Role Play : Forum : Alive, or Dead?

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily- gets up  a little shacky  and smiles  at rose" rose  I am so happy you are okay." goes and sits down closing my eyes

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "Yeah, well I'm not a hunter anymore. I'm a protecter, of all. None are complete bad. I guess, I really have all of you to thank, but also Dracula. And he had one last wish. It's only right to fufill that one last wish. He wanted me to tell you all a story.... but later. We still don't know if Rose is completly okay." I replied, "But thanks Rose, it takes a lot... I'm proud of you too. You did as you saw right, and for that you deserve to live."

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: I slowly sink to the floor, looking at everyone. "Well that was fun." I say.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: I chuckle and smile, "Now we just have to get the Underworld in order," I say and lay back, "after I sleep of course. After I sleep."

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily- move to where i am  some what nex to rose and smiles at her" I am happy you are back.. and thanks for not draining me dry rose"   laugh some and closes my eyes again  only to  slowly fall asleep Chris- moves and lays in between lily and rose  so they can use me as a pillow

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "So, since this whole war is over, and pretty much everything else is settled...I guess we can go on that date now, Candiece." I said, trying to lighten her mood, and scooted toward her

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Rose: I smile to myself at Salvy's words and gentle send them my warmth. Good. We needed light and hope after all this darkness.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: I smile, shaking my head, "And after all that, you still want to go on a date. Amazing. You are such a guy." I say, but I go over to hug him. Hard.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "Thought that's what you wanted?" I teased, as I hugged her back. It was so nice to see us being able to be a family in the end.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: A weird, almost somber feeling came over me. It was all over. We had won, Dracula was dead, we were done. For now.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: Now that was aluagh, with us, ti was always something, wasn't it?

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Lily- sigh some and gets up" I will be back i have to go and get a bite to eat"

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: Candiece was producing a different energy than her usual. "So, you're glad Dracula rotts where he lost?" I asked Candiece

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: Ugh, what was wrong with me? Emotional at a time like this? Hardly. I shook my head and make a sarcastic noise, "hell yeah! That little ugly b*****d deserved to die where he stood. And really, he was a creepy-a*s anyways." There, now I felt more like me.

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "The guy wasn't always bad. To fufill his last wish at an appropriate time, I shall now tell you the story of, Dracula. He was once a so called hero like me once. He didn't like the injustice he wittnessed, so he did as I did, and took the law into his own hands. He found a spell that was rumored to give immortality, and bat like powers beyond beleif. So He ventured, and stumbled one day upon the cave. That's how he become what he ended being. He was outcasted from politcs because he did excute the spell and that's why his original time period was crime free. It was seen as "demonic" in his time. He saw why, but no one ever listened to him..only his competitor. So he went to the shadows, and he only appeared when he saw fit. To take from the rich, and give to the poor. To become a knight only to be turned on by a wicked kingdom. Then he evenutally became what he died as.. he origianly lead an order of superhumans to protect the weak world wide...but then he became corrupted." I replied

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: I looked at Salvy seriously, "And I beleive that, but the thing is, I never knew the guy when he was "good", I only knew him as the one who tried to kill me and all of my friends and I'll never forgive him for that. I don't care what he was before, what he was right before he died was what he was to me." But then i tried to lighten the mood a little, "And did you say he started out like you? No. You are WAY hotter than he was. Trust me. I've seen all of you."

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: "Don't give me to big of an ego." I replied, "Still have to be a gentlmen when we're on our date."

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: I roll my eyes. "if it makes you feel better, look at it like this. If you weren't hot, I wouldn't be dating you at all."

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Salvatore: I didn't have a reply this time...I usualy have a reply. "I love you" I announced, and I kissed her

Re: Alive, or Dead?

12 Years Ago

Candice: I kissed him back, and held myself against him. This was nice... we should do this all the time... yeah, all the damn time...