Role Play
Prision of souls
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoHi David here, and I wanna say something real quick. Evermist, please spell correctly, and psecify who "you" is. Like instead of saying "The I stab you" say "Then I stab *insert name here* " like that. Thank you, and hope you're having fun ;D
Re: Prision of souls12 Years Agoever here and okay sorry i was just typing really fast this morning to get soem thing in becasue i had to head off to work and now i am on lunch so i will fix it kk
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoOkay, thanx a bunch ^_^
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoHi David here again. I just want to invite all of you to my other role play "Alive, or Dead". There's three different disses, Vampire-ism, Ware wolf, and Zombitous. You could be those, or a human trying to kill all of these species. We have no human characters, but some undead. So uhhh yeah please join because you're all very awesome, and fun to play with. Thanks for joining "Prison of Souls" and hopefully "Alive, or Dead". B-)
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: Sensei finnaly passed out. "Though it was nice to see him again, now that i'm not what I seek to destroy now. Ohhh, mortal life seemed good, though ignorantly not noticing my damnation. For any horrid soul shall see the true darkness of justice." Death though, as he saw his sensei fast asleep. Ah, a time of peace. Though tired,it's ver enjoyable to let my hatred rest. It isn't actual hatred, it's love that seems as hate to the other agenda. Oh, people just don't see the good in me. It seems as though sensei is my only true positive interaction I have anymore. Except for that one voice, who seemed to know Death's way, Death's form, Death's passion. I turned weary, and tiered to rest. Everything faded as I awoke to be blinded by the light of hell's flames reflecting off of my dark walls made of shadow matter.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: Arriving back at the Prision I look around and sigh. So they really had stopped the fighting like Isis had said. (Isis-egyption goddess of life and death) Jeremy follows me out of the portal and i give him a smile then head on my way clutching the whistle that Isis had given to me in my hand. She said that if ever I was in danger i could use the whistle to summon her beast of Nothingness (Okay weird name but I figured what wasn't alive and what wasn't dead was either a rock or nothingness) the most powerful beasts of the Gods. Of course i would not tell anyone of this as Isis had told me to. "not even Death himself," she had warned her, "Nothing Beasts are not to be used in war. For what comes from Nothing is the most powerful magic of all and must not be tampered with."
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoJeremy: Mabelle had talked to Isis the mother of Death and Life, and she got them both to stop granted I don't think either of em was happy about it Serena: We were in the middle of me and Izzy's battle when the war stopped everyone just stopped fighting and me and Izzy were called back to our masters sides like some pets, I growled with distaste, she had stabbed me but I was still able to fight, And I wanted to prove myself show her that I wasnt weak, but with Death calling me to his side I had no choice but to obey "We will finish this later" I growled "This isn't over my friend" I smirked using the term friend lightly.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: I spy everyone returning to normal as the wounded where carried to the Hospital Wing and the still able started on repares. I knew this truce wouldn't last long but maybe it was lost long enough for Death to retreat and regroup. We needed all the help we could get up against Life.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoIzzy- walks over to life and sits down beside her" we should go back to our places and get mroe people but also to rest life.. i need a healer but so do many others here"
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "Serena, a mission is required. I need to rally my forces, to raise moral. People act like it's hell ha ha ha haaa! Death commanded, lightly. I turned my back as I ripped open a shadow portal. "Oh, if Satan gets lip, raise a fist. My personal favorite races will follow, and take car of the problem." Death warned, granting her power. I walked through the portal, and found myself in a very mysterious place. It was obviously night though through all the fog, and smug the darkness was still noticeable. "Who dares disturb I, La Notte Più Buia!?" A tall, bulky, black skinned, icy blue eyed, goblin. He stood from his throne, and into a dim light. He wore a belt made of skulls that held bombs, the same ones that other goblins use to unleash fear. I looked up, but couldn't see his eyes anymore because his hooded cowl's shadow covered it. "You dare not answer me!?" He shouted in disbelieve. "You mean like this!" I shouted. I quickly used the shadow of his throne chair to tie him down to it. "I have a little business opportunity? You interested? Oh, I guess you can't refuse seeing your current positionnnn ha ha ha ha haaaaa! Now I have some powerful friends, and such a rival. You need some mercy. We could help each other out. I spare you, and you fight for me. If you say no than i'll have to dump you in a random lake of fire. ha ha ha ha haaaa! So what do you say? Join me, or suffer for the rest of eternity. Hmmm decisions decisions." I explained, I removed the shadow holding his lips shut. "I'll never join you! I'LL GUT YOU, RIP OUT YOUR SPINE, AND RAM IT INTO YOUR" he shouted but before he could finish I put the shadow over his mouth muffling him again. "Sorry kid, children program." Death taunted. "I'd rather perish in a lake of fire." The goblin shouted. "Well I'll do that after I make a clone out of you, and while i'm at it i'll replicate some of your toys too." Death replied, taking his options away. I ripped open a shadow portal, and threw him in using his throne's shadow. I stepped in, and dragged his body. I threw him on a table laughing. I put a replication spell on him. Making millions upon millions of clones. After that I took his weapons, and belt. I carried him to the side of the fiery lake. I strapped on a oxygen mask before I kicked him in. I went back to my personal chamber, and studied his weapons after cloning millions upon millions of them too.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: I slip into the throne room with the other gaurds and sit among the injured souls. Death would most likely be wondering where I had been and why I had fled at such a time in the battle. I close my eyes and prepare myself for the yelling... would he be terribly mad?
