Role Play
Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "I apologize, I did not see you my lord" I bowed my head "Obviously" he growled "Please forgive me" I say keeping my eyes at the ground, praying that he did not reckognize me.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I pause outside the library door and turn back to grab the books that we would need. I also grab one on blood tradition and magically strink them so that i can stick them in my pockets... I then head back out and head off to find Serena, who was taking a rather long time to get bread
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: He just stands there starring down at me as if he's trying to place me, figure out how and where he remembers me from, then he notices the markings on my legs from where my skirt has risen and his eyes grow wide "YOU!" he hisses "You were the one who undid my betrothal" he growls angrily "Crap" I mutter under my breath "I apologize my lord, I was only doing what I felt was best for the Mother Goddess and for the current Mother Goddess as well" I say bowing my head "Please I only seeked to make sure our current Mother Goddess lived a life of true happiness that she deserved, she was not happy betrothed to you, and frankly she deserves someone who will love her and based on how you treated her, I could tell you had no love for her" I finish as he lands a quick kick to my side his knee hitting my cheek "How dare you?" he demands. I get back onto my knees my head still bent
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I walk around the corner just as Eros lands a kick in Serena's side and loose it. Flaming (literally my eyes are on fire and probably just about all of me is engulfed in flames) with anger I stock forward and grab the front of Eros's shirt harshly shoving him up against the wall. "Don't touch her." I hiss narrowing my eyes and feeling my anger rise as i look at his terrifed face. I could kill him right now. Tightening my grip on his shirt I begin to let the flames burn it and touch his skin causing it to burn as he screamed and whippered begging for mercy.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I get up quickly and wrap my arms around Satan "Please" I beg "Stop this" I cry "his anger is understandable" I try to show him with my eyes that I'll explain later but that he needs to stop this now, before it gets way to out of hand "Please" I beg "Let's go get you the bread I went to fetch" I say trying to lead him away.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I look at Serena and then shove Eros back against the wall, "Watch yourself." I snap an allow Serena to led me away. By the time we make it to the kitchen the flames are gone but my fury wasn't, "B*****d." I hiss nearly throwing a chair across the room in anger. I couldn't even sit i was so angry. How dare he even think about touching her. Turning I start to the kitchen door; I wasn't done teaching him a lesson.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I stand between him and the door "No, you don't want to tick him off more than you already have" I growled "If Aphrodite is the one casting his curse, then she's going to be furious that you burned one of her decendents, she cares about beauty and burn marks aren't something she claims to be beautiful so the fact that one of the people who represent her now has a "Disfiguration" she's going to be furious and we don't want her upset right now because Mabelle's life is in her hands right now" I explain "here's your bread eat it while I go and take the blunt of Eros's anger so that way he feels that his justice has been served." I say kissing Satan "Don't worry, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself" I smile "I'm not going to let some pathetic excuse for a God hurt me without a reason" I say walking out of the kitchen and back into the halway.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I look down at the bread and then set it on the table and open a portal, grab serena, throw her over my shoulder, and step back into the kitchen, "You're not going anywhere." I say setting her down on the table and look her over, "You're injuried." I touch the cloth over her side and see her flinch. snapping my fingers a bag of ice flies out of the frig and lands in my hand, "Here. Ice it." I point to her side, "And stop trying to sacfrice. You're betrothed now, you have to start caring about yourself." I then turn grab the bread and hop up on the table next to her and nibble on it. "Well... Are you going to ice you bruised side?" I ask.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I crossed my arms glared at him and sighed "well there go my days of doing whatever the hell I wanted" I say putting the ice on my bruise. I wasn't yet used to the idea of being betrothed much less having to actully care about my well-being, Death never really cared what I did just as long as I got the job done and after what I had been through I really didn't care what happened to me just as long as I did what I was supposed to. I was the top warrior in Death's prison, I guess it was because I had nothing to loose. I became stronger and fought to be the best that I could be, I became strong, devoted, and loyal. Never strayed from my goal. I guess thats why Death liked me so much, always got the job done, never fail...
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I look over Serena's thoughtful face and sigh. I stand and hand her the bread, "I'll go apologize." I say and start toward the door wondering just what the best way to apologize would be... 'hey eros, sorry i burnt you chest and scared the s**t out of you! you know how it is being protective over you girl... oh wait... you don't have one!'... Nope that wouldn't work... I shrug it wasn't the apology i was worried about... it was the side effects... but if serena was upset about it then fine. I'd just have to deal with it.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I sigh "Sit down, the damage is already done, it doesnt matter if you go and apologize anyway, anything you say will just sound condesending to him anyway" I smile weakly "Just come back and nibble on your bread" I smile "Pwease" I laugh a litle
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I raise and eyebrow and chuckle a little as i return to the table and sit down. Looking down at my shirt i sigh, "I ruined another shirt..." I say looking at it's burn and crispy surface, "I used to burn through like twenty shirt a day when i was little because i didn't know how to control my powers, and then when i was tampering with Blood Tradition I ruined a few. Though it's been years since one has gotten this crispy..." I grab the ends of it and pull it off hearing it crackle as i do so then take the bread and bite into it as i stand and walk over to the little shelf on the opposite side of the room and grab a plain white shirt. Turning back i give serena a little smile, "What? Are you embarassed?" I laugh seeing her slightly red cheeks.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Uh..." I blush even more "Uh not at all" I say trying to sound not nervous
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I chuckle, "Well you need to see this anyways," I say pointing to the tattoo on my chest, "It's the symbol for a Mage of Blood Magic or Blood Tradition. notice how its over my heart. THis tattoo is the only weakness I have. And Aphrodite will have one also. Not on her chest, but somewhere else probably."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "So we attack her tattoo?" I ask thoughtfully
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "In a way yes..." I say, "i suppose you need more background... Do you know what I draw my powers from?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Other peoples pain?" I guessed, that's what I had always heard, but I wasn't sure if it was true "Anger? I don't know" I truely didn't. When I was with him I never saw what others had told me, he wasn't like what they had said. When I first spoke to him, he had this amused look on his face that made me want to laugh, I wasn't sure how he would react to me taking Mabelle away and just falling into his arms, he had the tall and brooding feel to him, strong and silent, and I wasn't kidding when I said that he was an incredible dancer. He could sweep anyone of their feet with those dance moves. I smile at the memory, who would've guessed that a couple short hours later we would be betrothed to one another?
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "Close..." I say, "My power comes from emotion. The more emotion I can get... the more emotion I feel... the more powerful I am... You saw a glimpse of that in the hallway. And where does emotion come from?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoHey, long time no post eh? Sorry, I hate broken promises, but i won't be making a book from Death's perspective. But it funny to See Satan became a character. Rachel told me she handed Dreamer Life. Kool kool some changes happened. Well just needed to pop in, and break the news. Glad to see it's still alive! Your freind, David
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "The heart?" I asked stupidly