Role Play
Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: I found myself given a third chance. I awaited in such a wierd place, I knew Mabell would arrive soon. Poor Life, she must be so heart broken at the moment, but i'll return. Who else would run the prision? Satan's got hell, and Life's got Limbo.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerenity: "Jeremy is running the underworld while we're away, when we told him he just nodded, he hasn't been the same since you uh left" I said
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "I'm sorry to hear he isn't well, BUT atleast he's running the prision. I wonder how Life's doing? Well, where's Mabell?" Death replied
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife:An idea sparked in my head just now... I wouldn't act on it... would I? But if Jeremy is the only one running the underworld now... and without Death there... well, lets face it. Jeremy's not a god or goddess, but I am. Right now, I have claim over Limbo, but I could take the underworld away from Jeremy if I wanted to, and then I would have claim over two dimensions. It was just a thought. So I wouldn't act on it... would I?
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerenity: "Right behind me, she, she's not comming back with us" I explained "I don't know why you'd have to ask her that. but you know that once we get back and tell Jeremy that we found her he's going to tell you to either take you to her or to kill him so that he can see her again right?"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "Wait, I killed myself to find out she isn't comming?" Death asked I sighed, and turned my back. "I think I know how to get back into the second life. The legend says if the soul carrier doesn't follw than to get back we must leave a possestion we love dearly, and walk away from it until our feet bleed." Death informed
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Agomabelle: "is not nearly as painful as that," I say stepping forward and kiss serenity on the forehead, "now that I was reborn I've the power to return those that have died before their time back to life again." I smile as serenity's form slowly starts to fade back into her body. I then turn to death, "I want to return," I say with a sad smile, "but I died when i was supposed to. my fate is to continue to guide souls..." I kiss death on te forehead and smile, "I'll visit, and please give Jeremy my job... he will be good at it." I smile a little at death fades back into his body and waves my hand over his dismembered head so that it magically healed itself and wactched both serenity and death stand. they couldn't see me right now but I'm sure they could sense me. "I'll be watching over you," I whisper into death, life, serenity, izzy, and even jeremy's heads, "I'm an archangel after all."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife: I'm startled as Death and Serenity appear in front of Izzy and me and I dispel any thoughts of taking over Death's dimension. Those were only passing thoughts... I look at the two of them expectantly, "So? How did it go? Did you see Maybelle? Does she seem happy?" I asked.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerenity: I turn around and start walking away "He'll never go for it" I mutter "He loves her too much to leave her, If we come back without her, he'll demand that you or I kill him, and I am in no possission to deny him that, I know what it feels like to love someone that much" I say looking back at them. Jeremy: It was just another day pointing and sending souls off to their doom, demise or to heaven in some cases. I was about to subject another soul to hell when he looked up and whispered my name. I was surprised, startled even, but when I looked at him, it all came back, how we had hired Mabelle, it had been his idea he was my partner in crime but acted like my 2nd in command. I remembered how, we sat there and waited for her that night in the dark and how when she came in my men had their way with er and how I couldn't do it, how I killed her because I didn't want her to suffer anymore. I remembered how I killed an angel that night and never knew that she would later be my one and only love. I stood up and looked down in hatred at this soul "I do not go by that name anymore, you can call me the Fallen one, or Fallen for short if you must" I glare "And there does not seem to be a punishment sufficient enough for the crimes that you have done" I glare "You will wait in prison until of such is created and then you will spend the rest of eternity in there until you cannot even take the pain and suffering any longer and then you will still remain there. That is your sentence!" I commanded. For the rest of the day Adam sat on my mind, he festered there and I could not get his face out of my head. Or the look on his face when Mabelle had come through that window that very night.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Agomabelle: once they are gone I sigh and head back to nevaeh to sleep. Derek would take care of the souls for a little while. "a third life..." I whisper as I lay down on my bed and pull my blankets up, "why did I get another chance?" I thought back to the first time I died and close my eyes with dismay. I was not a good person yet death gave me another chance, then the goddess gave me yet another chance. why!?