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: I turned from the fiery lake to finally find Mabell. "Where were you? I needed you, but you ran from the war! A very very important war." I asked, furious.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: I left the throne room ticked off that my battle had been interupted but pleased that Death needed me once more. I quickly set off to do the task at hand. Speaking to every creature, Being, and Presence that would listen to me, I rallyed troops, and when people became sceptic of Death, when they doubted him, I gave them faith, I gave them hope. Jeremy: "Im right behind you" I whispered to Mabelle
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: "I... was..." I say taking a tiny step forward so I wouldn't step on Jeremy, "I was... With your mother." Oh god... I had done it now. Death hated his mother... because she was the balance between life and death but also because she had never spoiled death like she had spoiled life... Or so Isis told me...
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "You think mother dearest is going over my head? You thought wrong, and as did I. I thought more of you. Loyalty is required unless you want that!" I warned, pointing at the fiery lake. "Jeremy, I need you on my side. As an adviser, captain, and an eye out on ,Mabell here. It's sad to say my most trusted edition to my empire needs temporary supervision." I requested
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoMabelle: I look over my shoulder at Jeremy and then back at Death before closing my eyes and nodding. So he thought I was untrustworthy. Fine so be it, I would deal with the supervision. "Fine." I say and leave the room.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "Jeremy, before we go any further Serena shall train you in hand-to-hand combat after that see Darvious. He'll teach you how to fight with weapons and to fly a gargoyle. After that see me, and i'll show you your special equipment." Death commanded. I stood from my throne as I dismiss, Jeremy. I walked into the nearest shadow, and came out Mabell's shadow. "Mabell, you're not getting supervised by Jeremy anymore. I really need you to supervise him. Don't tell him though it needs to be our little secrete. I can't explain, but it'll work out better in the end." Death explained. I fell through her shadow as she turned around. I came back in the shadow of my throne. Serena was there awaiting me. "Ah, who I wanted to see. Serena I need you to train Jeremy, the new guy how to hand-to-hand combat. Also I'm promoting you. Now you have you're own personal squad of these, and some new weapons." I reported, showing her the army of La Notte Più Buia, and his gadgets I had replicated.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoSerena: "They say hell hath no fury like a womans scorn" I smirk laughing a little. "Jeremy will be one of your best fighters, you have my word on that" I bow respectfully Jeremy: I sigh, when did I sign up for all this? I wondered to myself but hey, at least this was better than prison. I stood up straight and proud and walked down to the training hall, hoping that Death had already talked to Serena and that she would be there. Sadly I was right. Serena: I laughed when he entered the training hall, he walked with confindence and I planned on knocking that down until he earned to have that confindence. "Hi, I'm Serena" I smiled then swiftly roundhouse kicked him in the stomach "First rule, never let your guard down" I smiled at him from up above, I turned and started to walk towards one of the racks, as he stumbled to stand up he swung at me from behind I whipped around and grabbed his fist "Second rule, always predict what your opponents next move will be" I say before kneeing him in the groan.
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoLife: That was what I needed, a nice, long nap. I thought, as I got up and stretched. Razeil brought me a cup of water. "Thank you, Razeil." i said, taking a sip of.... what was this stuff? "Ambrosia." Razeil answered. "Ah, i see." I said. Looking down from the heavens...ugh. The war was still raging on. I wonder if anyone minded that I had taken a nap right in the middle of this??? Hmph. Didn't matter. i needed my beauty sleep. "Life," Razil said, and i looked up at him, "Do you want my help?" He asked.
Help. From the angel himself. I grinned at that, "Yes, razeil, I would appreciate that." I said... "You won't tell them I decided to take a nap in the middle of the war, will you?" I asked. The angel smiled at me (we were old friends), "No, I wouldn't dare." he said. "good." Then I believe we have a war to get back to." |
Re: Prision of souls12 Years AgoDeath: "I had so much of an army, and lots more techniques from sensei now. I think i'm My new recruits are trained, and ready along with the other editions of my army. Ah, everything is looking up for me." Death thought to himself. Just then I heard the gates shake, and walls rumble. "DEATH! WE HAD A DEAL! LAST I CHECKED LIFE WAS STILL ALIVE!" Satan shouted trying to break into my prison. I jumped into a shadow, and came out of the gates shadow. "Ah, Satan prince of darkness, what do you need, a cup of sugar? Ha ha haaa" Death taunted, with his arms crossed. "No, I need Life's head!" Satan answered. "Or, or, you could walk out of here and not end up in my fiery lake. How ironic would that be!?" Death suggested, manically "You dare threaten me! Satan, the dark lord, the prince of darkness, the... the..." Satan replied, outraged "Ran out of names? Why don't I just get this guy to help?" Death interrupted, showing Satan his new creature "Uhhh, you can take your time." Satan said, as he walked away from the gates.