Role Play Forum Alive, or Dead?
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- i got to the training room and starts working on m bow and arrow, but also on my sword handling Chris-I wtch lily fomr the shaodws in my wolf form miling some keeping my ears open
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I come out of the shower room fully dressed, and came said, "So what now?"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: "We need to get the Underworld in order," I say with a smile, "Next is sorting out what roles you all will play. Salvy is secret police. Candice, you will be the spy system and Underground network. I want knews of everything and anything. Lily, you'll be in charge of trade networks. I need to know how it is and what needs to be improved on. Chris, I need you on a mission. Collect as many loyal wolves as possible and assemble then into a force unit for certain jobs." I look at them and nod, "The Underworld is going to be going through some drastic changes my friends and we will be the foundation of that change."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I smiled, and stepped from the shadows. "Sounds good." I agreed. I turned my head to Candiece, and smiled. "Never thought I'd see you in a justice system." I teased, and I laughed a little. I looked to Chris, and smiled. "Maybe you'll proove yourself to be more than a kid." I suggested. Finnally I looked back to Rose. "Things are going to change, for the better." I announced. I stepped back into the shadows, and climbed onto the window ledge. I looked back, and saw everyone. It just might be the last time I see them all in the same room. I turned, and dived out the window. I flipped, and gracefully landed on my feet, crouched on a gargoyle. I leaped, and motioned my arms upward as wings followed.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I smile and nod, "And me. I'll take care of the lords and ladies of the court." I say looking at the others, "I'll expect reports from you in three days."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: i smile a little, "Me? In law enforcements? I think Salvy's right, but fine, fine, I'll be back." I said, taking off with supernatural speed. Three days for the under-network to cooperate? Good thing its me, then, I think I'm the only one who might be able to pull this off. But first, i'm gonna need to talk to some old friends over some humans and some drinks. I really hope I can survive this visit from "old friends" again.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I had the utmost confidence in all the roles I had assigned. Candice was better then what she and others thought of her. I knew she could do it, I knew she was the only person that could play this role in my plan.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris- runs through the woods slolwy gathering the wolve i can happy they are fallowing me to help out the kingdom Lily- goes through everythign i need to sighing some thinking of diffent things
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I had called a meeting, but under-networking/blackmarket politics were always sketchy. Darius was there, Cassy, who ran the most popular illegal imported blood orders, Zephora, who ran the human slave trade (one of my favorites, I was almost certain Izzy, Salvy, or Rose didn't know about that one and to tell you the truth I wasn't planning on ratting her out as i had often done buisness with the criminal vampire, Florance, who invented spells that would have been listed as "inhumane" and all sorts of people who were kind of like old allies and all of which should have been killed (including yours truly).
Almost five fights had broken out and it was only thirty minutes in session. "Every, be qui-" A beer-blood bottle flew inches past my face. Grr. I ground my teeth together, and then yelled, "Everybody shut the Hell up!" The room went dead silent and said, "Thank you." In a sickly sweet voice. "Now I need all of your cooperation or all of you will be hung from the gallows." I may or may not be bluffing. |
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- keeps going through the trade networks makeing sure everythign is running smoothlyonly to sigh some thinking about somethings in my life. walks out of my office and goes and knocks on roses hoping she is there__ Chris- starts heading back woth mor them to packs of wolves fallowing behind me .. tired for the day and hungry
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: "Come in," I say as I dismiss the General of my army and allow Lily to enter after he leaves, "What do you need Lily?"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: It was hard work, patroling such a large canvas, but it was still neccessary. I was running, and suddenly a building exploaded, and it sent me crashing into the street. I got up, and saw a whole herd of vampires that looked just like the one that I killed before all of the group formed. All looked exactly like it. I jumped onto my feet, and my wings pushed thier way out of my back. I decided to be stealthy, and follow them back to wherever they were going.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-" i have a request to you rose.. i was wounderign if i could take a day and go and see some one i owe it to... it is a family that took me in and i just what to know if they are doing well. the trade network is doign better them what it has been and also i just need some time away i need to clear some on the lonesome feelign i have.. "
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I look over Lily, "Once I have your written report on the Network you may go," I say with a nod, "But try not to stay away long. Much needs to be done here before.... A lot just needs to be done..." I look away from her and at my paperwork.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-" i knowrose.. i just need to get out some and i will have the report right back to you.. i am wounderign about one thing rose is why do you not have me anywhere else i mean you know how i am with fighitng but also with healing why are you letting me do throughs .. is it becasue of my blood cuz i heard yo"u and chris talking some"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: "I need you in the trade network," I state, "You may not understand right now but You will eventually. I have everyone where they need to be. You need to trust me."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-" okay rose i was just woundering" trun and leaves only do the report nd has it so it is sent to rose then i leave and head out of state runing some and stops at my frinds house looking in through the window___ Chris- walks in to roses office when i get back"rose we have more then two pack from today and i will go back out in the morning"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: "Thankyou," I say taking the reports, "You've done well. Please continue the hard work."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: When I handed Rose my report, it read as the following:
"I have everyone on board in the black market *scratches out black market and puts underground network* to keep up spies and report to me if there are anyone that may be working against you or for a private or public higher enemy." When I handed it to her, I hope she hadn't noticed some of the blood I drank was illegally imported from India, the blood of a royal prince. I looked over at Salvy as he turned his in and said, "haven't seen you in a few days, how have you been?" |
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I chuckle when I see the blood reports and give Candice a look, "they taste wonderful but we may need this Indian prince in the future and if you drink him dry that might cause some problems," I say thought i wasn't made at all. I had drank my fair share of Prince when I was younger also. I was like a drug. The richer and deeper the bloodline the more wonderful you felt, "You may however, sample if you have the power to control yourself. Also tell the underground to try to avoid royal targets. I am aware that they sell for more and taste great but unless he is an enemy of the underworld or me he is publically protected. It's one of the treaties we sign in the Dark Ages." I look over Slavy's report and look up, "Did you find where the hord of Vampires went?" I ask, "If so and they aren't eleminated just yet I'd like you to do so. Chris has rounded up two Packs and I'll give you one for the desposal of the clan. That should be all you need. Take General Smith's grou. He's a good Wolf. You'll like him."