Role Play
Alive, or Dead?
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I got up, and tapped Candiece on the shoulder. "Wanna go to that waterfall I went to earlier?" I asked. Alone time with Candiece sounded nice
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris- " sir i have found the group but ther is a problem rose has ordered to stay with lily and also fight aginst you my lord. me being a wolf my lord i could not fight her order.. but i am with them and i can have you come to them my lord, sir" looks around some to make sure no one is around.." sir they are in the underground market staying at a friends place.. please sure i would like to come back to you by rose as me on a bind becasue of the order she gave me" waits for him to respond.. my breathing picking up some as my wolf whats to come out and run to where rose is____ Lily- i get up and walks down the hall to where our host is and knocks on the door
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: "Of course." I replied. I can't trust Chris anymore. "Conitune mission as ordered." I commanded. I then hung up, and changed frequncies. "Sector X, come in." I demanded "Sector X in commander, sir!" A voice responded, "Additional target Chris, our agent Chris." I commanded. "Understood, we have obtained addition objective chart area." The voice answered, explaining more than I asked for. "Continue mission as ordered." I ordered. I then stood from my throne of skulls. They charted it, which means it shows on virtual data base. "I've got you now, Salvatore." I mubmled, "Ironic, hunter is pray, and pray is hunter."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: i smiled, "Sure," i told Salvy, "Lead the way."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris- hangs up after he is done with me and i change only to run back to the place we are staying at and looks at say and the other girl.. only to truns my head and goes down the hall to where lily is at the door.. wantign so bad to go and run and be a free wolf/vampire like lily is for a witch and wolf stop and think about what lilyls mom was and goes still remembering what rose asked me earlyer about lily bloodline
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: Wow, the night keeps getting better and better. "Alright, follow me." I agreed. I took her hand, and lead her to the waterfall I baithed in earlier.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I smile curved up the sides of my lips, "So is this the part where your supposed to undress me?" I asked Salvy, only half joking.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- walks around my room some thinking only to go and lay down and relaxe knowing i have energy cuz of the blood but i moslty run after i feed and i cant now.. smiles when chris jumps up and lays down next to me watching my face
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: "No, this is the part where I enjoy undressing you." I corrected, as I smiled back. I heard rumors when I was older in the orphanage of "Sex", and naked women. I remember my dad teaching me how to treat women, and they obviously never heard. This though, my dad never spoke of. I held her close, and kissed her lips with mine. I'm so nervous, I nearly missed. Shaking to my core, I helped her out of her shirt. I hugged her, and unbutton her braw.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: He's nervous, but for some reason... i kinda like that. "I love you." I murmer as I take off his shirt, and fell his body temperature start to rise with mine. He was helping me out of all of my clothes and soon enough I had helped him out of all of his, and I touched him, all over.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: This is the BEST night of my life! I felt Candiece's smooth skin on my hands as she felt mine. I felt her body heat rising as mine did. It was obvious she had expirence, and I was hoping it wasn't too noticable it was my first time. "I love you too" I whispered.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Later that day, I lie wrapped in a blanket near Salvy and say, "You know we've gota hell of a lot on our shoulders... that day when I warned you not to go after Dracula, when we were in the woods... I never imagined in a million damn years something like this would happen. With all of us, and actually going to kill the real leader of the underworld and everything that's happened." I say, for me. That was opening up... I think.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: "Yeah" I chuckled, "All of this has happened so fast. First, came the warning of not hunting Dracula, then thinking I'd actually done it...won, but I'd discovered that no one won that day...just rested. Then well...this. You, n's just a lot to take in." I put my arm around her, and held her closer. I could feel others around, but I couldn't see. I had my right hand on the seeth of my knife.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I let out a soft sigh as I glazed at the walls of Dracula's palace. It was almost dusk. The others would be finding the note I had left in my room in just a few short hours. By then this would either be done or I would be dead. But I wouldn't go down without at least injuring Dracula in the first place. I had left the secret to Dracula's death in the note so hopefully they would find it. Lily would know what to do once she saw it. She would help Salvitore forfill what he had always been meant to do. The others... They would help eachother through this. Candice, though she was harsh and spiteful she now knew what it was to love. It would help her grow. She was strong and more carring then she let on. She was the support even though she didn't know it. She was their backbone. Lily, Though she was young she knew the ways of the underworld. She would give them what they would need to survive in this crazy messed up world. Lily would fill them with knowledge. Chris, He wasn't loyal to them. That I knew. He was Dracula's man but although I had little power over him he remained strong at my side and Lily's. He would guide them. Salvitore, Young. Naive. and very very quick to jump into things. More then once this had gotten us into things that was over our heads. How many times had I corrected him? Had we corrected him? Despite that he was brave. Foolishly so at times. He would encourage the others through this... Salvitore. He was their heart. Their bravery. Together they could take out Dracula. Together they would end his rule of destruction. Smiling I touched my knives and the long blade of my sword and started forward, "Good luck." I whispered to the others and I entered Dracula's palace to face the devil himself. I knew they couldn't hear me and would be hurt by my actions but this was how it needed to be done. Me going in a lone. "I won't go down for nothing," I whispered, "I'll get you guys as much of an advatage that I can..."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years Ago(sorry that's so long up there ^^^ but anyways please pretend you are still expecting me at dawn(or dusk?) and that you find the letter and all that jazz... ^_^ )
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- i wake up once i see the sun starting to make up only to move a little and sees chris has gone back to his vampire form and was fleeping at the foot of the bed.. gets up and wakes him up only then to move and goes to rose room and nocks on the door" rose"___ Chris- wakes up and sighs some onlyt to strach and changes to my wolf and walk out to where lily is only to smell that rose is in not in there
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: i later barge in on Lily and Chris and say, "Where in the hell is Rose? i haven't seen her all day and she told me to get all of us together at dusk so we could work out a game plan to finally kill head vamp. Any of you seen her?" Really? taking off at at time like this? Inconsiderate, even by my standards. She could have at least left a damn note...
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I laughed a little as I wiped the blood off of my cheek and looked Dracula in the eyes. He had cut open my cheek, "That hurts," I comment dryly and then smile, "But you're in more pain huh?" I had burned his arms with holy water. A burn that can't be healed by vampire healing powers. He was injured and it made it hard to hold his weapons but I knew I wasn't winning. I was bleeding freely from many places and was loosing energy fast. Clutching at the deep wound on my stomach I winced, "Heaven doesn't accept people like us Dracula." I say, "Even if I die here. I'll make sure you're hell is ten times worse then that or any other." I then dive in with me sword raised high.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- sighs some and gets up" she left to go and face dracula.. we need to come up with a plain to go in and kill him for real"__ chris- stand next to rose ad i was the other girl
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: I dodge, and threw my weapon aside. I held my hands in an X, and hissed showing my fangs. "Hevan, hell? I am not held by such lies." I replied, "We're not supernatural, but the essence of paranormal."