Role Play : Forum : Prision of souls

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Hey, it's me...again! I wrote a poem called "Death". Thought yall may like to read it. Gotta say thanks for role playing with me! It was tons of fun, n still is in AoD! So I gotta thank yall for making Prision of Souls such a beast!

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: "Yeah..." I say with a weak smile, "together"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: for the first time I actually stop and look around "So this is what hell looks like?" I question

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: I chuckled softly, "yes," I say, "This is my home."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "Very nice" I smile looking up at him

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: I shrug, "Its not bad and you don't have to worry about it raining here," I say looking around, "but it's no Earth Palace (Mabelle's palace) and it doesn't have the same feel at the prison. I don't exactly know what you would call that feeling... eery. gloomy.... well all you get here is fear." I spy torture area from the window and quickly steer Serena away from it, "Sorry you probably don't want to see that..."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "The most dominant feeling you get at the prison is hoplessness" I sigh looking up "Like there is no escape, which there isn't but still. The prison itself isnt so bad, the inmates are alright, the ones in the dungeon though are worst and the feiry lake" I shudder as the image of Death throwing himself in crosses my mind "its not someplace I'd like to be" I shrug "but working at the prison its comfurting" I smile slightly "I'm glad that Death took me under his wing and made me his second in command, its made me strong, confident and it gives me a purpose. When Death was away and left me in charge, I got to see just how much of an impact he truly had. He could and did determine whether or not you were worthy of going to heaven or not, he also offered many souls a second chance, and those that he couldnt save he sentenced them fairly, and rightly, whether it be going to heaven or to the fiery lake or into the prison or even to come here to hell, he was always fair with his judgements.  I admired him for that and just how he dealt with all the responsibility that he had" I smiled "I wished that I too could one day be like him, that I could follow in his footsteps, but he aparently saw something more in Jeremy something that Life also saw and that Mabelle does see, he saw a soul, no, he saw a man that could change everything, that could provide a better after-life for many and provide a better future for the prison than I could. The prison isn't just my home, it's all my after-life has ever known" Jeremy: We get back to the Mother Goddess's Palace and I turn to Mabelle "Okay something is botheering you and I want to know what it is" I say growing frank and quite irritated

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: "Jeremy is a good boy," I say with a little shrug, "He must realize his responibilities now though. I dont know if he full comprehends that Death is gone and that he has replaced him." Mabelle: "Its nothing," I say with a little smile, "Just a soul I met... he... was good to me right after i died. And i thought i saw him but I don't think it was him."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: I nodded and smiled at her holding her close "i'm sorry I worry so much I just dont, I just can't loose you again" I whisper "But it's time that I depart, I know we will rarely get to spend time together but if there is even the slightest bit of free time then I will try my very best to stop by even if it is just for dinner"  Serena: "He does fully comprehend, he knows his duties and he fulfills them accordingly, He understands that Death is gone and that he has to replace him and he gets that that isn't an easy job especially since they aren't exactly easy shoes to fill in the first place. Besides most of his job is just to sit in the throne room and sentence souls, and he does get that that is an important job especially since HE himself was once in that line so he does understand how important a role he plays in these souls after-lives and he takes it with the utmost responsibility"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: I shrug, "He's going to have to sacfrice alot for his work," I say, "I hope he is prepared for that." Mabelle: "It's alright. You have work to do and I do also. its understandble if you are unable to see me."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "he knows his duties and he will do whatever it means neccessary to acomplish them, just like I would" Jeremy: I returned to the Prison only to learn that Serena had gotten into a fight with Satan and had gone to settle their dispute, I couldn't blame her for going to fix their already unstable relationship, but Mabelle was right I too believed that they were soul mates, I sat down upon my throne and started the same process I do everyday, I judged the souls that came through that door.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: "Indeed," I say then touch her hair and smile, "You're good to him." Mabelle: It was quiet in the palace now so I set to work with some official Mother Goddess business that mainly dealt with unruly gods, weather, and things that only  could control.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "I see no reason not too" I smile "Jeremy is a great god, and as long as he remains that way I will always humbly await his command, that is until we get married, because then I am no longer in his juristiction"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: "Youre in who evers juristiction that you please," I say with a smile, "I have no reason to tie you down when you have a life that you are happy with."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "A life with you would make me just as if not even more happier than I already am" I smile "Thats the life I want. A life with you"

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: I smile and kiss her forehead, "I hope your ready for what you're asking for," I say, "I am the devil after all." I give her a lopsided smile and wink, I was probably as harmless as a rabbit. A rabbit with fangs and the powers to control hells creatures that is...

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "I can handle anything that this after-life throws at me" I smile Jeremy: After sitting for a while sentencing souls, I stumble upon one soul in particular. Usually i just go through their memories see what they did and sentence them, but when I went through this mans memories a familiar face haunted them and I was forced to pause briefly "Sir your punishment is not mine to give you, so I am afraid that you will have to wait until my 2nd in command arrives, then she will continue everybodies sentencing as she sees fit" i say standing up and exiting the throne room hastily. I was not about to overstep my bounds on a promise that Death himself had made before he named me his replacement and disappeared.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: "I can believe that," I say with a little laugh, "You are like nothing I have seen before..."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: I smile "I should probably get back to my job though" I laugh "Knowing Jeremy or well Death, he's probably back now and is wondering where I am" I smile and kiss him gently on the cheek "I'll see you soon" I say turning and heading through the portal. As I entered the main hall a creepy feeling overcame me as silence filled the air Jeremy stood next to his throne and a soul knelt at the base of the stairs leading up to the throne. The souls head was bent so that I could not see it's face as I approached Jeremy. "What's going on?" I asked. He glanced my way and just bowed waving me into the throne, then he left. Startled I looked down at the soul just as he glanced up, I gasped as our eyes met, and the shock showed on his face as we both realized who the other was.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Satan: I sigh and head back to Mabelle,s palace. I had much work to do before I got married.