Role Play
Alive, or Dead?
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I didn't feel like sleeping. I wasn't in the mood. So I head out after the others head to bed and venture throught the Underground Society in jeans and a dark hoodie pulled up over my head. It didn't really matter whether or not people saw me. I knew i had a reward on my head but half the people here would rather see Dracula's head on a stake then turn a useless kid in like me. Sure I was the future queen and I was prego with Dracy's baby, well as far as they knew. Taking one of the wanted signs off the wall I compared the picture to myself in a mirror. I looked just as pale and just as emotionless. Only there was something about me that was off. I touched my stomach as a little jolt of pain washed over me. The baby wasn't fairing well against the poison that had been enjected into me by dracula. It probably wouldn't survive another night. I smile sadly at the mirror then turn and leave to go wander around until morning. I wasn't going to tell the others. No need to cause more problems when we had such a big fight in front of us.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I nodded to Lily, "Sure, sure, pick out a nice human." I told her, watching her leave to go to hunt, then looked at Salvy and said, "Well, if we weren't in the middle of running for our lives and trying to kill the ruler of the underworld, I would say we should get the hell out of dodge and find some place where you could take me on a decent date... but since we are running for out lives and all that "fun" stuff, I guess we'll have to focus, and your better at focusing than I am." I looked around, "Speaking of, we should probably get ourselves, Rose, Chris, and Lily all in a room together ASAP so we can figure out what we're going to do next cause I'm not really into waiting around for something to come and kill me, ya know?"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: "Right..the others." I replied, "I know Rose is in the guest rooms. I think Chris may be out hunting, and didn't Lily just say she was going to go hunt, too?". I personally needed sleep, but that could wait.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Hm. he looked rather tired, but I had something for it. Right beside was a "wine" holder *coughcoughbloodcoughcough* and I found the one I was looking for. I uncorked it and handed it to Salvy and said, "Take a sip, it cures sleeping problems, or lack of sleep because of the kind of blood it is."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I took the wine, and set it down. "I prefer to stay sober. Muna, is known for relaxation, but for some reason it seems to "wake me up"." I replied, "Now, I'm going to head out. Look for Chris, and Lily. Wanna come with?" I was certainly tired, but achol isn't the "brightest" thing to drink.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris- get up in my wolf form and sit out side of the biulding as i look at people walking back____ Lily- sighs some as i walk around only to stop when i see rose hunting as well then sigh some realizing i have not hidden the bodys that i have hunted
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: Candiece didn't answer my question. So I guess I'll give her some time to "digest" this. I walked outside, and I saw Chris in wolf form laying outside the building. "Hey, kid we're holding a meeting in the guest room asap. I'm going to get the others." I announced. Chris didn't like being called "kid", but "Salvy" wasn't what I wanted. I took out my muna leaf. Always had some in my poket. I sniffed it, and I stiffined. I wonder why it makes me so alrert when it has a reverse effect on others. Maybe this whole zombie, vampire mixbreed mishappen had something to do with it. Then again, before I was even a vampire it had the same effect on me. I looked over, and saw some bloody bodies. "Can't be too far away." I thought, observing the dead bodies. Poor humans, so defencsless against the paranormal. Some say supernatural, but this was clearly evolution.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChis- nods at hium and waits for him and ever one to get back___ Lily- goes and sits on a sit in the park happy but thinking of everything on what has happen to me.. growlsing osme when i hear foot steps coming up behind me___ Chris- know that lily is feeding but just hopes that she will clean up after her self and hoping she would be okay since she has not feeded from the vain in a long time
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I recongized the growl. "Hey, Lily. We're having a meeting in the guest room asap." I announced. Now all I need to do is find Rose. Maybe I'll get lucky, and she'll find me
