Role Play : Forum : Alive, or Dead?

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose; "Rose Wood," I say with a little sigh, "Lady of the Kingdom. or should I say Lady-in-training." it was weird giving out my full title. But it was mine. Dracula himself had given it to me when he decided he wanted me as his Queen. Which was NOT going to happen.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

"Hmm, in training? Why don't you young ladies join me, and Alucard's. It will be one big allince." I requested

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily-" i will have to meet him frist before i  join "

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: "I won't join any alliance," I say placing the empty cup down on the table, "But I will help you if need be. Like I said before I am a Lady of the Kingdom. To join an alliance against my King is worth a punishment worse then death itself. It you need anymore information though, I am happy to help. Just have the Alucard drop by my house if he needs things explained to him... I must go now though. Goodbye." With that I spring out the window and disappear into the fading sunlight. It was almost night.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "Young lady! Wait! Dracula himself is probably watching your every move, giving me info is good enogh for any punishment worse than death! For knowledge is the most powerful tool anyone can use." I warned as I cought up with her, "Don't you think I wouldn't be running after you if you weren't important?"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: I smile at him kindly and chuckle, "Dracula won't punish me for knowledge," I say stepping back into the shadows, "He will only punish me for going against him... because he is afraid of what I am capable of..." With another little laugh I disappear completely into the shadows and morph into my wolf form. Taking off I head for the mountains. I needed to hide until morning

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily- goes and lays down some to rest 

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "Damn! I guess she's going to have to learn the hard way." I thought to myself. "I guess I have a young man to care for." I sigh as I make my way back home. I entered the house to find the young man sitting up. "I see you made a choice, young man." I commented  "Oh, hello, you must be the kind man who took me in." He replied  "Yeah, what's your name?" I asked  "Daren, I go by Daren." He answered  "Ah Daren, so where were you talking about?" I asked  "The horrid orphanage, the guardian is horrible! She only feeds us once a day, and through the rest of the day she makes us do chores, and we only rest one hour a day." Daren answered  "Ah, I was in an orphanage at one point too, it was truly aweful!" I replied, feeling chills go down my spine as all the horrible memories flooded my mind  "So, what's your name?" Daren asked  "Tell you later kid, i'm going to bed." I answered  I passed out landing on the couch. 

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: In the morning I wake up naked in the woods. Standing I see that I am covered in animal blood but have fully returned to my normal appearance. Finding the clothes that I had hidden in a tree I slip them on and head for home. Praying that I had gotten far enough away from the town before I had lost it... The full moon always did this to me and I never remembered anything afterward...

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

lily- wakes up and get some blood  only then to feel like some was in here last night when i was asleep, goes and sits down to email my dad asking everthing the hunter asked me then sends it

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: I arrive at school the same as always but today was slightly different. The smell of blood was stronger, my desire was esculating, and I was glowing which meant humans fawed over me where ever I went. I sighed... It would only get worst as the two month count-down to my 17th birthday ticked away.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Izzy- arrives at the school  in my car,  only to walk in and see rose" try to think of them not as  food" whispers to her than  smiles and giver her a  metal water bottle" here it may help"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: Taking a sip i sigh as blood slides down my throat and lean back in my chair. "You are easily my most favorite person in the world right now." I say to her as my muscles begin to loosen. I hadn't even realized how tense I was!

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

lily-"  well i am glade that it helps , like i said i am goignot help you with your control"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: "Your helping already," I say slurping down the rest of the blood, "You are my savor! You don't happen to have anymore do you?" I give her a sheepish grin.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

lily-" yes i  do i  came here with three for you and  two for me" smiles at her" i know you are goignot need them that is  why" hugs her lightly then goes and sits down in my  class with her

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: "Well thank god you came to school today!" I say, "I would have eaten a kid on the way home if you hadn't!"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

lily-" and the would not have been good my father always  told me keep hidden but  hunt to where no one can see you" smiles at her then get  out my note book and starts drawing

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: Watch Izzy draw, "Wow you're really good!"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily- " thanks" smiles  and look up as the teacher comes inot the room   only to see ti si not the same teacher as yesterday