Role Play Forum Alive, or Dead?
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I had entered the throne room and looked over Dracula. He didn't look good that for sure. "You don't look well," I say acting innocent, "What happened?"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: I looked up, laughing. All of this was a part of a show. "Why, isn't it rose. I thought the underworld was missing something." I said, laughing. I turned my head, and spit blood. "Why don't you join me? In the dungon!" I shouted. Guards stepped from the shadows. All marching towards her. It was a beautiful sight, an enemy soon to be crushed under the quanity of guards. Too bad that enemy was the love of my life, and she was carrying my baby
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily-"come on salvy" smiles at him some and walks to the door" we need to go and feed and scout around " Chris- walks out of the shadows in the thrown room" my lord if i may come in to mind she does have your child and it could be a great prince for your kingdom but also i seems that she know where lily and the others are and with your help since lilys father is in the dongan i would go a head with her and find the other to bring them back for you"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Hm. Now what to do with my time now that Lily and Salvy were out hunting... I looked at the vial that held the medicine and frowned. What the hell was that stuff? i made a grab for it, then put the last of it on my finger and stuck it in my mouth. "BLEH! What the HELL?!" I spit it out and washed out my mouth with brandy. Ugh, whatever it was, I couldn't identify it... maybe Lily will tell me when she gets back.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoLily- when we head in to the town i take one of the human and covers ther mouth only to drag them back in to the woods with me as i bring it to salvy.. bits and feed form the human then gives the rest of it to salvy" clean up and come stright back or i will come looking for you" turn and walks away only to apper backat the house and walk through the door my color back and smiles at Candice then go and sits down" salvy will be back soon .. how r u"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I can't beleive Lily let me sneak off. I entered my home, and gathered my equipment. I noticed everything was a total wreck, but the kid seemed happy. And able to take care of himself. I left, and sneaked back into the underworld. Suprisingly no one really cared enough to take a second look at me. Dracula: "I don't need a price. I am immortal, so no one will need to follow in my footsteps. And I never ordered for be-heading. I ordered her to the dungon." I replied sharply, "So think before you speak to me." I turned head form the furry peasent, and to Rose. Now restrained, and on her way to the dungon
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I didn't even try to fight. I knew Dracula would act in such a way. He wouldn't kill me, he would just lock me up. Besides he needed me to find the others. Even the King of the Underworld couldn't find them in the hideout that they were in. I just hoped the others don't do anything stupid that will give them away or worse, make them walk into one of Dracula's traps. I was safe and knew if I played nicely Dracula would start to trust me again and lock me up in a tower or something to raise the child. But them. They would be killed on spot if they were caught.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I looked at Lily, shaking, "Well I was doing just dandy until about five seconds ago. And I don't mean that in my usual bitchy way, what I mean is...." I calm myself so i wont shout at her, "You let Salvy, SALVY of all unstable newborn zombies, off on his own? Do you know what he's-" I shake my head. "Come if you want, I'm going out to look for him." i say, hurrying out the door into the rain. D****t, this kid will be the death of me. I didn't know for sure, but I knew that Dracy had... connections that could do very, very bad things to Salvy if they ever caught him. I couldn't let that... no. No, I was going out to look for him, he would be to easy for Dracula to find and kill. I wonder if he remembers what I told him when we first started this mission, seemed like a f*****g century ago now.. I said, "Put the damn toothpicks down, you go after Dracula, your going to die, okay?" I had never imagined I would care.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoChris-" my lord i know what you mean but sitll it would be a good thought" Lily- sighs some and run out after her in the rain" i am going to come with you my hearing is better then yours"
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: "I don't need thoughts. I need her locked in a dungon. Besides that kid has cost me too much trouble already." I snapped back Salvatore: My vision was starting to go blurry, and it was starting to be hard to walk. I continued anyway. I recognized this part of the underworld. It must have been the "red-light district". It gave me chills down my spine, and shakey hands. Luckily I still had kept some of my vampire traits. I could still hear amazing, I could still smell blood, differ blood types, I cold still feel wings maybe they're retractable now, and I still had fangs. So I still fit in here slightly.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: I nodded to lily and then sped off with my superhuman speed that could match any vampire's. 'Salvy, if you get me killed, I'm so going to hurt you if there's an after life for us.' I think.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: I could only imagine Lily, and Candice chasing after me. I grown to love these kids as the family I never had. Even though they can get a little frustrating atleast they care, and that's exactly why I needed to find Rose. I care, care enough to risk my own life to save her.
Dracula: I strolled into the dungon Rose was locked in. My laugh echoed in the dark room. "Guess who!? hahahahaaa! It's me, Dracula! hahahahaaa. Now, now, look where we are. I always wanted to be in a dark room alone with you. muhahahah eheheheh, whooohahahahaaa. So, I have a little question for you. Where are the others?" I asked
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I roll my eyes, "I'm not taking visitors at the moment," I say licking the neck of the human thats been brought to me, "Come back... once i'm dead." I smile and then bite down into his neck. I was perched on his lap his hands naturally wrapped around my waist and my hands in his hair as I suck his blood. I was usualyl against drinkking blood fresh.... but fresh human tasted better then nothing at all.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: I walked up to her, and slapped her full force with the back of my palm. "Now tell me where the others are. Pretty please? hahahahaaa, all jokes aside you better tell me where they are, or it isn't going to be pretty." I demanded
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoCandice: Me and vamp had been looking for Salvy for hours now and in my mind I was cussing that little staking-vamp-zombie twerp every step of the way. If he got himself in one of Dracy's traps.... to put it lightly, we were all fucked.
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I smile at him cruelly and touch my cheek, "Do your worst." I snap then spit on his shoe, "You know you're not getting anything out of me."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years Agolily- thinks some and sighs " i think i have an idea i am not sure it will work but i may" tell her
Chris- walks around the kin down looking for any smell or sound or sign of lily only to stop in front of a boy that smell some what like her" sir if i may ask where is lady lily her smell is on you and i would love to know( he is talking to salvy) |
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoSalvatore: In these situations it was best to act nothing like yourself. "Was that her name?" I asked. I could probably pass as drunk, or high. Maybe just a low life. Either way, Dracula knew how I acted, and as long as I acted totally different I'd get by just fine.
Dracula: I walked up to Rose, and punted her cheeck with the shoe she spat on. "If you think I care about the baby anymore you're wrong. All I need is the others' location. It's already caused me too much trouble, and you as well." I replied, vicous
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoRose: I smile and lean back, "I'm afraid we are on uneven terms then My Lord," I say, "Because I will not tell you the location of the others."
Re: Alive, or Dead?12 Years AgoDracula: Rose was really playing hard ball. It's time for a trick that always does the job. I took a container from my back poket, and opened the lid. I dipped my fangs in the liquid that was contained in the container. I then took a pill, and laughed. I laughed, and it echoed manically as I walked towards her. I bit into her neck with my fangs, and laughed as I stepped back. "I just dipped my fangs into posion. You will die tomorrow unless you tell me the others' location. That's the only way you'll even see the antidote." I announced