Role Play Forum Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Stepping from the boat i felt the eerie chill seep through my spine. Whoever said Hell was a hot and firey place had clearly been wrong. Grabbing the chain that looped through the crowd of horrid souls I gave it a tug and continued into the prision ignoring the sobs that echoed from the souls. Death would be waiting for judgement.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Agolife: Startled out of her concentration, she went to the door to see Izzy standing there.
"Izzy! I'm so glad you came! Listen, there's something I need to tell you. I want to do a prison break and I wanted to start planning with you on the best way to go about this." |
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: I see the souls arrive, and smile widley. "Ah, justice seems to never fail. I shall give you a punishment based upon your horrid crimes. Lets start the judgement!" I laugh, and cackle loudly as I look upon the horrid soul that stands before me. "Ah, you are quit the usual. You shall be beaten for the rest of eternity. For you beat, and rapped inocent people. YOU HAVE BEEN JUDGED!" I laugh as I gesture my hands to signal my gaurds. "BRING THE NEXT! Ah, I have awaited you for a very long time. You killed, raped, beaten, stealed, and enjoyed it all. You are sentence to a lake of firey JUSTICE. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!" I laugh enjoying the correct sufering as the last soul is brung to my throne. "The last, and hopefuly the worst ha ha haaaa!" I look up, and i'm suprised to see who stands at my throne. "Bobby the bloody, I awaited your death, and ultimate justice. You have rapped, killed, stealed, beaten, broke out of jail, killed more, then laughed at MY VERY EXSITENCE! WHO LAUGHS NOW? "You are also sentenced to the lake of firery justice, but you wear a laugh mask. Filling your lungs with laughter gas. Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!" It's such a delight to see the ultimate justice, and see the right suffering. It all feels so.... rewarding.
Hey David here, it's nice to see all of you playing. Hope you guys are enjoying it, and are enjoying Death's charecter himself. C'ya in the next post ;)
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoIzzy-" okay life" smile
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Ago Life grins, "Excellent. In my crystal orb, I've seen a few more souls have just gone under Death's punishment. If we could get them out of his prison and convince them to be on our side... it would be very good for us. We could help these souls reach their potential, and destroy Death's retched realm for good.
Because, after all, life trumps death." |
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Watching the show that judgement always seemed to create I raise my eyebrow and laugh to myself. Death was enjoying the suffering of these people too much but i was sure glad that it wasn't me who had been judged like these people. I don't know what it was but for some reason Death had taken one look at me and broke out in such a terrifing grin that I had been sure they were going to do something dreadful to me. But they hadn't. He had given me this job... which has surved as a punishment all in its own... "Back to work!" a harsh voice barked from across the hall, "YOU have no time to sit around and twiddle your fingers. More guests have arrived!" narrowing her eyes Mabelle turned and waved the pushy gaurd away. "I'm going." She said emotionlessly, "I'm going!" I seemed to be as much a prisioner as thoses recieving horrid punishment... just a better treated prisioner.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: This throne is nice, and so is this empire. "No one dares to define, and if they do judgement shall be given on a dark day of justice." Death thought to himself. I stood from my throne, and checked the prison's massive security. All seemed well from what all the guards had to say. It was like Alcatraz of souls, no way out. "I fear a rebellion though." Death thought to himself, paranoid "Lets see the defense system." I walked to the gates, and saw the towering walls surrounding it. "Guards look ready, and eager to do their purpose." Death said, looking through the defense system "Ah, gates are locked,and the guards protect the gate seem good too. The key is safe in my hidden case, so no way out. All seems well." Death walked back to his throne ridden of his worries, but not his suspicions.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Lounging on the cot that I call my bed I let my mind drift to my life before death. If I had to pick between living like i once had or living a totally different way i probably would pick not to change. Life is amazing but death holds a whole new world that most do not get to see. It would be good if i wasn't in this prision but I do not regret my life. It was always a good way to live, very wealthy, very healthy, and very happy. Oh well. I smile to myself and drift to sleep as the gaurd calls for the nights lockdown.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I enter Death's quarters and immeadiately drop to my knees in front of him "I have come back from my reckon mission that you sent me on" I bow my head in respect "There does seem to be some sort of desturbance here, something just doesn't seem right my lord" I glance up to see if Death has a reaction to the news that I had brought, but he seems to be deep in thought.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoIzzy-" okay life.. then we should be getting to planign this, becasue i have heard that death have moved up his defences some"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife- smiles "Correct. It is because he is growing more paranoid, and for a good reason. But, really, his antics aren't needed nor will they be effective. Guards? We have an army of souls I've rescued from the human world that were doing evil and showed them good. He brought in enforcements? His workers are only working for him because they are forced to. We have soldiers that want to be here, and are here because they want to save their partners in crime, their brothers and sisters in Death's prison, and everyone else that was never given a second chance.
