Role Play
Alive, or Dead?
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-" okay" sighs osme and goes sit down" i am sorry fo the way i am acting it is just i have not been back for a long time i mean it has been at least 10 years or more" closes my eyes and relaxes some knowing i still need to feed because of the blood i did take earlyer heald mostly all the thinks that where hurt but i hope i can last al least three days" so um hay rose i am startingot think that what i told you thr frist day about teaching you how to control your hunger may be not me.. i .. um think that the only reason why i was about to is because i always have blood with me or around me"___ Chris-" rose you know me i will watch over lily like i told her mom i would even if it has to do with her feeding .. but the only thing is that if lily does get bitten by a were wolfe half of our kind rose.. it could make lily reallly sick"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: "It makes everyone sick," I say, "Werewolf bite is one of the most lethal toxins known to most kinds of species. Humans are the most effected of course but they change so the effects usually don't really matter. Vampires usually react badly to the injection of toxins that is embedded in out teeth. Zombies. Well I'm not sure about them. But other then Vampires, Zombies, and humans our bite is lethal. Maybe Lily has some fairy blood in her or something what makes her more sensitive to our toxins." I shrug. I had done a little research into it a while back.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Getting information out of a guy, and getting lucky! damn, i was on a role tonight. Dallas was asleep beside me, and his soft breathing was comforting, I was used to it. He had told me that some of Dracula's troops had come by earlier to look for Rose and the rest of us, that our faces are being handed out on "wanted" signs on flyers, that it was rumored that we were out to bring down the underworld (so not true, i loved this place, though when I finally get out of this mess, I'd changed my look and my name), and things that I'd tell everyone else in the morning.
As i fell asleep, i though about everyone who had been on this journey with me, Rose, lily, Salvy... Salvatore, and now Chris, and how after this ended it would probably be best if I never saw them again, they don't need me after this, not the way I lived when 3 were royalty and one was actually pretty damn close to perfect. A teardrop rolled down my cheek, but i quickly wiped it away. F**k. That's the last thing i need to do right now. And to think, I had only gone on this dammed thing out of boredom. But I'd never, EVER say any of that to them. I may have some *shudder* friends now... but I was still Candice. I fell asleep with a smirk. |
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I spent awhile outside doing more than just showering. I had thought a bit...about it all. The orphanage, the group, myself, and Dracula. The guy used to be my.."hero", but that's okay cause it showed me life has no true heros. Only villians fighting for different causes. I walked through through my surroundings. I never sleep somewhere without knowing my surroundings, nor the people in it. I walked through, my boots kissing the floor loudly making an echo through the halls. A saw a door start to open, but I couldn't see who was opening it
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Mother f****r! This dumb-a*s robe wasn't tying right! I woke up an hour ago, unable to sleep anymore, so I thought I'd be rude and inconsiderate and wake everyone else up to tell them what i had found out from Dally-boy. Most of me was decent, however most of my breasts were showing, I was kind of decent. I heard someone walking down the hall, and I opened the door to find Salvy. "Hey, Salvy," i said, going over to him, "You would not believe how much info I just got."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: "We're wanted. Posters, are hung up. Saw some on trees in the park." I answered. I couldn't help myself, but look at her chest. It was amazing, i don't know how long iv'e tried not to.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I knew he wasn't really focusing on the wanted posters, not at this moment, not while I was like this. Maybe if I was another girl, I would have smacked him, but I wasn't another girl. I was me. So I kissed him. Full on the mouth, because I've wanted to do that for a while now, and he would either push me or away or kiss back, it was up to him.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: Thank god she wasn't focusing on the wanted papers either! I kissed her back, man I've been wanting to do that for so long!
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris-" It could be the witch blood in her rose" gets up some after iam donetalkign to rose and walks around some, when lily goes to bed i go to my room and paces some thinking__ Lily- ghs as i lay on the bed ungrysome buti shack it off oly to wake in the mid of the night cramps goign through my body .. only to where i fall back to sleep .. only to walk around my room
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Relief courses through me that he didn't push me back, and I kiss him even more, and when I break apart, I'm breathless. For once i don't have something sarcastic to say, so instead I say, "So how do we go on from here, Salvatore?" leaning against him, because I don't want him to see that I'm blushing.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: Whoa, never thought Candiece would...blush around me. Well tonight was full of suprises! me not knowing how to answer. "I'll let you decide." I answered
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I sigh, burying my face in his shoulder. What had we just started here? Hm. Up to me... "I think this has to be a two person decision, Salvatore, but if you were to ask me I would say... maybe we could try this out... just to see if we could, you know... be..." Well, damn. I was emotionally strung out and at a loss for words, but I was staring to feel something for Salvy I hadn't felt before. I wanted him, and i hadn't even realized it until now.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: This was all new to me too. I sighed, and looked down. It was definetly a dream come true. "Sorry, i'm a bit nervous right now, but I think we should go for it. Why not?" I answered
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: "Yes, I would like to try this." I said, hugging myself closer to him.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: Tonight was the best night, but also the strangest night. I may just be dreaming again, but that's okay with me. I hugged her back, and whispered "This is a dream come true."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Eventually when we broke apart, i cleared my throat and said, "we should tell the others, about us being wanted, I mean." I said, then looked at him questioningly, "So are we going to tell them about us? If you don't mind, I would like us to."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: Oh yeah...the others. I totally forgot about them because of this whole..."thing." "Lets wait till morning to tell them. About all of this. Keep no secerates from family, and always let a brother rest." I answered. I got these quotes from the milatry. I left the buddist colony in America behind because I was drafted. The milatary taught me a lot though. Definetly the most important skill I know now, survival
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris- walks out in to the hall and changes in to a wolf only to go and lay down in frount of lily door to watch over her,, slowly feeling her pain and whimpers a little but stays where i am and slowly drifts off __ Lily- wakes up and get up out of bed only to but a jacket on and jumps sneacks out.. my hunger getting to me.. keeps my eyes low and my face hidden as people walk by, only to walk in to the park and feeds off froma runaway that was staying in the park, only then to go after another and walks back sneacks back in and walks down the hall only to stop seeing salvy and Candice" um hay you too.. what r u too doing up" stays in the shadows some hidding my face knowing ther is some blood on it
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Well...considering Lily was already up already... I twined my hand in Salvy's, and said, "We're going out now, so yeah. He's off limits for ya, sorry Lils." I said, wondering how she would react like this. I mean, Salvy and I didn't always see eye to eye and everyone knew how we could tease, pick at, and annoy each other practically to death, and don't get me wrong, I'd still tease him, but that's just me.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-" that is cool I was woundering when it would happen between you two.." smiles and steps out of the shadows whiping the blood of of my mouth and looks at them" at least you both will be happy.." smiles at them and then walks around them" i am going back to bed i had to get up it looks like my hunger is slowly getting out of control but please do not tell chris or rose okay "