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Hm... okay, so I should probably go find Rose or someone. If Salvy went out, chances were he had already found Chris and Lily, so I decided to stop being a useless f**k and go find Rose. i went looking for her, trying to run into her somewhere. I needed all of us together, I had a plan for what we could do next, but I guess I needed the "ok" from everyone else, too.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I spot Candice wandering around looking quite lost and appear next to her, "You look like you've lost a child." I comment with a sad smile, "Who are you looking for?"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: No luck finding Rose. She'll show up later, maybe morning. I left the forested area, and returned to the front where Chris was sleeping. I sat, and closed my eyes. It wasn;t the safest place to rest, but it was the best I could find.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I grin, "There you are, wondering off again..." i shake my head, "Oh, and just saying, Salvy and i are dating now, so deal with it. Also, I need to talk to all of you, alone, so we can strategise where were going and what were doing next. That is, unless we want to sit around and wait to die. I found you, Salvy went out and he may have found Chris and Lily, who went out hunting." I pause, "So have got any bright ideas about how we're going to kill this evil a*****e?" Ugh, Dracula was really starting to get on my nerves now.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I raise an eyebrow. Her and Salvy? Surprising but somehow I seemed to have expected it. Surprising but not surprising? geez I wasn't making sense anymore, "No clue." I say pulling my hood lower over my eyes, "I'll think on and meet you in the room at dusk... I need some time to think." I give her a gentle smile then disappear into the crowded UngerGround society. The market was busy so it was easy to slip into the crowd and blend in. She probably lost sight of my withing seconds.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: One soldier made it back. Bloody, dying, but still he had a few breaths left. "Report." I demanded, as he fell to the floor in front of my throne. "Defeated..the flead...trailed them as far as I could.." he took pauses for breaths, "I called in...reinforcemnts, sector X answered. They said they had it...under control. It's been an honor, si..r" then he died. That's exactly what a soldier needed to do. Chris, needs to report. It's been too long, unless he's crossed me. I took his radio, and dialed the frequncy of sector X. "Sector X, in" a whispered voice answered. "This is Commander, report situation!" I demanded. "Sector X, operating stealth. We have tracked targets, now. Night opps unit P87 is backing, estimated time of arrival one hour. We are securing are, and occupying." The hush voice responded. "Continue plans." I replied, smiling. All I need now, is each head on a gold platter. David here, I realize yall sorta know now, but please don't even react to the guards. It's supposed to be a secerate thing, and that stuff. So please again just act suprised when they magicaly whoosh out and start their warfare stuff. Thanks, and enjoy the rest! I promise many more turns and twists!
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- walks back to the place we are staying at and smiles at chris and salvy as i see they are sleeping" hay boys it is time to get up" watches and chris jumps right up and smiles at him only to move and kisses him lightly on top above his eyes then i walk in and sits down looking at the fire place___ Chris- shacks my head some then i move and paws salvy and walks in behind lily only to think some on what she did and i sit down beside her.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: "Damn, I was enjoying that dream." I mumbled geting up to my feet. Candiece, still on my mind. How the hell it happened, I don't know, but I was certainly thankful. Speak of the devil, "Do we know where Candiece, and Rose is?" I asked
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-" I think she is sill out looking for rose" moves and closes my eyes"I can say out of the time i have not had anything form the vain what i did was really good"___ Chis-take off out side at a full run in till i rech a area by my self and i shift to my vampire form happy i got a phone to call ... dails draculs number and waits.. smiling some
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: I picked up the phone, and ordered the call to be tracked. "Agent, report situation." I commanded. Chris was apart of the recent special agent program I added to the milatry. It's standard for each section to have an agent for each section. Chris was apart of section Y, the inflitration unit I sent to kill the targets as a secondary objective, but to retreive Chris
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: okay, at dusk, that meant I needed the others, so when I went outside, I saw Salvy and Lily. I grinned when I saw Salvy, and walked over to everyone, "Rose said for us all to meet in a room at dusk. Everyone alright with that? Awesome. Cause we all need a plan." I wished Salvy and I were alone... *I started to space out a little and daydream, I hope no one noticed.*