Role Play
Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I stand and pick up the book once more touching the cover of it gingerly then sigh. It was the book of my families history... because in this role (role of king of hell) it is handed down from father to son not to whomever the previous god thought was right for the job. "Never once..." I whisper to myself in sorrow as I close my eyes in pain, "Never once has a King of Hell been able to keep a Queen." I curse softly and then open my eyes again. I gingerly set the book down on the table and touch the cover once more. It didn't tell of the legend that surrounded the Queen of Hell... It just told about how the queen had never existed... which was not true. Many Kings of Hell have fallen in love... but what happens after is whats the problem... Mabelle: I giggle and take Jeremy's hand in mine, "Common," I say and work my way through the crowd to the front to watch a man battle a lion. Around me everyone is rough and excited which is a bit frightening but exciting at the same time, "Go!" i scream as the man dodges the lion and freeze when I see who the man is. Gulping I take a step back as the kion kills him and I watch his souls disappear into the portal awaiting him... "No..." I whisper soft, "You... I finally found you..."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "Mabelle? What is it?" I ask seeing the look on her face "Who was that?" Serena: I enter the library, the guards don't even try to stop me anymore even though they know I am no goddess, they let me pass as if I was, They no longer care if I go for I apperantly hold some sort of value now, but whatever it doesnt really matter anymore. I head to the farthest corner on the highest level and pull one of my favorite books off of the shelf. It was one I had read over and over again in the mortal world, I was surprised when I found it here since it is not a classic novel or a book that holds great knowledge, no it was a classic fairytale that was redone into a modern lifestyle. Beastly. It was one of my favorites and I loved reading it over and over and over again. I sat in the corner and started to read from where I had last left off. It was right at the part where the girl had to go back and leave Kyle to go save her father and how Kyle follows her and tries to save her.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: I look away from the ring and smile gently at jeremy... "Nothing," I say, "It was no one." Satan: Sighing I head out of the library and can't help but slam the door a little louder then I probably should have. I storm past the gaurds and wave away their looks of concern. I had a book tucked under my hands. If there was no queen... not one ever in recorded history. That meant that the rumors had to be true. I needed to do what I could to protect Serena from the curse that she had unwittingly walked into. I enter back into the room and throw the book (book that is about undoing the engagement bonds) down and go to take a shower.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I hear the door to the library slam shut and glance around. Curiously I exit the library and ask the guards about the loud noise they tell me about how Satan had left in quite a bad mood, worriedly I rush back to our room to see if he's there, I notice that the shower is on and turn to leave when I notice something odd lying on the bed, I walk over and pick up the book, it was the same book that I had used to undo Mabelle and Eros's engagment. What was it doing in here? I look at it and then look at the door. my hand flys over my mouth and I drop the book and rush out of the room. leaving a note for Jeremy I tell him that I left early to releave the others and that he could leave the Prison in my dutiful care if he wished to stay an extra day or too. Jeremy: "You sure?" I ask "You seemed a bit worried and upset"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "Its nothing," I whisper as I force a smile and take his hand, "shall we move on?" Satan: I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself before opening up the door to go retreave my clothing. "It fell," I say picking up the book and laying it down on the bed again. I then get dress and get to work.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "Alright, lets go see King Leer, we should probably return after that though" I smile gently Serena: I sit in the throne room relieving the third in command and taking over. Souls came and passed and I gave each of them a suitable punishment, after a while I went to the training hall to train Adam, he seemed to be getting better, he was curious about my markings but I told him that they didn't matter. After wards I left and entered the dungeon area where we kept those who should never be heard of or seen again, those who we could not think of a more suitable punishment than to sit there in their own self loathing. I went down to the farthest part and opened up a trap door that lead down to where Death had showed me a place that I could meditate or do whatever I felt was neccisary without recieving any reprecusions for my actions. I closed the door behind me and stepped onto the stone platform that rested above a deep and dark cassim (spelled that wrong) I fell to my knees and screamed, I screamed and screamed and screamed until I felt that all of my pain was echoing throuhout the whole cavern. I wrapped my arms around my self and just kept screaming and crying until my voice was raw and I could no longer speak and my tears had run dry. Then I just sat there shaking.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "Alright," I say taking his hand, "Lets go." Satan: I sigh when I find the part that can undo an engagement without two sacricifeces to take it one and mark the page then close the book. I should probably explan to Serena what was going on before I just randomly break the engagement. i needed to tell her that this changed nothing in the way I felt toward her... I just couldn't let what happened to my mother happen to her. It would be unbareble and for some unknown reason it would effect me more then it had ever effected those before me. I could not let this curse harm her in the way it had harmed so many in her possition befor her. Standing I let out yet another sigh and then exit the room to go find Serena. She needed the truth behind everything. Behind Aphrodite, behind my sacrifice for Blood Tradition, behind the need to break this engagement.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: When I'm done, I get up and exit the room and head back up to the throne room, I start to sentence more souls. Jeremy: I open up the portal and take her back to the Shakespearian age and enter the theatre
