Role Play : Forum : Prision of souls

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "Hey Jonathan, I didn't know you moved in down the street from me?" I smiled Josh looked at me "You know him?" he questioned and I just laughed "Yes I do, he's my new dance partner for dance class" I giggle josh just looked away "We brought you some flan for dessert it's Serena's favorite so we made extra and were wondering if you would like some, oh and uh this is Serena my sister but then again I guess you two have already met"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Saan/Jonathon: "yeah its a pretty small world," I say looking at the flan, "It's Jon, by the way. You can call me Jon." I smile and take out a fork and try some of the flan. "WOW!" I say my eyes widening a little, "This is really good!" I felt like a child getting exited like this but I took another bite and smile, "Amazing!"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "I'm glad you like it" I smile "It's one of my favorites I've liked it since before I can remember" I say Josh just stands there smiling, he's got his protective stance going on and I can tell that he wasnt happy at the fact that Jon was my new dance partner in class. It kinda made me laugh a little

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan/JOnathon: Josh would get in the way if he stopped me from seeing Serena. "yeah I'm sure Mab will like it too," I say wrapping some up, "She's a big dessert girl. You remember right Josh? I told you about Mabelle. My Fiancee." I send a little prayer that Jeremy won't rip my head off later and know that Mabelle is already in on the plan. I was getting myself into deep stuff.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: That name sounded familiar and I wonder where I have heard it before. Joshs face lights up as he remembers "OH yes I do remember you telling me about your finace, when is she coming?" he asks I kind of just start to tune them both out

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon(Satan): I shrug, "She wants to visit this weekend so I'll probably go pick her up," I say, "She's nice. You'll like her." I look over at Serena, it looked like she was zoned out.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "Josh started asking why they moved here, but I smiled and excused myself.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonatthon: "We've heard its a good town," I say which wasn't a really good excuse so I continued, "Since we are getting married that means children and I want them to have the best they can get education wise. So this is the best place in the area around our works."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Josh: I smile "I'm sorry for my sisters rudeness, she gets a bit moody sometimes" I apologize

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon: "It's alright," i say, "She's a good girl, or at least so i've heard from the dance instructor."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Josh: "Ya she always has been, never failed to impress us all with what she can do" I laugh

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon: "I wouldn't doubt that," I say with a little smile. I couldn't help but feel proud of her, she was amazing and although she was going to kill me for pretending to me Mabelle's fiancee I still felt my hear skip a beat. I wanted her to remember. I wanted her to say my name. Not my fake one but my real one. Satan. I had a long way to go though.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Josh: "I should probably get back, seriously though feel free to come over anytime" I smile Serena: I enter my room and plop down onto my soft purple comforter.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon: "Sure thing," i say

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: I close my eyes and try to dose off, but I can't fall asleep so I sneak out onto the roof and glance up at the stars and the moon from the roof.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon: I can't sleep yet again so I head out to my garden and start weeding. It was to hot to do it during the day but it was rather nice outside tonight.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena:I glanceoverand see Jon weeding or gardening and I ant help but smile to myself

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon: looking around to make sure that no one is watching I smile and stand. Then I walk inside and open up the deck, with is inclosed in glass sliding doors that I open to the night air. Inside was a piano. Sitting down I let my fingers flutter over a few keys before I begin to play different songs.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: I close my eyes and listen to the music as it sweeps me off my feet, suddenly my head starts to hurt and I grab it trying to stop the pain. I see Jon sitting at a piano in a vast room, hes in different clothes and its just us, he smiles when he sees me, its not like a dream, but its kind of like a distant memory.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jonathon: Memories flash through my mind as I play and soon I become to fruserated to do anything. Slamming my hands down onthe keys I curse loudly and stalk out into the yard again. There was a tree that I slammed my fist into before I touched my cheek a bit flustered. I was crying. "S**t." I whisper drooping down into a crouching position so that my head it resting against the tree, "This... is going to rip my heart in two if she doesn't remember."