Role Play : Forum : Alive, or Dead?

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: I sigh and pat her shoulder, "Hot tempered as always," I comment and head back to the palace, "I trust you can show them why I've trusted you with your post?"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Chris- walks around the room they told me to  wait in as they look in to to how lily was  Lily- dreams of my mother anf fathers  as i  was still little

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: I clear my throat and address the pack, "Listen mutts, I've got something to tell you!" Oh, wrong crow, eh? The vamps always laughed at that impression in the parties. "All of you are here because you've committed a crime, so that makes you part of the under network system, the balckmarket, every one of you are guilty and I am one of the queen's "Special" workers." That made them squirm a little. "Lucky for you I am the Queen's special agent that has broken every law at least fifteen times more than all of you have combined, SO I'm going to make a deal. You, all of you, are going to help us when we ask of you, you won't go against the queen's direct orders, you will tell me if you hear of plan's to raid the queen and then and only then will me and my boyfriend Salvy not rip all of your spines out and beat your cubs with them, understand?"
  The alpha leader glared at me for a second, but then shifted back to his human form. Damn, I loved my job.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily- i wake up in my bed and looks around  only to try and  sit up but i stop and  lay back down..  only to see that chris is in his wolf  form lay  right next to me..  smiles at that  and then i hear the  door open and sees that it is rose" I  guess i made more  troble then i thouhg i would when i left" smiles at her some..  hungry but trys t hid it since i can not get up

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