We are that second chance, Izzy. Gather the army. We're leaving now." |
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoIzzy-" yes life" nods then truns and starts to send out the commands on to get everythign ready to head out now
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Waking i sit up and listen for a minute. Glimpsing the sun that was already well into the sky i swing my legs off my cot and take off down the hall. Something wasn't right. The prision should never be this quiet. At least not at this hour.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife: Rides white ghost horse with Izzy beside her on shadow horse, army at the gates of Death's realm.
I wonder if anyone realizes anything is amiss yet, Life wonders with a grin. She nods the signal to Izzy. |
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I stand up and turn leaving the room. I remebered the first time that I had met Death. He looked at me with these eyes, his face was unreadable and he spoke in a harsh tone "Serena Martin, Besides a few minor infractions you seem to be a model soul, but you are also filled with hatred" He spoke and a smile erupted across his face "and jealousy" his eyes grew narrow and my heart trembled with fear "Your behavior is worthy enough to go to heaven if you so desired or you could join me here, and wait for that one soul to come through and when it does you can decide his punishment" I had thought about Death's offer for no more than 3 minutes when I decided to stay and help Death with his reched Prison... Jeremy: I sat up, there was an odd flavor in the air, like it was stale, it didn't taste right, it tasted funny...
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoIzzy- nods back at life then truns my head and give the singal
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Cursing loudly as the explosion rocked the prision i took of in a dead sprint toward the end of the hall where the lookout tower was. Reaching it i froze in utter confusion and fear. Hundreds of souls poured into the Gates of the Prision as battles broke out left and right. "Crap. Crap." I say to myself as i turn on my heels and head towards Death's throne room, "He is not going to like this!"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I stood outside of Deaths room when I heard the explosion "S**t" I cursed under my breath "this isn't going to be good" I sighed and drew my sword Jeremy: I raced to the bars and peered out "Whats going on out there!" I yelled hoping someone would answer me
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Racing through the hall of jails i skid around a corner and just barely dodge the hand that clawed at me from behind the bars. "Hey watch it!" I hissed glaring at one of the prisioners grabbing onto his clothes and pulling him harshly against the bars, "Don't mess with me, got it scum? I'm twice as dangerous as any of you losers are!" "Hey whats going on out there!" i hear from down the hall as i push the prisioner onto his back and continue down the hall. Finding the source of the yell I stop and look over the guy who gazed out at me. He looked formiliar... maybe he was one of the people i guided from the Gates? "We are having a few difficulties right now," I said grabbing hold of the wall as another explosion julted the prision, "We're under attack... but it'd probably be best not to ask any of the guards questions... they won't answer and it will give them an excuse to... well just watch it alright." Giving him one more warning glance i dart off. What was that guy thinking? As a prisioner he should know that Death doesn't deal with questions well. He is a man that recieves answers not give them and he's taught his gaurds to be the same way.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJezebel-I run through the halls, trying to reach some of the guards to see what had happened like Serena had told me to do. I nearly run into mabelle when I turn a corner. "Mabelle, what's going on out there?" I ask