile shyly "I'm Ellie, Ellie Sparks...Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked
Re: Haleson High School12 Years AgoMelody: Running a little late I step into the classroom just as the bell is ringing and smile at the teacher. I took bio-science in my freshman year because I had advanced scores in my enterance exam so i was only assisting in this class but it was interesting to see all the new/young faces. I spotted two young girls that looked to be sophmores and nodded my head in approval. It was great to see I wasn't the only one with brains in this school. Plopping my book down and hopping onto a ledge I take in the rest of the class. They probably thought I looked weird, or maybe different, if they had only seen my pictures in a magazine or outside in the 'human' world but here I removed all make-up, let my hair down, and simply enjoyed the school year. I blushed a little though when I noticed one girl was holding an issue of People magazine that had my face plastered to the front. it starred back at me daring me to go against it's thickly make-uped face, white teeth, and large eyes. I liked natural looks much better. I made a face and turned to face the teacher as he began to speak.