Role Play Forum Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: I craddle her in my arms "We'll figure it out, I won't let you die, not again, not this time" Serena: "You looked like you needed the sleep" I said still looking through the books
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I sigh and pull a book over to me, "I've been up with mabelle since you left... she refused to sleep and so i said i would not sleep until she slept also."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Your body can't go on forever without sleep, you've got to go to sleep sometime otherwise what use are you to us if your so tired that you can barely do anything?" I asked "Without sleep you are useless to us, if you don't sleep you might as well be in there lying on a bed with Mabelle." I speak firmly
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I look down at the pages of the book knowing she is right and then frown a little... "What kind of books are you looking at?" i ask, "This is a book on Blood tradition... Kind of risky looking at this isnt it?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "I need to know EVERYTHING that there is to know on this, I have to know what we are up against if we plan on fighting this thing" I point out "Death taught me to always know all the facts and details before charging in, to always be prepared for the worst possible outcome, but I'm never prepared for the worst possible outcome because I will always do whatever is neccessary to make sure that that DOESN'T happen"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "For a very egotistical being Death was pretty wise..." I say with a sigh and begin reading, "I used to tamper with this stuff when i was young... Its powerful magic..."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Death may have been egotistical but that was only because he had been here long enough to know that the After-life gets boring after a little while, he was very wise for he had seen so much, he was my savior, and I looked up to him for guidance"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "I see..." I say fiddling with the edge of the page, "You really cared for him then."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "When the world turned its back to me, when all I could see was that mans face staring back at me Death offered me a way out, he offered me my revenge on the man that had done this to me, when the only thing that filled my mind was how disgusted being in my own body felt, he made me see the light, he showed me that there was good in the world not just the bad and that those who made the world that I had known back then all came here to be judged for their crimes and that even though there was no justice on earth that there could still be justice here" I say looking up at him
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I lookinto her eyes and smile gently, "I'm sure he would be proud of you," I say the look down at the book and force myself not to act distressed. Death, I never thought I would be jealous of a guy who threw himself into a lake of fire.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I laugh a little "Death was an interesting guy, When he promised you something he kept his promise, but yet the only promise he didn't keep was his promise to me. I still sit in that throne room everyday waiting for that one soul to come through, waiting, constantly waiting, praying that when it finally does come through, that once I have my revenge, I can leave, I can see what lies outside the built up walls of that Prison, sometimes I think that maybe Death kept hidden the only soul that could free me from that place, Who knows? All I know is that I long for the day when suddenly I am no longer caged in, when I can finally come face to face with what has been haunting me all these years and put it where I won't ever have to see it again, where it can rot where it belongs" I sigh looking back down at the books
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "death was not one to do that," I say with a smile, "what soul are you talking
bout anyways?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "death was not one to do that," I say with a smile, "what soul are you talking
bout anyways?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I look up at him "The one that murdered me"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "You realize that if you soul feels released then you may be reborn..." I say looking back at her, "It's as simple as one brief judgement..."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I look up worried "You mean that if I get my revenge I won't be able to be with you anymore?" I ask startled, my eyes wide
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: "Its the way of a soul," i shrug, "If your soul feels released then it will naturally be born again in the human relm with no memory of its afterlife... it is the natural law of a soul so written in the Book of Natures."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Then I'm glad that I haven't met this soul yet otherwise I would not have gotten to meet you, and..." I falter was I really falling for him? could I really feel this way about someone I hardly knew?
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I chuckle and push the book away from me, "I'll go get us something to eat." I say and leave the room heading to the kitchen
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: My cheeks flush red and I bury my head into a book, I could have died of embarressment right there.