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I make a face when I find the note to Jeremy and open a portal to the Prison. When I appear I see Serena sitting on the throne, "just disappearing..." I say, "Its dangerous. You should tell me before you go somewhere." Mabelle: I smile brightly and hurry to put on a bright green dress just like the one I had had when I was alive. Giggling I twirl in a circle and the pause when I remember the first time jeremy and I had met in the human world. It had been at something like this... before my job... I look down at my silk skirts.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: I wrap my arms around her "You look gorgeous my love" I smile and hold her close "Whats bothering you?" I ask Serena: I glare at him "Why, I can take care of mysel, besides this is my home, am I not allowed to go home?" I ask angered "You certainly can go home whenever you please why not me? What does it matter anyway it's not like we're married yet, but by the looks of it we probably won't ever be married. will we?" I cry as tears roll down my cheeks again. My cheeks feel like they are burning up and the tears feel hot against them.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "This reminds me so much... so that time," I say resting my forehead on his chest, "Before..." Satan: I'm a bit shocked that she found out but I was a fool to think I could keep anything from her. I cross the room quickly and wrap my arms around her despite her struggles and kiss her forehead, "You don't know the whole story," I whisper, "I'm trying to protect you..."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: I take a step back and look at the ground "im sorry" I whisper "I'" I cry Serena: "Protect me!?" I cry "How by hurting me so much that it feels like I'm dying all over again, so that it feels like I should have just gone to heaven when I had the chance instead of living in this nightmare, in this hell because that's what this feels like, it feels like hell to me, and I'm pretty sure that if I ever went there that this is EXACTLY what it would feel like, who knows maybe a little worst but whatever, I give up" I cry trying to push him away
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I let her push me away and sigh, "I'm trying to protect you." I say again, "Even if I should have told you from the beginning and I should have never kept it a secret from you. But this is a serious matter." I meet her eyes, "Its about the curse that you unwittingly walked into and... everything else. About my history and the history of the Kings of Hell." I turn to leave the room but stop just before the portal, "When you're ready to talk. You know where I'll be." I then exit through the portal and head to Hell. To my demension. Mabelle: I smile, "Don't be sorry," I say, "i didn't realize how much I missed this age until you brought me here... so thankyou." I smile and kiss his cheek.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: as he leaves I look around before I step forward and walk through the portal "What is it that you're trying to protect me from?" I ask
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I don't even turn around as I look out the window, "Me." I whisper and then sigh, "no person who has ever been engaged to a God of Hell has ever survived. No one is quite sure why but we thing its because their bodys can't handle the transformation that a queen must undergo to become the Queen of hell. It usually takes for the first year or so... but they always reach issues when it comes to barring a child and a Queen must ALWAYS do so." Rumor said that to become queen you must make a deal with the devil and trade your soul for a soul that could survive in hell. A soul take could never survive the birth of a child. Nothing so pure and powerful could ever be done by a soulless queen. Or so the rumors said. It had happened to my own mother. A fate worse then an eternity in hell. She was ripped appart by the power it too to have him. It had been the reason by I had gone to Aphrodite in hopes that if I married another god it wouldn't happen. That maybe if I traded my soul for Bloodtradition she would not have to trade her to become queen of hell. It had all failed though. was a curse to Serena. A Curse that would rip her appart one day.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I laugh a little, and he turns to me confused and I can't help but laugh some more. "You don't get it do you, I don't care what I have to go through, It doesn't matter to me, I will do Anything that I have to to be with you, no matter what it takes, I won't let this curse stop me just like I didn't let Aphrodite get in my way, I am determined, I am so determined that when it comes time I will face this curse head on without ever giving up my soul, because if my soul isnt strong enough to go through this then its not strong enough but im not giving up my soul because I believe that there is no soul that is more determined or more stronger than mine own at this point" I say standing in front of him "And besides I refuse to back down from a challenge, I will not leave you, or let you break off this engagment because of a stupid curse, this curse isn't going to stop me from being happy for once in my life." I smile up at him "I am your fiance you might want to get used to hearing it"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I blush a little then look away, "I wouldn't forgive myself if something happens to you." I say quietly, "I can't just sit around and do nothing when you could be ripped to shreads before my eyes."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "You wont just be standing around, you'll be standing right next to me supporting me and helping me through it, and besides there is nobody else who I would rather be with at this moment then you, you are the only one for me" I smile gently
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: Blushing was such an unmanly thing to do but that seemed to be all I could do. gazing at her gently i smiled and kissed her forehead, "I'd never leave your side," I whisper
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Then we will make it through this" I smile "Together"