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "I returned, and found Jeremy doing a great job taking over the prision. "Jeremy, you made me proud of you. I can take it from here though." Death commanded. I turned, and sat on my throne which was left untouched out of respect. "It's nice to be back." Death said
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoIzzy- walks around the halls once we got back thinking some
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: I bowed and left "Oh and Death" I say turning around "There is a man in your Prison named Adam, I used to work with him in my first life, I remember now, it was his idea to trick Mabelle, and I agreed to it, I let him trick her into comming that night and when I saw what they were doing to her, I killed her to put her out of her misery, I couldnt watch, I couldnt just let them have their way with her" I cried "He came through here, he recognized me, I couldn't think of anything that would make him feel the pain that he has caused me, that he caused Mabelle on that night, so I put him in prison until you returned, I thought that maybe you would Judge more fairly then I, for if I judged him, he would look at hell as if it were a vacational resort" I say bowing again and leaving Serenity: "I told you he wasn't the same" I say behind Death "He's changed, he's different, I believe he's lost" I say bowing my head
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: the Goddess called me forward to her throne room, "I have a job for you," she said seriously, "My niece and nephew are very unruly children and their mother is becoming ill. I need someone to rule the realm of gods untill she is better... Seeing as you have once been there and you have experience with both life and death it is my order that you cover from my sister until she is well.... of course you will need to do your jobs also. There is a soul that needs to be taken to Death's doman. Deliver it and tell Death of the shift in power for the time being. He will send the message along to Life." I nodded and bow to her in confusion and then head to get the soul. Appearing in the throne room of Death I push the soul forward and bow to Death, "I have a message from my Goddess."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: I turned to Serenity, and nodded. "I've caused more bad then good. All I wanted was justice, but I ended up being more of a criminal." Death replied, turning his head. "Mabell, I'm afraid that message is for Jeremy." Death answered, with sorrow gleeming in his eyes. I turned, and chased Jeremy. "Jeremy, that man that you sent to the prision. Give him a punishment that makes hell look like a vacation. That's the true goal." Death commanded. I stopped, and walked towards the lake. I locked myself in a safe after chaining my self, but leaving my hands free in case. I inch, and inch the safe until it's on the edge, and then I chunk myself against the safe's wall. I feel the safe fall into the lake of fire, and the heat gets tense. I cry black tears as the safe sinks. "Finally, justice." Death whispered. David here, I just wanted to say something. I thought the end was with the war ending, and it fitted. BUT I looked back, and saw we had to take care of some buisness. So I rped in POS more to where we could reach an end because honostly it's been a lil long. So this is the ending of Death. I had fun rping with you guys! My others rps are built with a philosophy that anyone can join anytime. Life, you were such a difficult enimie. I always worried when I got on Prision of Souls because I feared I wouldn't be able to out witt her. Jeremy, I beleive in you, and your ability to take Death's place. Mabell, I hope you're happy where you currently roam. Serenity, you were a damn fine addition to my empire. Izzy, you added a flavor to Life's side. Thank you all for rping with me, and hope you join me in others. To some: your enimie, and some others your friend, Death AKA David
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Ago(Death you will be missed, you made this one hell of an RP, it is one of my favorites, thank you for having so much faith in Jeremy, I'm sure he will have some fun dealing with Life and trying to do his best as new ruler of the underworld. Serenity will miss her savior and will always remain loyal to him no matter who takes over the underworld. Death saw potential in her and she intends to do his judgement justice just like he always passed out justice to others) Jeremy: I nodded and strolled back to the throne room. I turned to face the enterance to the Underworld. I then sat down on the throne that Death once ruled from. "As neo ruler of the underworld what message does your goddess send to me...Mabelle" I say looking at her emotionless. This was the first time that I was seeing her after she had left us, after I had remembered my past, and now that I was ruler of the underworld I had to be strong. Serenity: I tear fell from my eyes as Death fell into the lake. How could he leave us like that. Just abandon us, when we needed him most.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: I wasn't sure whether it was the hurt from Jemery's icy gaze or the hurt from loosing Death that made my heart sting but both tore hole in my being. Death, You had seen something in me that not even I had see. You had seen good, a light, you had spared me. Thankyou. "This," I say handing a note to a servant who brought it up to Jeremy, "The Mother Goddess is ill, I have been ordered to take her place until she had gotten better. And I ask that you pass the word along to Life." I wasn't sure what to say next. That i was sorry? That I wished that I could come back with all my soul? I looked into Jeremy's emotionless face and then looked away. No, he was Death now. He was the ruler and king of this prision. I bow curtly then swiftly pull out my mirror and close my eyes. Glowing a bright white I disappeared and headed to the Realm of the Gods to take my position as the Mother Goddess.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: I stood up, "You, soul, you will become a guard of this prison, I see something good inside of you, you are not purely evil, harness that goodness, let it shine, trust me there are far worst things in this place that I could have sent you too, you should feel lucky, now if you will excuse me, I must make a conference" I said having everyone leave the hall. I then made a mirror in front of the throne and tried to contact life.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife: Back in Limbo, I watched Jeremy now instead of death from my crystal orb. I was thinking back to the time when I offered him a prime position in Limbo and laugh. No wonder he shot that offer down, he was ruler of a dimension now. And to bad, too, because I still saw something in him that screamed "Limbo", and for some reason, I liked the kid, which is why it almost broke my heart when I shared my new plan with Izzy.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: "Life" I called into the mirror "I have a message for you, of course you have noticed that Death is no longer ruler of this dimension and that I am now the ruler, but I am also afraid to inform you that the mother goddess, uh your mother has grown ill and now Mabelle has to take her place until she gets better" I announce