Role Play : Forum : Prision of souls

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Life: I thrummed my fingernails on the mahogany wood of my tall bookshelf in the castle. When would Death respond to my invitation? I was growing bored, and if he didn't respond, i was going to teleport into his dimension myself and ask in person. Ugh! And i know for a fact that my limbo dragon had already delivered the invitation.... what was taking my brother so long?

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Izzy- smiles and  appers mext to life" still nothign back" says  form behind her

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Death: My inner demons run away. Far far far away from a sick reality... that only I can face up to. I ripped open a portal between my hands to limbo. I stepped through as visions of war flashing before my eyes. "Life, you said something about a talk?" I asked, loudly

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Life: "Death!" I exclaimed, walking over to him, my white sandals clicked on the tiled floor as i gave him a hug, which I was 100% sure he was definitely not expecting. "how have you been, brother?" i asked with a smile.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: I followed shortly behind Death, watching Life hug him I smiled to myself.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Death: I hugged back. "Ah, like old times! I am fine, sister. How are you?" Death asked, suprised to be welcomed with so much glee. I stepped back, and laughed a bit. "Jesus without a beard and b***s... definetly not a common style, but I like it, I like it." Death teased, feeling harmony. A feeling Death or Life hasn't felt for a very long time

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Life: "Ah, I'm doing good, brother, as good as usual. And hello to you too, Serena. Would the two of you be interested in joining me to dinner?" I asked, the dining room was done up in a theme of silver and sapphire today, and the menu was roasted pork, and a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and fresh baked bread and muffins. I had my chefs working double time today. "I have some things I would like to discuss with you, Death."

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Death: "Poisioned? Well I can't die so what would be the point, the purpose, I guess war has taken a toll on me." Death thought to himself, suspiciously. I sat down at the table after pushing the chair out for Serena. "So Life, this talk? What must we disscuss?" Death asked  

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Izzy- walks in to the room and sits down next to life "  hello  everyone" smiles at them

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

"Hello, izzy, your just in time to be part of the discussion!" I nod to her. I look to death, "Actually, what i have came here to discuss concerns you more than it does me, but I thought you would want to know. I saw how Mabelle died, Death, through my crystal orb. But not only that... I also got glimpses of where she went. She's out there somewhere, her spirit, her essence, I just don't know where. Do you know what this means? There's another dimension we do not know of! Heaven, Hell, your dimension, my dimension (Limbo), the earth plane... but there must be another. For souls that die in the afterlife." I said, giving him a moment to process this. I turned to look at Izzy for support.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: "Do you now how Jeremy is taking this? Does he even know? They were very close" I ask

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Death: "There are much more than you named, the fear diminsion most commonly known as Morte Pleure. Though I don't it, a more possible answer is what I fear. There are mirror dimensions, but the people are opposite. There is only one way to the mirror dimension. You have to shout a sentence from an ancient launguage which will open all mirrors. This is at the highest hill of shadow dimension. Life, will you join me on the quest?" Death explained, and requested

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Life: i laughed to myself, though it appeared Death seemed puzzled as to why. "We were at war mere mortal days ago, but now we are going on a quest together... it seems so surreal. Of course I'll go with you, Death, as long as Izzy will agree to accompany me. But what do you plan do once we get there? What if Mabelle doesn't want to be found? Or taken back? Or if she is in a dimension we do not know of yet?" I asked.  There were so many things unanswered, still yet.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Life: I turned to Serena. "As for your questions, I do not have the resources to know what what Jeremy's emotions are or how he is taking this, however, I did pick up on some thoughts of his from your dimension, and some of his thoughts.... they don't seem to measure up to his mournful reaction. I may be mistaken, but it seems as though there is something gone amiss with him." I then turned to look at Izzy, "You will accompany me on this quest, won't you? I'll have Darius and Prime Witch Ckrillia to watch the castle while we're gone if you wouldn't mind coming with me." I said.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Serena: I worried about Jermey, but whatever it was he could handle it, I looked at Death "And what do you wish of me to do?" I asked him thoughtfully

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Izzy- smiles at life" life you know that i will always come with  you" 

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Life: "yes it will be quite the adventure." I say to Izzy. It had been three long days of boring, and not a life or death experience in any of those three days, I was ready for some excitement and danger. 

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Mabelle: The goddess brought me through her palace of crystal and gave me white clothing and took me to eat. When I had eaten, slept, and was clean she smiled at me and showed me to the training courts. "What is this place?" I asked, "I thought that when you die in the afterlife you... well just disappear." The goddess laughed. "No one just disappears deary. Mostly you are reborn. But for a special few, like yourself, you are passed through the 'demension' and are sent here. To Nevaeh, the mirror world of Heaven and the place where the most powerful souls are sent back to earth as messangers and, in your case, as Guides to the underworld that is Death's domain. Of course he and life don't know about it which is a bit surprising because I am their aunt but I trust my sisters decision in not telling them." she said as she handed me normal looking clothing and weapons, "Now you'll be going with Derek here to earth and he will show you the ropes of being a Guide. I have a feeling you are going to bring pride and fame to Nevaeh. Good luck Mabelle." I nod and look over a Derek, a tall boy who is already dressed in his street clothes. With a smile I join him and we head to earth. A soul needed to be guided to Death, heaven, or hell.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Jeremy: I looked at the whistle that Mabelle had tried to blow when she thought that I was the one who attacked her and picked it up inspecting it. I slipped it into my pocket and picked up Mabelle's body. I walked over to river bed and laid her down. her body started to shimmer and thn like it never existed it vanished and was gone. I stood up again. and looking up at the sky I swore that I would find her again and that when Idid I would never leave her side, no matter what.

Re: Prision of souls

12 Years Ago

Death: "Look at it like me. A tall bridge has been built over a lake. The lake is the hate, war, and other terrible things. Yet over head is a bridge that once you cross it is so sweet, nice, and happy. Me, i'm passed, but trying to get you here with me. Besides Life, Mabell is out there, and is an amazing being. If she doesn't want to come, then she doesn't have to. I just need to find out if she's happy, and just see how she's doing. Izzy, please join us. I'd be happy to see you, and Life acomponing me along with Serena." Death replied