Role Play Forum Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "well thats more then i can do..." I say with a sigh, "all i can do is this." snapping my fingers a rose appeared and i giggle and handed it to him, "I suppose its supposed to be the other way around. the boy give the rose to the girl... but i like to switch things up" Satin: "See," I say straightening as my head stopped spinning, "I'm all better now. What do you say we go get something to eat?" I smile and open the door for her.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Ago(btw we've been spelling Satan wrong lol XD) Serena: I blush and nod heading out the door and waiting for him on the other side Jeremy: I laugh "Oh well" I say kissing her gently
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan(:P): I join her in the hall and we work our way down to the kitchen. Mabella: I smile and then frown slightly after thinking.. "You have to go back to the Prison today huh?" I say with a sigh, "Everyones returning back to their realms today... I need to start getting things in order for the funeral... and the corination..."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "What will happen with Serena?" I asked "Does she come back to the Prison with me or does she go with her betrothed?" I questioned. Serena: I smiled "So how did you sleep?" I asked
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "Its up to her," I say standing and walking over to my closet to look for clothes to put on, "She will have to spend some time in the Hell demension after they are wed but since she has a position in your prison it would be silly for her to leave it. though ever few months she will probably have to visit. I mean children can't be raised in a prison... even Hell is better then that..." Satan: "Fine," i say with a little smile, "And you?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "Children? Well that escalated quickly" Serena: "Good thanks for asking" I smile gently
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "well not right away!" I say with a little laugh, "But i mean if they do end up falling in love isn't that what happens? they start a family?" Satan: "right well," I say picking through the kitchen and grabbing two plates of steaming food, "Here, lets find a table in the garden"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Sounds great" Jeremy: "Got it" I laugh "Well personally I wish she would return to the Prison but I understand if she goes with Satan, afterall they are betrothed and they know nothing about each other" I point out
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: Finding a little table by the pound I put down our plates and head back to get us drinks. when i return i set Serena's glass in front of her and sit down, "Hope thats alright," i say, "I wasn't sure what you would want." Mabelle: "I think she will return with you," i say with a little smile, "She really does love the prison." A servant knocked on my door and entered, "there is..." The servant looked at jeremy skeptically, "Business you need to attend to Mother Goddess, it's quite urgent." I smile at him and nod as i disppear into the bathroom and reappear wearing a knee length blue floral dress and a tiny silver crown, "I'll see you later," I say to jeremy kissing his cheek and turning to go, "Make sure you don't leave without saying goodbye!"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "I wouldn't dream of it" I smile Serena: "Its perfect" I say taking a sip
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: So do you know what time you'll be heading back to the prison?" I ask picking at my food because i wasn't actually that hungry, "Jeremy... Death i mean. should be heading back soon. He has a prison to run right?" Mabelle: I make head to my throne room and pause when i enter a group of gods and goddesses had gathered, "What is this?" I asked stepping forward. Eros stepped forward, "You broke her wishes and now you must either give up the throne or promise to never wed." Eros snapped, "The Mother Goddess asked you to marry me as her last wish. We all agree that if you decide to marry another then you are not fit to be Mother Goddess." I make a face and sit down in my chair, "Who are you to order me around?" I ask then turn my head and say into the air, "Satan, come here please." Satan: I hear Mother Goddess calling me and quickly stand, "I'm sorry," I say, "But business calls. There is Jeremy, you should go talk with him." I rush past jeremy and head toward the throne room.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "We shall head out as soon as Mabelle is done, I promised that I would not leave without saying goodbye" I say Serena: I nod "Alright" then he smiles at me, frankly it was a bit creepy "Uh are you okay?" I asked "So" He grins "you're getting married huh?" he laughs "If only Death could see you now!" He howls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "Fine." I say with a sigh, "I shall not take a king." I look around the council room and then stand, "I am your Mother Goddess however, and if you think you will be able to boss me around in such a way from this moment on you are quite wrong. Come to me for judgement but i will never ask it of me. Trust your last Goddess, who left me this post, and let me lead you. You are dismissed." I look at the waters of time and see that it is almost nightfall outside my council room, which had no windows. I sigh and stretch, what a sham jeremy was probably gone by now... who knows how long it will be until i see him again. Satan: I rise from my seat in the council with some satisfaction, it was good that Mabelle was putting her foot down. She might make a find Mother Goddess but it worried him that she agreed not to take a king, she would need the support of a man by her side. Which i could not provide now that i was... well never mind Mabelle will do fine and she will have a council of advicors to help her. He would not let her fall.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: We had been sitting in the garden for a while now, Jeremy refused to break his promise and I respected him for that. I looked down and saw the intricate design that spread across my ankle and foot, and my mind began to wander to the idea that I was actually going to be getting married. Me, Getting Married! The thought just seemed so absurd but yet here I was with the tribal betrothal markings all over my body. I started to smile to myself
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife: Pacing in my castle chambers, I was growing bored again, and somehow whenever I got bored something bad happened in other dimensions. Hm... Perhaps I should go to war again. But... with who? Satan? No. He is too easy to defeat. Who would be a challenging opponent? Perhaps Zeus. Yes, Zeus.
Suddenly, I had an idea, and it was even better than Zeus. |
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: I yawn and head out to the garden to get a bit of fresh air and am surprised to see Jeremy and Serena, "You're still here..." I say with a tiny amused smile at jeremy's tired expression. Satan: I follow Mabelle outside to make sure she is alright and find that we still have guest, "We had thought that you had gone home hours ago." I say joining the others, "We had to be in the meeting for at least eleven or twelve hours."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "Well I couldn't leave without saying goodbye" I teased kissing him on the cheek Jeremy: "I promised and a promise is a promise" I smile gently
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSatan: I blush slightly and don't know what to say... Mabelle: "It was sweet of you guys to wait" i say with a little laugh at Satan's red face, "But if you had business to attend to you didn't have to stay!"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: " Well we left Missy in charge while we are gone and the only thing that we are really concerned with right now is trying to find the most suitable punishment for one of our more recent inmates, but we seem to be having some troubles with that, beings its was uh one of Death's last wishes that Jeremy find a punishment that would make hell look like a vaction compared to it" I say looking at Jeremy as he looks down at the ground Jeremy: Adam, what were we going to do about him? I thought
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "Oh," I whisper looking at both other their serious faces, "I hope you figure it out soon though... Can i help with anything?" Satan: I look between Jeremy and Serena and suddenly have a feeling that Mabelle shouldn't get involved in whatever they are worrying about "Mabelle, I think you have enough on your plate right now.."